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Everything posted by JoeSchmuckatelli

  1. Very late to the party - just watched with my students. Why was Booster so much above terminal so deep into the atmosphere? It was supersonic at 5km
  2. Did you look at the original? https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-024-46171-5
  3. Here's a fun little bit of info - Mars affects ocean currents. Yes, that Mars. Resonance = churn https://www.science.org/content/article/mars-may-be-having-profound-impact-earth-s-deep-ocean-currents#:~:text=Every 2.4 million years%2C Mars's,currents and makes them stronger.
  4. IFT2 launch video acquired from NASA via open records request (or similar)
  5. Speaking of getting trolled... I don't know if this is new or not - but the video is 16 hours old. I found it on Space.com and yet its on DailyMotion, so... Edit - and apparently not loading?
  6. Ah - thanks for the correction. I'm hoping the fuel transfer experiment works - but I'd love to see them surprise us with a lit candle.
  7. Bummer - no graphics of an attempt to hoover before splashing into the Pacific
  8. Would a false roof (shade roof) make a difference in the cost to air condition (cool) a large warehouse like building (ESA French Guyana facility)? I know that the challenge is the ambient air temperature - which shading won't improve - but it could reduce thermal heating. I clearly don't know the answer - but the fact that I don't see large buildings with false / shade roofs does suggest the answer. Anyone know Fer Shure?
  9. Nice to see them putting out Next Milestone stuff. Maybe by Christmas Break we could see the update?
  10. That landed state bug is persistent. I've done reloads and repeats of the mission before and after restarts. (In both cases I tried to load the save of the landed craft, and reloaded before I split from the interstage to repeat the whole landing sequence - and I keep getting the landed state error). Starting to think it has to do with the place I landed (Mun Anomaly). Random destination never gave me the landed state, but this place keeps doing it. I've been waiting weeks for the patch to try again.
  11. Um... You are saying that the group of players who hated science in KSP could bind all the science to an action group to 'reduce tedium'. Meanwhile the player who enjoyed science could run the experiments, get the Kerbal out to do stuff and read the wacky results. All players had options. So the KSP2 'QOL improvement' is only for the first group of players - you're confirming my thesis. All science is pregrouped in an action button on the UI - and to further take need to think away from the player - the button flashes whenever you can get free points. Fun. The rest of us who enjoy playing the game as a game (and maybe learning something about the biomes) aren't really served. N'est cie pa's?
  12. Me too. @Vanamonde - was there a change... And can we ask the team to see why that is blocking us?
  13. White dwarf eats planet with unexpected results https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/26/world/cannibal-star-metal-scar-scn/index.html
  14. Hopefully this gets enough funding to be robust, carry a LOT of science gadgets and launch *soon*. Will be interested to see if they utilize planetary slingshots and / or go to the far side of the system from the Voyagers
  15. Thanks - I realized as I woke up this morning that last night's post may not have read as theatrical as intended. My ongoing fight with the Kraken is one of amused exasperation rather than anger, FYI. I don't know what it is, but whenever the whole board is having Kraken issues I can occasionally sneak past. I'm trying to take it all in stride!
  16. Please - for the love of God... Un-fix whatever it is that you just fixed. I've enjoyed 3 days of these forums and now I'm blocked from S&Sf again. @StrandedonEarth @Vanamonde I really enjoy S&Sf - it's a great community. Why do I gotta be the guy who gets nothing but 500 every time I try to see who is posting what? (yes... I'm error 500 again) Thanks fellers - just sad and frustrated. At least I can backdoor in via notifications... But it's just frustrating when I get in for days and think (hope) it's fixed - only for it to revert after a couple of days.
  17. You are describing my whole post save and reload KSP career. ...as long as it's not a crater and can 'do science' it's a success. Rite? Rite?
  18. If it doesn't include 'Deism' (as understood by the 18th century rationalists) then it's not complete.
  19. That is the statement on cost savings right there. Wow
  20. Yep. And the Forum Kraken is occasionally letting me see the whole S&Sf sub. But as often as not I get 502 and 503 errors
  21. If NASA (et. al) would just study my KSP lander design, they'd know the proper next step is to stow the landing legs, use the reaction wheels via WASD to right the craft, then lower the legs again for the perfect landing.
  22. ... well, don't forget that 'Freedom of Religion' originally meant 'freedom to discriminate against non-Puritans'. Catholicism was illegal in many Colonies and in New England the Sheriff could arrest you for not going to church. Somehow we survived all that.
  23. I'm glad someone realized what this was. I kept seeing "Debris" at KSC and could never figure out what was there.
  24. News Flash: Boys and Girls are different! (FMRI brain scans sorted by AI & science note structural and functional differences in male and female brains) AI Finds Women and Men Differ with Respect to Brain Organization and Function (genengnews.com)
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