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Everything posted by Awaras

  1. Well there's your problem... 64-bitna verzija je jako nestabilna i puna bagova. Zasto ne mozes da igras 32-bitnu? U cemu je problem?
  2. Da li igras 32-bitnu ili 64-bitnu verziju igre? 64-bitna je puna bagova...
  3. That's an easter egg blizzy78 included with his toolbar plugin. It appears at random times...
  4. Pa moras da usporis. Kada ponovo budes u blizini, snimi quicksave tasterom F5, pa onda okreni svoj brod "u rikverc" to jest tako da centriras navball na "retrograde" ikonu koja izgleda ovako: Samo drzi tu ikonu centriranu, prati je ako krene da 'bezi' i lagano usporavaj tako da ti brzina bude sto bliza nuli u trenutku kada budes blizu tla. Da bi bezbedno sleteo, brzina treba da ti bude manja od 10 m/s, idealno 1-2 m/s. Ovo zahteva malo vezbe, ako se slupas samo ucitaj quicksave poziciju sa F9 i pokusaj ponovo dok ne udjes u stos.
  5. I believe Unity does not have multimonitor support... The only way to stretch KSP to multiple monitors is to play in windowed mode.
  6. You mean something like this? I don't know how to embed it tho... https://sketchfab.com/models/mmUs60EadiBXg8FeWWgWEweD31a
  7. Here is how I mapped my controls: I use the mouse for pitch and yaw, Q and E for roll (because I find yaw much easier for fine aim than using my mouse to roll), W and S for thrust forward/backward, A and D for thrust left/right and R and F for thrust up/down. I have preset 50%, 75% and 100% thrust to 8, 9 and 0, and I use the mouse wheel for fine thrust control.
  8. I apologize if you are already aware of this, but all ships have a thrust 'sweet spot' where they are most maneuverable. It is generally somewhere near the middle of the thrust bar and is marked by a blue zone. Going faster or slower than that makes your maneuvering more sluggish.
  9. As someone who spent a significant part of my youth playing the previous elite installments (first the original Elite on a Commodore64, then Elite 2:Frontier on an Amiga, and finally Frontier: First encounters on a PC) and then donated to Elite: Dangerous on Kickstarter I would say yes. Then again I might be slightly biased. You might also want to look at Star Citizen, it shows a lot of promise too.
  10. Because he gets out of your range pretty fast? The range of weapons in those games was a few kilometers at most...
  11. Yeah, full Newtonian physics... With a ~400m/s speed limit. However, I think what they did makes a more interesting game. Elite 2: frontier and it's sequel First encounters had something very close to true Newtonian physics, but that made combat very boring. You and your opponent basically "jousted" - approaching one another at high speed, trying to score a few hits in the couple of seconds you were in weapons range, and then you would speed past each other, turn 180 degrees and start thrusting again. Rinse, repeat. Is it realistic? Yes. Fun? Not very...
  12. This? http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/40559-All-craft-from-my-Constellation-mission-vid
  13. So just remap the controls so you yaw with the mouse and roll with the keyboard. That's how I play because I couldn't get used to the rotation either. Yes, yaw is so slow it's ridiculous, but remapping it is great for fine-tuning your aim, much easier than with roll...
  14. If you want a good all-round ship, then a Cobra is the way to go. Slightly slower than a viper, pretty much the same hardpoint loadout but better hyperspace range and a cargo capacity of 36.
  15. It just needs to last long enough for SQUAD to start making KSP2: The search for moar boosters.
  16. When you open the starmap, click on the 'navigation' tab. In the bottom left there is a slider that lets you set the cargo tonnage for which you wish to see your range.
  17. Some program you installed recently probably sneaked in some kind of plugin. Go to chrome settings and try disabling all plugins, see if the problem goes away. If it does, start enabling plugins one by one until the problem returns, and then delete the last one you enabled.
  18. Right now, the commodities market price is 2191, and I sold them on the bulletin board for 2380...
  19. If you are in the neighbourhood (and I'm guessing you are), Elanin frequently has requests for crop harvesters posted on the bulletin board. Make sure to check there before selling them normally, since you get a better price.
  20. Well, they say the first million is the most difficult to obtain.
  21. Car? Anyway, I suggest you get the Better than Starting Manned mod, which adresses several of your issues and offers a much better campaign experience.
  22. I thought the correct term was 'Nucular'. Even US presidents use it. :P
  23. He meant that people that want to *live on the moon* exist.
  24. And what exactly do you base that on? Humans have adapted to live in every enviroment imaginable on Earth, from the arctic circle to the worst deserts, from the sea shores to extreme altitudes where 'normal', non-adapted people can barely breathe. What makes you think we would not be able to adapt to a low-g enviroment?
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