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Everything posted by Kerbal101

  1. You can EVA from docking port the same way. Just tested it. Edit: Correction, you can't... The special EVA dialog shows up, but upon clicking it, its "hatch is obstructed" instead of getting out.
  2. Hello. I had this situation. Do this: close all menus and submenus. Left click on ONE of the hatches (not right click, not eva, not transfer crew - click directly on the hatch), you get the special "transfer crew" dialog, but with EVA option. Now if you click EVA *there* - the crew gets through the hatch outside. Russian below // По русски: чтобы выбраться из пассажирской кабины - закройте все окна и диалоги, и - внимание - щелкните левой кнопкой мыши на дверь с торца, и выберите переместить экипаж. Это совершенно отдельное меню, в нем будет особый пункт - "выйти". Никак подругому его не вызвать.
  3. Whiplash and panther problem is not thrust, but thrust barrier. Once aircraft is moving at higher speed or altitude, they can't keep up and loose thrust. Rapier gives more thrust than whiplash at specific speeds, and this allows it to push out of atmosphere much easier.
  4. @AeroGav Thanks for posting the videos and explaining this in very detail!! But you use Rapier in these two spaceplanes, which make problem lesser due to their TWR. I am really interested in Whiplash or even Panter/Wet... more basic technology and stuff.. I figured out that main problem with SSTO is again, TWR of each two stages... For example, airbreathing stage of less than 0.7 won't even manage to break sound barrier.. And 1.5 is needed to for efficient breathing climb. The same thing hits second stage nerv, Mk2-based SSTO doesn't even manage to circularize if Nerv TWR is less than 0.8. I am designing a mk2 ssto with Whiplash/Nerv currently, and best profile found so far was 1100m/s burn under 2km, then quite energetic 45 degree up with Nerv up at 7.5km... Managed to grab AP of 85km, but still can't break the 1700m/s horizontal speed before falling back into atmosphere. I assume I need more Nerv less fuel or payload... But having lots of fun Edit: extra thanks for the second video, I gotta try that out myself... cant break through the 1300m/s barrier in the 18-20km, I thought diving down is a no-go, apparently its not.
  5. ^^^ Brilliant Video, thank you!!! The Rapier+NERV designs are easy, nothing fancy. Rapier can generate plenty of thrust in open cycle to push Apoapsis high outside of atmosphere; then burning NERV prograde eventually stretches Periapsis. No big deal. But Whiplash+NERV are completely different. Whiplash thrust cuts earlier beyond speeds needed for Apoapsis. So one ends with 45-60km Apoapsis tops, and the path is too short for NERV to stretch Periapsis. So you solved this with Periapsis stretching in prograde, when still high in atmosphere.... consumes lots of fuel and overheat, but - brilliant!!
  6. My final iteration of electric stock plane. 60m/s maximum, good vertical climb, ladders, no fuel needed at all. Should be flyable on Laythe and Jool... Enjoy! Previous iteration with a bit weaker motor did this:
  7. Bathed a bit in coffee cup Jool, put a probe on Pol. Then finally managed to design some stable stock electroplane.
  8. @paulprogart Thanks!! The problem is ... my UI is not upscaled, but downscaled to 90%. But I set it back to 100% and the issues are gone! Very strange!!
  9. Forgot to switch Orbit speed mode back to Surface mode and smashed the probe on Dres.
  10. KSP requires very little GPU, but a lot of CPU. I upgraded from hd5850 to r9 280, and got almost no change in fps. But when I went from athlon II x4 to xeon x5600, the increase was noticeable. Its very true that IPC (memory access) speed and power of thread processing by cpu core per clock are more helping than amount of cores, their speed or multicore task distribution efficiency. There are few eaters of CPU performance, most prominent are aerodynamic fx effects - I always set them to very low. Terrain quality eats quite a lot, can easy set it to Low. Physics delta frame still plays a role, whilst doing same calculations regardless, setting it to lesser value will give more time to fps redraw, and less time to physics update. Also, all fairings eat a LOT of CPU, reduce them where possible. 20 fairings for example totally destroy my fps, where I can have 2500 barrels of fuel on screen no problem. Finally, the FPS graph itself when open eats around 20% of fps...
  11. Hai! Today while optimizing maneuvers to Dres, noticed this (UI Helpers (in ...): Few other pages have parts of sentences missing or missing words. Only KSPedia is affected. Linux Mint 18.1 KDE. KSP 1.2.2 Linux x64 GOG - stock install, plus KER and porkjet parts. Any ideas?
  12. So.... I have a question. Laythe is the water world, but it does have the oxygen right? So where are the "trees" or who made it?
  13. Haha, this is awesome! Reminds me of posters flying in the space seen in SPAZ or JetsnGuns.
  14. You want to find best engine for the job - this is the table. How much DeltaV each stock* engine can give, for a vehicle composed of purely Engine+Fuel Tanks. Pure values from KER, no weight reduction / fuel line tricks / tank drop methods used. *I am using Porkjet Overhaul engines for LV-30, LV-45, LV-909 in my table! These two are not stock. For stage 1 engine: Kerbin, at Sea level, at 1 TWR. For upper stage engine: Space, at 1 TWR. For transfer engine: Space, at 0.25 TWR. Lowest weight engine first, lowest size first. All values rounded. Engine_name [Thrust Atm/Space] (A) TWR 1, Kerbin (B) TWR 1, Space (C), TWR 0.25, Space --- class mk 0 --- separatron I 50 50 12 LV-1 ant* 190* 3900 5950 LV-1R spider 3600 4300 5400 24-77 twitch 4200 5200 5950 O-10 O-Puff 1700 4300 4700 48-7S Spark 4800 5800 6600 303 PUG (porkjet!) 2050 5500 6500 IX-6315 Dawn* >1** ~300*** 20300 --- class mk 1 --- Flea SRB 90 90 n/a 909 Terrier (porkjet!) 1050 6100 6700 LV-15 Valiant (porkjet!) 3950 4600 5460 Hammer SRB 250 250 n/a MK-55 Thud 4600 5200 6200 T-1 Toroidal Cone 5100 6100 7000 LV-30 Reliant (porkjet!) 4850 5500 6100 BACC Thumper SRB 480 460 n/a LV-45 Swivel (porkjet!) 3900 4800 5800 RAPIER (closed mode) 4100 4700 6000 LV-N Nerv [14/60] 13** 2000 (4200)*** 9150 (11800)*** KS-25 Vector [940/1000] 5500 5900 6500 Kickback SRB 740 730 n/a --- class mk 2 --- RE-LE10 Poodle [65/250] 900 6000 7100 RE-I5 Skipper [570/650] 5100 6000 6600 RE-M3 Mainsail [1380/1500] 5350 5850 6450 LFB TwinBoar [1900/2000] 5350 5700 6300 --- class mk 3 --- KR-2L+ Rhino [1200/2000] 3450 6300 7050 S3 KS-25x4 Mammoth [3750/4000] 5600 6000 6700 * LV-1 ant: approximated, with oscar-b fuel tank * Dawn: **very high engine relative-to-fuel weight, TWR 1 is impossible; lightest possible tank gives [email protected]; ***approximate value with PB-XF01 at minimum fill * LV-N Nerv: **very high engine relative-to-fuel weight, TWR 1 is impossible; x(X): LO/LF tanks, without LO (pure LF tanks, stock - mk 1/0 sizes only) rev 1.2
  15. Slapping the amount of fuel to get exactly the same minimally reasonable for space travels TWR number of 0.25 (from KER), I have made a table of deltaV for all stock non-atmospheric engines. The maximum deltaV without any tricks for 0.25 TWR is 11800 using LV-N and 20300 using Dawn.
  16. I would pretty much second this and I am in the same position. I would like more complex habitation and comfort with base building properties of USI, but with added Radiation, Part Reliability and Oxygen - which are only supported in Kerbalism. If I pick Kerbalism, then I leave the complexity and tools to build such detailed bases. If anyone knows a mod that adds these three features and is compatible with USI, please respond.
  17. Well, I also made a music package, composed entirely of CC0 or royalty-free if NC licenses - and would be very happy if Soundtrack Editor gets fit for 1.2.2. I miss this mod a lot!
  18. Move physics Delta frame time to the LEFT. Set Terrain Detail to Default or Low. Set Render quality to Good. Set Aerodynamic FX quality to Very Low. Make sure to disable vblank/vsync. Can try to use "threaded optimization" environment var with nvidia. Can try to set the card to maximum performance (without auto-logic). Also, the FPS graph in cheat menu - its around 20% of fps itself. Sal is correct with 14.04 kubuntu being totally outdated. You may want to install Linux Mint KDE (which is tuned Kubuntu 16.04), enable the backports PPA. If you use KDE, go Mint. "Kubuntu" itself lacks polish and its sources/PPA management tools are virtually absent. I have no problems with it. KDE5 uses 400Mb of RAM if you switch from sql to sqlite backend for akonadi and is pretty snappy.
  19. I have not updated the thread yet with a mod, which has "own modified mesh and resource switching using custom plugin". I also have not tested and modified the "replacer" version of porkjet's engine overhaul (1.3), so that it loads after vanilla parts - but before other user mods, thus fuel replacing mods are not affected. Thats the only thing. 1 and 2 work with 1.2.2. Here is Aeris 4a, whom I only replaced engines with sabre and valiant. I do not use 3, and its sufficiently externally maintained.
  20. So I upgraded to R9 280, using Radeon driver and here is my "KSP.x86_64.sh" that works. This is current Linux Mint KDE x64 (basically Ubuntu 16.04 LTS under the hood). I use KDE 5. the vblank_mode=0 really disables vsync, which improves performance. According to glxosd, I get 70 fps on KSCenter overview screen, where with vsync enabled - only 40-47. setting this to 1 or not exporting, causes vsync to be always enabled regardless of settings. Glxosd reports 16-60 fps regardless of where. I still need LC_ALL=C in, because otherwise the settings.cfg will be ignored and game always loads default 1280x720 windowed. Even if I go to settings, set the options to 1920, fullscreen, apply them, then exit and re-launch the game - it will forget the settings, the same "KSP stats tracking" dialog shows up etc. I assume this is because my LANG is not "us". I need "-force-glcore" because with MESA 11 the game will crash 10 times before launching. With MESA 12 this variable is no longer needed - BUT, later I discovered that incomplete mesa 12 OpenGL4 implementation then causes shader flickering on few planets. Like this: ^^^^ Edit: There is another glitch with Mesa 12 (and 11, if I remember properly) when running without "-force-glcore". The shadows of any vehicles will be rendered incorrectly. Like famous KSP shadow bug (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SdDoqHZmY_8), but it is applied everywhere to every shadow. This is very evident for example here when I used mesa 12 without force-glcore (from 0:40-2:00, watch the ground): https://vid.me/oCYY I do not use: export __GL_THREADED_OPTIMIZATIONS=1 export LD_PRELOAD="libpthread.so.0 libGL.so.1" because these are only relevant for Nvidia ("threaded_optimization" is nvidia-only) and the preloading libgl.so.1 in this way causes glxosd to not load. I also delete the contents of unity3d/Squad, because otherwise changing resolution in settings and exiting prevents game from starting up! Apparently it tries to compare settings and prefs, and if the resolutions in both mismatch, it refuses to start. There is nothing relevant in prefs and its autogenerated from "settings.cfg" anyway. Now, the only issue I have is with current "glxosd" and KSP. If I run the "glxosd ./KSP.x86_64.sh" and press space key to launch staging any vehicle, the game will FREEZE. I can alt-tab between windows no problem. But if I run the game normally ("./KSP.x86_64.sh"), there are no such problem. This is still needed! See above. I can reproduce it continuously.
  21. Well, it is. Module Manager makes the whole "patching" thing possible and is defacto the thing which makes replacing-,parenting- or removing- mods possible. I can assume that the mods you were using only added stuff, but not modified anything. Let's save you another mistake - make sure that only one modulemanager DLL exists in gamedata. Really strange things will happen if some mod author tosses it inside its own mod (just to be sure). Things like 1 hour loading times. Nice to hear its working. Yes this is correct! Pug and LV-15 are new and loading the craft without this mod will cause it to fail complaining about the missing part. Relatively easy to correct though - open the ship file directly with the decent plain text editor (best with squares highlighting and squares fold support), search for the missing part KSP has been complaining about, delete its block - and ship will load. Although it will be missing that deleted part. Have fun, glad I could help!
  22. I don't understand what "DLhPUr9nMOrfnoijzMVV-YWOJHRniJNj3Qc-GGpi" is. "because I couldn't get the original parts to go away." If the new parts and engines show up, but the old parts and engines are still present, then: 1) either you are not using the latest version of Module Manager. Please install it from original website, its just one DLL, that should be dropped directly into "Gamedata" 2) the configuration file you created in step 3 is not working. Make sure that it exists, that file extension is correct and contents are correct. If you are using Operating System that may hide file extensions, make sure file extensions are shown.
  23. They are very different. I assume the confusion is between LV-15,30,45; because 303 and 909 are visually too different. Within LV-15,30,45: - the shrouded versions have a clear number label written on them, so replacements are much more distinctive even than original two engines - because original parts only differed in nozzle extension size. - the naked version: LV-15 (valiant) is much smaller than 30 and 45, so it can't be confused -- and between 30 and 45, their nozzle looks similar to original with 30 having a lengthier nozzle extension and 45 having a shorter but wider nozzle extension. In addition, the 45 has distinctively more complex gimbaling system. Where they need detail is the shrouded and naked versions, as currently they do not differ in aerodynamics and attachments. The shrouded was supposed to be more aerodynamically efficient, where the naked was supposed to be surface attachable (like vector). Where did you get instructions for step 4? Its clearly not in the thread. Each engine in the mod has own configuration, but its based and depends upon existing configuration of stock engines! If you only add the mod into gamedata, following happens: 1. KSP loads classic engines 2. KSP finds that mod, and the mod creates NEW config, which is based upon config of classic engines. If you apply step 3(replacer), then: 3. After 1 and 2 happen, the engine configs of (1) is overwritten with (2). If you destroy 1. config by manually overwritting it with 2., then 2. config can't be generated. You could proceed to manually merge classic engine config into new config and then replace the classic config in Squad folder with your result. But it will be time waste and you will loose flexibility of adding/removing mod and youll have to redo your changes if next KSP release modifies these classic engines. Why not let module manager do the work for you instead?
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