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Everything posted by XxDARKWOLF67Xx

  1. They come in multiple colors: http://imgur.com/a/xlNwz
  2. KSP (Honestly you should know what this means but hey) LRB (Liquid Rocket Booster)
  3. Got it working. Docking ports and radially attached engines seem to still be weak. Probably the way unity 5 handles them. Will tie me over until ferram can properly patch it. I could also put up a strait game data file to make installing much easier.
  4. Link: https://github.com/emerald79/Kerbal-Joint-Reinforcement The patch still isnt working. Not sure why
  5. Link: https://github.com/emerald79/Kerbal-Joint-Reinforcement The patch still isnt working. Not sure why Maybe you could give a download for your file if its working and ill see if it works for me.
  6. which kerbal joint folder? The one in the game data or independent one?
  7. KSP uses 100mb more than it does in 1.0.5 without eve it uses 1.8 gb in the menu. With eve it hits 4gb and crashes 32 bit and it hits 3.5 in the menu on 64 bit.
  8. The 1.1 pre release version has a 1-2gb memory leak.... makes 32 bit un launch able.
  9. Not working for me. Im on 64 bit. Could that be an issue? (UPDATE): not working at all :/ Thank you for working to get it working though the noodle joints infuriate me LOL.
  10. How hard is it to make a re scale mod? Was thinking about trying it for my own install.
  11. no someone linked the mod in chat. It had flat bottom mk 3 parts and other shuttle parts
  12. Someone linked it in a stream the other day and i cant remember the name
  13. Jool is easiest to get to and duna is easiest to return from. I send kerbals to duna annually and probes to jool annually
  14. Glad to see css is still going should probably update now
  15. Im skimming the memory limit as is. I run 3.3 gigs out of 3.5 until crash. And i do crash every hour because i run out of memory.
  16. I would download the crawler. But i it would crash my game. I need 64bit. Too many mods >_>
  17. Well the fastest flight of the x-15 was 1,829 m/s. Enough to make a sub orbital hop in ksp.
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