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Everything posted by KSPNewbie

  2. Hey guys! Today I wanted to issue you a fun challenge to give you something to do with your life! Okay as the title said, I'm challenging you to TAKEOVER THE MUN!! but first! the guidelines and rules SO! without further ado! Mission 1: Place 10 functional probes around the Mun 2 must be in polar regions. The Probes must have a sustainable form of power. (Batteries and fuel cells are not permitted) (1 point per probe, Each extra probe is worth 2 points Mission 2: Using the new ESU perform 4 sample returns to Kerbin. One ESU must deliver samples from the Northern Pole of the Mun. (batteries and Fuel cells Permitted) (2 points per ESU, every extra is worth 3 points) Mission 3: Communication Network surrounding Mun. Minimum of 3 satellites. Anything but Batteries are permitted. (Satellites delivered VIA Orbital Mission worth 4 points, normally 1 point) Mission 4: Conduct 4 Orbital Missions around the Mun. NO MK1 PODS! Bonuses will be given to SSTO's (3 points normally, 5 points for SSTO) Mission 5: Place a 10 part Space station orbiting around Mun (20 points, anything more than 20 parts receives 40 points) Mission 6: 6 Mun landings, Any apollo style missions are worth 10 points (5 points per landing) Mission 7: 8 part Mun base. (50 points) Mission 8: 2 rovers at the poles Mission 9 (optional): Mobile Base on Mun. (100 points) Must be able to carry at least 20 Kerbals Rules: -no Multi-launches for the probes or satellites. -max of 5 parts per launch for the Space Station -NO HYPEREDIT -MechJeb and KER only allowed for Delta-V calculations -All mods must be stated -Best entries will be Put on Leaderboard. -Video earns you Bonus points -Music in the video gives you Dank video -Have fun..... -If you are looking for a quicker challenge I will be doing a leaderboard for people who only do missions 1 through 4 LEADERBOARDS
  3. Thanks everyone for assisting me in the article this past time. I've successfully designed a prototype engine using Gasoline and LOX that has a burn time of 12 seconds. I will be flying it eventually once I design a rocket shell. It would probably be controlled autonomously by my Arduino. Whish me good luck!
  4. shoot, do you see the post, I must've messed up, that's the unmanned/recoverable entry SpeedySat Mk4? that's it. it was posted on July 22nd
  5. not to be pushy, but it's been more than half a day since you posted that...
  6. Yeah, my unmanned recoverable took 4 forms and 10 flights on the perfect design to successfully complete a mission
  7. Hey, when will the creator of the challenge put people on the leaderboard, also, I one-upped both of you I'm just working on re-entry details
  8. Okay! time to take 1st place for unmanned and recoverable! I present to you SpeedySat Mk4 wighing in at 2.557 tons, side note: MechJeb was used for delta-v statistics in the VAB but is not present on craft Kerbal Alarm was also installed but not used the parachute and probe core are clipped into the fuel tank I used an engine pre-cooler with the afterburner for the first stage and an flt-100 fuel tank with a spark, that contained the probe core and parachute inside of it as to prevent the probe core from being damaged here's the album -> http://imgur.com/a/8pleU i have no idea how to insert it so just follow the link, my method of ascent was extremely simple and instead of working off the duration of acceleration I used velocity as a marker, typically my first stage was using wet mode for all of its flight and it stopped accelerating anywhere between 17-21 kilometres, the spark had ridiculous efficiency and not only put my craft into orbit, but with an apogee of 98 and a perigee of 77, I was going for a 71 km near circular orbit, it then still had fuel to allow me to de-orbit, the major issue that I had to work against was the fact that the first stage gimbal sent me spinning around often, I could counter it with SAS my second problem was regarding the probe itself, it had no RCS or reaction wheels so when in space it was constantly rotating so when a maneuver was required or I needed to point a certain way I would have to use the engine which made me lose about 1.3 units of fuel, however in the long run it had no effect on the probes overall performance, re-entry was the MOST DIFFICULT part of the entire flight, either I would be entering in sideways, which was bad, with the engine facing down which was good, or the base of the fairing I used to make the craft more aerodynamic during ascent, which wasn't what I wanted but I might've been able to pull off, the craft got ridiculously unstable at 30 k and began spinning, it quickly recovered, I deployed the parachute and it floated to the ground effortlessly, I'm gonna do a manned recoverable now, bye!!
  9. I'm re-working the design to include safer propellants, it may take me longer but it took them years to perfect the Saturn V when I said it was easier to produce I was not saying I would produce it, I've been looking at media and have concluded the idea was foolish, thank you for forewarning me, do you have any oxidizer/fuels that would be efficient and easy to produce
  10. Limit tests for hydrazine in pharmaceuticals suggest that it should be in the low ppm range.[41] Hydrazine may also cause steatosis.[42] At least one human is known to have died after 6 months of sublethal exposure to hydrazine hydrate.[43] And this for NTO: EXPOSURE AVOID ALL CONTACT! IN ALL CASES CONSULT A DOCTOR! Inhalation Cough. Sore throat. Shortness of breath. Dizziness. Headache. Burning sensation. Laboured breathing. Nausea. Symptoms may be delayed. See Notes. Use breathing protection, closed system or ventilation. Fresh air, rest. Half-upright position. Administration of oxygen may be needed. Refer immediately for medical attention. Skin Redness. Burning sensation. Pain. Serious skin burns. Protective gloves. Protective clothing. First rinse with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes, then remove contaminated clothes and rinse again. Refer immediately for medical attention. Eyes Redness. Pain. Severe burns. Wear safety goggles or eye protection in combination with breathing protection. Rinse with plenty of water for several minutes (remove contact lenses if easily possible). Refer immediately for medical attention. Ingestion Burns in mouth and throat. Do not eat, drink, or smoke during work. Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Refer immediately for medical attention. Basically, and to reiterate, this is a bad idea from your personal safety and budget viewpoint. I strongly suggest considering alternate propellants. Your propellant choice should be tought out, and not be "something cool you heard about", but "something that does what you need it to do, in the most safe way possible, and with minimal expense" Sorry for the wall of text but this is paramount to your safety, and also if you're involved in an incident/accident the media will cast bad light on all hobby rocketeers indiscriminately as it has happened in the past. If you need any advice, feel free to write me. Mind, I'm not an expert by any means, but I have devoted some time to study these matters, and much time to thinking about it. PS: I reccomend you get these books: Design of Liquid Propellant Fuelled Engines Designing, Building and Testing Small Liquid fuel rocket engines Ignition A History of Rocket Propellants <- Especially this one, it'll really open your eyes about hypergolics. Sutton-Biblarz-Rocket_Propulsion_Elements Once again sorry for this lengthy post but I wanted to get the point across really clearly. I've done extensive research regarding it and (not to brag, but) I knew everything you listed on the post, if it comes down to it I'll just have to make more liquid oxygen. I could probably use alcohol as a fuel. I can make hydrazine much easier than liquid oxygen in my chemlab. I have all the stuff listed on posts claiming what I need at I've worked with a fellow chemist to make NTO once before, it was for his university class.
  11. It is not a millitary grade suit- It's mining radioactive materials grade.
  12. I understand the dangers of hypergolic bipropellants and I do have a older hazmat suit from a relative that worked in a mine. Both the NTO and Hydrazine are being used on very small scales as i intend for this to be as large as a slim pop can. I'm not saying it's an excuse but I'm saying it lowers the risk, I really don't want to make liquid oxygen again , (such a boring process in my mind) and i don't know what I could use as a second propellant so I think these two are my best bet, but are they legal?
  13. Hey, I wnated to see if there's any totally devout space fans like me that have tried to make liquid fueled rockets in real life. My design is still only on paper but it involves -Dinitrogen Textroxide -and Hydrazine Hydrate are these legal in Canada? If you guys have plans thjat have gone further than mine let me know!
  14. Hello, I've been interested in doing challenges but i want to figure out how to place badges on my posts like the drunken pilot challenge badge below my posts Thanks
  15. hey guys, I need ideas for a returnable mun mission and i wanted your ideas thanks in advance
  16. I just downloaded MechJeb And i have no idea where the part is.... thanks in advance
  17. Do i download MechJeb from curse? I'm gonna get it to help understand the game
  18. Okay phew! I made it I had to restart the game and it showed up within terms that I could handle, I am now on the surface of Duna with a rover thank you all so much
  19. They actually had an article about this in my local newspaper. But I don't understand where you got the second earth thing from. It's supposed to be a gas giant like Jupiter....
  20. yeah but the engine does not have enough have enough fuel
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