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Shadow dream

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  1. Yeah, it does - so I made a quick video for you: (I don't know why those tanks blew up when doing physical timewarp - it certainly was not Eve's fault, she was quite nice actually)
  2. I am running 1.9 because I enjoy messing with the broken drain valves :) If you don‘t want to just deorbit your plane as is, your best option would be to place those 10m inflateable heatshields front and back with a basic rig of struts or beams form maximum protection and drag. Clamp it onto your plane with a radial decoupler on the belly and you‘re good to go!
  3. Hm, I need to update to 1.9.1 The plane seems reasonably light, so it should be easy to put a radial decoupler on the belly. Then I would build a transfer stage, as said. MK3 LF, NERVs, some RW for stable maneuvers. Finally a Launch Stage to get it into LKO. -- Or you can go the easy route for testing first: F12 the plane into orbit and use a (detachable) small LFO tank or RCS to deorbit. (Maybe F9 first). From there on, just gently lower the PE, like 70km. It will take some time flying, but that is necessary for Eve - it's very easy to gain speed on the way down and hard to bleed off the excess heat. Maneuvering is risky too, the G-Forces like to tear you apart. It's best to rely on SAS to hold you in a slight upwards orientation to help bleed off speed. It's the smoothest flight experience. Once you get lower, the atmosphere gets so thick that speed is no problem anymore and you can pretty much fly as usual.
  4. Looking at your KerbalX Hangar, I am shocked about your request! Such a talented designer What craft are you talking about? What kind of connection ports does it have? (Fairing, Decoupler, Dockingport,...). A picture or two might be helpful! If you fly carefully, you can drop a plane from orbit into Eve. I did it once with the craft in my Sig (quickly attached a detachable terrier and F12 her into Eve Orbit) and got her onto the ground no problem. As far as I can tell you only need a transfer stage - get a MK3 LF tank, slap some NERVs onto it and you're good to go.
  5. This is what I do most of the time: It's very simplistic and leaves me with a lot of excess fuel. Just before touch-down I decouple while engines keep burning and let the landing stage fly away to self-destruct later on ground impact. On bodies like Duna I also slap on chutes, because NASA did so as well. But if you want to do some more hardcore deliveries, you can also build an USAF Osprey using Breaking Ground DLC and fly your rover to Eve! Yes, I am showing off, sorry
  6. Nice, I was scratching my head on why the Devs hardcoded that thing, knowing how people would be all over this - especialy with all those sweet action groups we got! I guess the old saying still goes: If you want it done right, you do it yourself!
  7. people tend to not like wip. It's barebones and ... you know ... the internet ... haters ... or sometimes even jealous people. If it's the latter group, count it as upvote^2
  8. I think my Signature has a rough idea. Mine however uses the BG DLC (highly recommended!!)
  9. I just tested it and it seems like a bug (?) that probe inputs don't work on axis groups. When I manualy input directions it works, but probe's input, which are clearly visible on the bottom left, do nothing. :-/
  10. Have a look at this one: https://kerbalx.com/Shadow_dream/Retaliator-ISRU You need these mods to fly her: - mk2 stock alike expansion - opt spaceplane parts I recommend this mod for max. dV, because she is LF only but some tanks ale LFO: - interstellar fuel switch Load her up in Editor, clean her payload bays that are equiped with ISRU devices and she's ready to go. Just remember she needs either atmosphere or low gravity moons to land because fuel is heavy and 4 nerv's ain't that powerful.
  11. Autostrut does the same, you should not have it active on parts that are beyond one of these motoric parts. Can't you motorize the part? I have not tried this specific configuration (aim at target), but you can map the servos to pitch/yaw, which should allow you to accieve the same thing without weired looking mechanics.
  12. I tried to make a little tour with my Osprey. Due to the lack of space capabilities I simply used Alt+F12 and added small engines for deorbiting. My first target was Eve (atmosphere duh). So while yes, I had to "compensate" for some design deficiencies, making her survive the flight, I think this flight was a giant leap for Man... Kerbalkind! But then ... well see for yourselves: Edit:
  13. I'm new to "manual" crafts too. From tinkering with my Osprey, I found 1 big fuel cells per rotron +1 for anything else does a good job for keeping your craft going. You need to swap some tanks for LFO though. As for flight, stacking two rotors on top of each other noticeably improve thrust. I don't think more will help due to game engine limits in rpm. My craft got from 40-ish mps to 85 which greatly improved flight characteristics.
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