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Everything posted by Exploro

  1. Point of fact, jet engines do not need oxygen to operate. In fact, they don't even require combustion at all. Case in point, squids and octopus use jets. The means to accelerate reactant mass does not involve combustion. With regards to turbojets, and by extension the cores of turbofans, as long as there is a source of heat and the engine operates as close to an ideal Brayton-cycle as possible, it should work in almost any gaseous medium. As you correctly identified, input heat to the core can be supplied from a nuclear reactor. As the diagram below shows, heat from the reactor is added to the fluid flow downstream of the compressor via a heat exchange. Of course, why would you wish to use a turbojet, or turbofan, for powered flight within the atmospheres of other planets anyway?
  2. Quick reading of the wiki page on human tolerances to g-forces, having a pilot standing will not enhance resistance to g-forces. In fact, it would do the opposite in that the body would be aligned with the aircraft's vertical axis, along which most of the g-forces a pilot sustains occurs along. If the aim is to improve the magnitude and duration of g-forces a pilot endures, ideally you would want the pilot to be laying down, perpendicular to the axis of the g-forces. Of course, that is not a practical orientation. As a trade off, many fighter planes use seats that recline to reduce the effects of g-forces on the pilot. An Aircraft Stack Exchange post puts the angle around 13-15 degrees. The post indicated the F-16 seat has an unusually large reclining angle of 20 degrees.
  3. I became a were-walrus?! Cool. As for ColdJ, granted. However, your increase in creativity is limited to the niche of drawing lousy memes. I wish for were-walrus to become the next big meme.
  4. Granted. Before you is a bowl of delicious baked beans for dinner. As you proceed to dig into your meal, you are approached by two middle aged ladies holding clip boards. "Would you like to take a survey?!", they ask in unison. From here on out, you are endlessly peppered with questions related to beans and George Wendt. I wish for for an undisturbed viewing of the eclipse on the 8th.
  5. Granted. Difficult aspect of this wish is what "it" was supposed to taste like chocolate cake (wish maker never specified). Thus, you receive chocolate cake flavored motor oil. I wish for a free oil change for my car.
  6. Granted. Behold a sandwich materializes before you. It is comprised of two slices of bread. So far so good. Each slide is slathered with the appropriate amount of mayo and trimmed with whichever cheese suits your fancy. As for the meat; it is monkey's brain which has the texture of snot but I am told the taste is out of this world. I wish for a hearty vegetable soup.
  7. Granted. A woodpecker arrives at your home and proceeds to play the song of its people for hours, drumming, drumming upon your chamber door. I wish that the 3.5 mm headphone port on my phone would go back to being functional once more, in a way that does not compromise the functionality and utility of the rest of the phone.
  8. Granted. Your pinky toes double as olfactory organs. Thus your world constantly reeks of stinky-feet. This is in addition to the prospect of bumping them into table legs and experiencing the extreme pain that ensues. You're welcome. I wish future generations are not cursed with accessory nails on their pinky toes.
  9. You would have wanted them to commence work on assessing the impact of flame mitigation system that had not even been implemented at the time and of which a final configuration was not really fleshed out till around the May or June time-frame?
  10. I concur with Sunlit, the existence and continued development of Starship facilities at LC-39A demonstrates an alternative option.
  11. G'day mate. Your wish has been granted. You're in Esperance, Australia, July 12th 1979. It is just past the midnight hour. You are standing in the midst of the outback when you see bright streaks in the night sky. One appears almost motionless for a short while, but then appear to draw nearer. Get ready to receive Skylab, albeit, a giant chuck of it. I wish to visit the last of the Babylon stations, that shining beacon in space, all alone in the night.
  12. Granted. You are issued a party balloon and ordered to inflate it and then release it. Mundane?, yes. But a rocket it is. I wish to stop having hallucinations while trying to sleep.
  13. Granted. And his name, Mr. Freeze. Mr Freeze be freez'n up your hood. I wish for infinity G-2 pen refills.
  14. Granted. The hacking mod gives the kerbal sprites realistic coughing animation. I wish for a window mounted heat pump.
  15. Granted, but for a weird reason, they are live streaming the derelict upper stage presently on burn n crash's lawn. It does not make for interesting viewing and it means the crew and viewers miss out on live streaming a more captivating and inspiring launch. A young child watching the stream is never inspired to pursue engineering. As a result, this child never invents the hyperdrive when they grow up. Without this technology, humanity lacks the means to escape the Sun's premature nova in 200 years time, dooming the species. I wish to have fried giganto-mantis shrimp meal.
  16. Granted. But you are not provided with a reusable first stage....nor any launch support equipment of any kind. Thus, your newly acquired upper stage becomes nothing more than an really big, and useless, lawn ornament. I wish for human-sized mantis shrimp to move freely upon the land.
  17. Granted. On the one hand, atmospherically optimized NTR's expand humanities space-faring horizons. However, I hope you have a lead-lined rain coat and galoshes when going out into a radioactive rainstorm. I wish a new computer.
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