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  1. Well, I'm also not sure, but I take it from the text of the post and one of the 3D-graphs (the one that looks like a bend roof) that you want low stupidity and low courage in an engineer in order to get the maximum productivity. It makes sense to me, in terms of real world experience Also the engineer should have at least two stars. One of the graphs seems to show a significant increase for 2+ engineers. But it is very hard to test this hypothesis since all my engineers are 1) level 4+ and 2) spread out all over the Kerbol system, some in stations that require a Kerbonaut to do an EVA in order to move them around. Getting exact numbers is really tricky in these circumstances. I also find it strange that the KSP team never (AFAIK) clearly stated what "courage" actually was doing (except from changing the animations during stressful phases of flight from "shaking in their boots" to "looking like Chuck Yeager"). It was a bit of genius to pick up this (seemingly) unused attribute and incorporate it into EL.
  2. I, too, was under the impression that the level of the engineer determines the productivity. But according to the post by Kerbas_ad_astra (linked in the first post of this thread) it's based on stupidity and courage of the Kerbonaut in question (plus a boost for level 2+ engineers). So you could have ended up with an engineer in there with both "elevated" stupidity and high courage, which would mean that he's constantly screwing up because he's so careless. Just a guess, but maybe you can look into that.
  3. I haven't experimented with ground based parts yet but I find the construction workshop to be quite nice, with it's distinctive blue color and rounded edges. It actually makes it easier to determine the orientation of your station while approaching in order to find a free docking port. An automated parts producer (APP) would IMHO break some concepts of EL. You need to have Kerbals on board to do the work, their stupidity and courage are weighted towards their productivity, five-star engineers enable other Kerbals to produce RocketParts and so on. If there were an APP you could simply put unit after unit of those on your station/base and circumvent all that logic that is encoded in EL. Also such an APP would be a bit "unrealistic" in terms of what NASA and Roscosmos are doing. In aerospace you still have lots of real craftsmen doing the (very delicate) work of building components for airplanes and spaceships. We (on earth) are not yet in the "Henry Ford" age in that respect, so why should Kerbal?
  4. Taniwha already answered this but I would like to add that between "Finalize" and "Release" the ship is in a docked-like state in which you can fill it manually with everything you need (but I don't think it takes on resources automatically, like fuel being created by an ISRU on the station). This manual mode even seems to take precedence over the sliders that allow you to fill it with resources (but i need to test whether the manual resources and the slider resources are added together). Also very helpful is the fact that you can transfer crew to the new ship in this state which saves you a docking.
  5. You could be on to something here with that crossfeed idea. In my case it wasn't a decoupler or seperator but a docking port (and everything "above") that didn't get recycled if I remember right. But it has been a while and I didn't create a screen-shot. If it happens again I will try to remember to do so.
  6. I haven't yet mastered the stakes and survey station parts, operating in orbit only, but i see that my Jebedia Kerman (5 stars experince) "Can use survey sites out to 2000m". For Valentina (4 stars) it's 1600m. Is that related to your question?
  7. Okay, i fixed the problem by sending out an engineer and he manually disassembled the remains of the tug. I still wonder why it happened in the first place. I have successfully recycled all kinds of crafts before. Maybe it was just a "glitch" (like the Apollo 13 stage two center engine failure ) Regards Morty
  8. Ooookay, now I got a strange EPL problem. I use KSP 1.0.5 64 bits on Linux with EPL 5.2.94. I have a space station with a workshop and a "Large Recycling Bin" on top. I was recycling a "dumb" second stage rocket that i flew into the bin using what I call an "Orbital Suicide Tug" (just a few RCS trusters, a docking port, an OKTO module and some Monopropellant). The rocket stage got recycled OK, but something went wrong with the tug (despite the metal not being full). The message said "transferring resources" for a long time but nothing happened. Now the OKTO and the small RCS tank are hovering 1-2 meters above the bin. They are "solid" (can't be pushed around by a craft) and seem to be part of the station (the station name shows up when i try to rename the OKTO). I saved this state, exited the game, restarted and the obstruction was still there. I tried to fly another useless craft through it but it wouldn't budge and also the craft wouldn't get recycled. I was able to sneak the second craft around the obstruction into the bin (near the rim) and that worked great, but it still did not remove the remnants of the tug. What do I do now? I don't have a big problem building a new workshop and recycling the old (my ships and stations are very modular) but I think taniwha might want to hear about this and maybe take a look at some files. Has anybody encountered this as well? It's not in the issue list on Github as far as i can see. Regards Morty
  9. On the issue of stock vs. own design: I find the own design to be an important help in finding the EPL parts that are intermingled with the stock parts. If i could ask a wish I would request that the EPL design varies more from stock, for example by changing color of the the survey station in order to distinguish it more from the Hitchhiker can.
  10. Hi taniwha and others, it seems to me the migration to the new forum software was not without problems. I can't see the links (download, changelogs etc.) on the first page of this post anymore. Is that just my weird super-secure browser or is everybody affected? Best regards Morty
  11. [quote name='insert_name']I'm having a lot of trouble with this mod, it doesn't do anything when I load ksp, I copied the KIS folder into the game data folder please help[/QUOTE] I am no expert in these matters, but have you checked out the KSP.log file? It told me I had a missing DLL when I had a similar problem. Do you see any KIS-related messages in there at all? It would also be nice to know if you use Linux or Windows, 32 or 64 bit, version of KSP and KIS and so on. Especially the 64 bit Windows version of KSP still seems to be problematic...
  12. Hi there, i have a little problem which I already posted on the KIS forum but got no reply, so maybe it is EL related. I hate to cross-post but see no alternative. Well, at least I edited it a bit for clarity :) ---snip--- Hi there, I am new here, so please don't bash me over the head for asking a stupid question, but I have a problem with "EVA Propellant" since KSP 1.0.5 (and/or KIS 1.2.3, EPL 5.2.93). In 1.0.2 I had constructed an ILC 18-K container with some basic tools in it (including the EVA tank) and - ever changing - parts that needed mounting on my space station(s). I use EPL extensively and in 1.0.2 everything worked fine with that container out in space. But in 1.0.5 (plus updated mods) I can't build that container in space any longer since it requires the resource "EVA Propellant" (listed in the build UI of the dock as needing 10, having 0). I have no way of producing that up there (at least that I know of, and Monopropellant will not do the trick it seems). I also tried to remove the EVA-tank and add it again but to no avail. I CAN, however, build and "launch" that container on Kerbin, but it would be madness to fly it to Gilly just for a bit of EVA Propellant :-) Can somebody confirm this? And if so: is this a problem with KIS or EPL? I don't want to bark at the wrong tree... Thank you ---snip--- Again, sorry for the cross-post and thanks for any help you can give me. Great mod, BTW, couldn't have explored the Kerbol solar system without it!
  13. Hi there, I am new here, so please don't bash me over the head for asking a stupid question, but I have a problem with "EVA Propellant" since 1.0.5 (and/or KIS 1.2.3, EPL 5.2.93). In 1.0.2 I had constructed an ILC 18-K container with some basic tools in it and - ever changing - parts that needed mounting on my space station. I use "Extraplanetary Launchpads" and in 1.0.2 everything worked fine with that container out in space. But in 1.0.5 I can't build that container in space any longer since it requires the resource "EVA Propellant", which I have no way of producing up there (at least that I know of, and Monopropellant will not do the trick it seems). I CAN, however, build and "launch" that container on Kerbin, but it would be madness to fly it to Gilly just for a bit of EVA Propellant :-) Can somebody confirm this? And if so: is this a problem with KIS or EPL? I don't want to bark at the wrong tree... Thank you!
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