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Everything posted by Siphonophore

  1. Ooo, is that a fuel tank for xenon or LFO? either way that looks awesome
  2. AWWW, CRAP! I should've looked more closely... I'm so stupid But hay, at least it helps in making gigantic ships like this mod promises Oh, is it just me or is the T404-size 3 adapter now hollow? And can I suggest another part? Maybe something like a T202 ISS-style cupola cockpit? With retractable shields like the real thing? Heck, my idea for the Leviathan Solar Wing got made into the main mod, and I'm eternally grateful for that, but you should really make people's ideas for parts more often. And here's another one; a MASSIVE T404 cargo bay with 2 opening doors that comprise 2 halves of it. it should open wide enough so that it allows spacecraft with the Mk1-2 cockpit to freely enter and dock inside
  3. WHOA NELLY THAT'S AWESOME! That definitely makes the T404 family look more realistic Oh and is it weird that I know EXACTLY what those are for; keeping structural integrity high? And that there's gonna be more T202 parts; can I give some suggestions for some T202 parts; a battery bank, a fuel tank or maybe a compact rotating centrifuge with a counter-rotating wheel - the main ring would be as wide as a standard T404 module - but it would have no windows at all. Oh, almost forgot! What's that cap-shaped orange/black part? I have literally no idea what that is whatsoever
  4. @Bonus Eventus decided on the final design for the giant ion engine? Any progress on any more parts and the mod in general? If so, you could show us some pics of development or in-game testing?
  5. @bazz Uhh I have no idea how that would work. Besides, how would you get to the main deck through just a predominantly empty cavity? @Bonus Eventus how's mod progress going? Let me know if you are working on any major parts of the mod like the ion engine or any bug fixes or whatever
  6. @Bonus Eventus Looks great, but I thinks it could use an extra fifth engine in that ring in the middle BUUUUT, did you choose a final model for the giant ion cluster? If so, you could show me a model of what the colors would look like so we'll get an idea what they'll look like in-game. And also add a Kerbal for scale And lastly, why not add the second smaller one-nozzle one as an ion engine rather than an XEMT? It could be less expensive that the giant one but adds up to roughly the same price as the giant XEMT's price when clustered in a group of 8 or more
  7. Looks awesome, but will the nozzles really shine like metal in-game? If so, then try and show an in-game demonstration I think each of the nozzle's opening could be as wide as a whole Kerbal
  8. @Bonus Eventus ooh boy!!! I wanna see a WIP model on the dev thread and it could look like this: A half-octagon with RCS thrusters on the 45-degree sides between the 90-degree main sides and two on each end, and one on the top
  9. @Bonus Eventus Maybe you should go with both v2 and v7, and add a pair of those rocket gimbal-piston things to each of the four engines on v7
  11. @Bonus Eventus I tested it a couple of times with a "DEBUGGY THING" I made with the decoupler and a Behemoth engine, and amazingly it didn't crash So, yay I guess???
  12. @Bonus Eventus AW NO IT STILL CRASHES Try and find the error in the programming
  13. IT'S BEAUTIFUL EDIT: every time the S6 decoupler activates, the game crashes
  14. Definitely go with this one It seriously LOOKS like something humans can actually make IRL and it looks real pretty as well. WONDERFUL That design could be for the 2m electric engine but it could have one nozzle, AND, like I mentioned earlier, it should be radially attachable
  15. OMG IT'S PERFECT!! P.S. You can include that 2m one-nozzle electrical engine, and for easier placements in clusters it can be radially attacheable.
  16. @Bonus Eventus GO WITH BOTH OF EM DO IT I dunno, all of em look pretty realistic to me. I feel the 2m one and the blocky one look most realistic and both should existalize in KP version 1.1 Maybe the 6m engine could have its own integrated RCS engines to compromise for its lack of gimbal.
  17. @Bonus Eventus I totally agree with @Rushligh and like I said the first one totally looks like something we humans could build. Maybe its exhaust could have lots of glowing sparks flying through it
  18. @Bonus Eventus those look very nice, BUT, I think you should use the first design, it looks a little nicer, and the exhaust probably could be like a sky-blue color.
  19. @AndrewDrawsPrettyPictures SOOOOO... Braek the broken planet could be very close to Valentine like I mentioned, and not only would vast, vast chunks be ripped away from it and that chunk is orbiting Braek as its "moon" and that it's super light due to this, it's also cracked deeply at what's left of its tectonic plates, and there is a lot of volcanic activity on the surface, and what's left of oceans would be lava and at the area where the chunk ripped free - it'd be extremely hot there - also the cracks would reach very deep into the planet's mantle, and it is an inevitable long fall if you jump into one of Braek's deep canyons. And as for M-68345a the habitable 100m asteroid, it'll actually just a very water rich asteroid with a rotating iron core. The whole thing could be surrounded in a habitable, breathable atmosphere but for Kerbonauts, it'd just be a small world, but with the Mun's gravity.
  20. @Bonus Eventus I seriously agree with @DStaal, an internal centrifuge would be far more realistic and scientifically accurate
  21. Yo @Bonus Eventus, any progress on any of my suggestions, namely the T202 airlock and T202(?) centrifuge? also, any progress on any new parts like the Data Server, XL RCS engines or the service module? I think the service module could have like a spacious inner storage accessible from the four doors around it and probably room for super tiny probes
  22. Banned for not knowing that said Fennekin's wearing a diaper
  23. Banned for having an unspecific exoplanet as profile
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