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Everything posted by HebaruSan

  1. Likely copy-pasting from elsewhere. @CiberX15, if that's what you're doing, click the "Paste as plain text" link at the bottom of the edit box to clear the formatting and ensure all users can read your post.
  2. Wasn't that the consensus demand of players? Rockets that looks like rockets, also flying like rockets?
  3. The Esc menu has those. But if Mission Control is going to have its own custom extra buttons, I need my most common destination from there, the Tracking Station, to be one of them.
  4. My first Exploration Mode launch begs to differ: Flexing is still very much possible, especially if you go ham with the starting parts. Satisfyingly, I was able to salvage that design with some careful thought about lever arms and attachment points, and the reflight went smoothly. It felt like solving a proper puzzle. I use my wish to cancel out your wish. I much prefer the current focus on space. Kerbin was always the most boring part of KSP1 career.
  5. The tracking station has a filters popup, but it seems to only affect the list on the left, not the orbit display. And of course it's not available in the in-flight map view.
  6. I used the lander can. I don't know how effective the 1.25m heat shield I put under it will be, given how much of it sticks out of the sides, but I'll find out and possibly do a rescue mission instead. UPDATE: The heat shield was ineffective. This lander had to be parked in medium orbit while a reentry-capable rescue craft was sent to rendezvous.
  7. Has anyone tried replicating these results with the rocket equation to narrow down where the error might be? It's clearly not just leaving out the additional mass, because that would give the same delta V, not greater. Maybe it (also) thinks the exhaust velocity increases with the increasing thrust?
  8. While I would also like to see this changed, I wanted to point out something that may not be obvious to new players: Pausing usually* isn't needed! It takes 30+ minutes to go all the way around Kerbin in low orbit, so the average LKO maneuver is 15+ minutes away already, and you lose nothing by waiting (warping) a few minutes to the next orbit if it's too close. Then when you actually start going places, the time spans get even longer; your correction burn halfway to the Mun is ridiculously far away, you have hours to program in your Mun capture burn upon entering its SOI, etc. If you give it a try, you may find that most of the time, you can happily fiddle with maneuvers with the game unpaused and not miss anything. It's kind of a chill experience. * Yes, there are a few rare circumstances where you need to whip up a burn very quickly. That's why I say I'd also like to be able to do this. My point is to tell anyone out there is frustrated because they can't pause to plan every burn: you don't need to!
  9. I think these are also supposed to be arrows? But they look like... mysterious clusters of four dots. Maybe something obscene if I squint. Basic UI elements that the user needs to understand are not a good place to get cute and apply a UI style already has many of us throwing up our hands and begging for mercy.
  10. Even back then, I often found it easiest to perform the rough burn, then flip on the RCS and fine tune with HNIJKL, which conveniently also cuts out issues with engine power and throttling.
  11. I think I looked at that window one time, was completely unable to decipher whatever it was trying to tell me (there's no indication what any of the colors mean), and have avoided it religiously ever since. I agree that a surface scanning mechanic would be highly desirable, but I hope it looks nothing like that.
  12. Have you watched any videos or streams from players who are new to the franchise? I haven't, but I imagine it's going to be quite different from challenges put up by 10-year experts. The players they're targeting with tier 1 won't. I loved fast-forwarding through the early boring stuff. I scaled my first craft to the somewhat OP thrust of the Swivel, and it has not unlocked every single tier 1 node yet, but it did get all the ones I care about after orbiting Mun and Minmus and a flyby of Duna/Ike. Getting to the point where you are able to do that is a process longer than most modern scripted RPGs. Strongly agreed.
  13. Reported Version: v0.2.0 (latest) | Mods: CustomFlags | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Win 10 | CPU: i7-3770K | GPU: GTK 1060 6GB | RAM: 32 GB I'm micromanaging the transition to Mun SOI in map view, which happens to have placed my camera very close to the in-world location of one of the big nested circle graphics that have been used to mark SOI transitions. Every few seconds, one of the lines flashes by and takes up my entire screen: This is not a good reason to hide almost everything from view. If I had a choice, I'd hide the marker completely at this point. .ipsImage { width: 900px !important; }
  14. Reported Version: v0.2.0 (latest) | Mods: CustomFlags | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Win 10 | CPU: i7-3770K | GPU: GTK 1060 6GB | RAM: 32 GB After time warping to maneuver or to a point, the game says this: This is wrong. Proximity to a celestial body has nothing to do with why time warp stopped in these cases. Maybe it could say something like, "Finished warping to maneuver" / "Finished warping to point" instead?
  15. Thanks, but if they miss the "Run {0}" one because it's in mine and not the OP, I'm going to be mildly miffed.
  16. Reported Version: v0.2.0 (latest) | Mods: CustomFlags | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Win 10 | CPU: i7-3770K | GPU: GTK 1060 6GB | RAM: 32 GB When I open the Action Group Manager, my Mk1 pod has a "Run {0}" option: There's another one just to the right that I didn't notice at first:
  17. Update: When I got back to that screen, I did exactly this. Thanks to adamsogm! https://spacedock.info/mod/3262/Custom Flags
  18. I'm poking around R&D in a fresh campaign just to see what's there and how it works in practice, and I see this in the lower left: I have not even been to the VAB, let alone launched anything or collected any science points. I am indeed excited to try out the parts that are available, but "Congratulations!" is the wrong tone this early. Maybe suppress this whole panel for the first free node, since "REQUIRES:" and "COST: 0" don't really tell me anything I need to know either?
  19. I'm starting a new campaign, and I'm at the point of picking a flag. Somewhere on my disk I have a file that I'd like to use as a flag (the middle image in my signature). I'm sure I could abort creating this campaign, exit the game, look up a modding tutorial, place my file somewhere and/or install a mod and/or update some configuration (whatever the ritual is now), then launch the game again, begin a new career again, and pick my custom flag. But wouldn't it be so much better if there was a button here that said "Import Custom..." that opened a file selection dialog and then took care of everything else for me?
  20. Thanks for the report! Fixing that here now: https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/CKAN/pull/3967
  21. You might have the most luck by taking advantage of existing tools that let KSP easily interface with external code: https://krpc.github.io/krpc/getting-started.html
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