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Everything posted by zeant93

  1. Hi everyone, when I load some craft that I download from your KerbalX page I notice that are some parts missing. Below I tell you wich craft and wich part is missing. On Sarnus MLV 5-25L the bluedog.Saturn.S4C.EngineMount is missing, on Saturn Multibody M02 the bluedog.Saturn.S1F.Tankage is missing, on Apollo CSM BL4 the bluedog.Apollo.Block4.MissionModule is missing, on Mars/Venus flyby ship the bluedog.Apollo.Block4.MissionModule is missing. Can anyone tell me what can I do to load all these craft successfully?
  2. I find the solution searching in the RealChute page, it was a issue with this mod and when I put the RealChute.dll for this game version solve the problem. Thanks anyway.
  3. I have installed a new installation without mods and than I installed the RealChute and than I enter in the VAB and the RealChute Tab doesn't appear. Note: I have the default parachutes and one RealChute parachute as you can see on the second image. What can be now?.
  4. Where is that tab from Real Chute and wich mod can block the parachutes?
  5. I want to know why these parachutes don't appear in the VAB or SPH as these images show SPH VAB Research & Developement Building
  6. Anyone have a list of Science points for the latest version of the Outer Planets Mod? I ask you these because in my save when I track the planet/moon that I had selected when the zoom is in the maximum and when I click in the Process Data button show this message "Wide Field Camera 3: Scope not zoomed in far enouth". Note: I play KSP on Low Settings.
  7. Normally I use these contract packs: Commnet Relays Field Research Grand Tours Rover Missions Unmanned Contracts Bases and Stations Tourism Plus Which of these contract packs I have to remove to work better with this mod?
  8. I have 6GB of RAM and yes I'm running the 64-bit version. Normally when I run the game I see how percentage of memory he use and I see that he use between 75% and 80% of the total memory, but when this happens I clean the memory with a program that I have installed
  9. I have more than 75 mods installed, can this mod run with these system specs: Windows 7 64-bit, Processor Intel i3-2310M 2.10GHz, Intel HD Graphics 3000, 6GB of RAM. I only ask you this because I had this mod on 0.90 KSP version and the game crashed everytime I load the game. Because of that I had never tried to install this mod since that version, anyways I like this mod because he add more planets as in the real life solar system. Can anyone answer my question as quickly as possible?
  10. Until now happens with all the crafts I launch, that craft on that image is just an example. I never tried without the mods. How can I do that "binary search"? Below is the link to my KSP.log file and the output_log.txt of the last time I start the game, I have both because I don't know wich one is more important. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2wma7kzb7yaWGQ2S1VwWEJkZm8/view https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2wma7kzb7yaR3JreFh4eEpicmM/view
  11. @qzgy No, I have all the EC on the craft @EpicSpaceTroll139 These are the mods I have installed
  12. For the first question yes I have an antenna, when I load my save is normal but in one or two minutes after that the connection simply disappears to all of my crafts. For the second question, since the 1.1 version of ksp I don't have remote tech installed anymore. The last time I use that mod was in the 1.1 version of ksp. Any other question?
  13. When I have a M700 Survey Scanner contract, how can I scan for fuzzyResources to complete this contract?
  14. Before when I copy the mod folder to the GameData folder I overrite the files and then the crash but now I install only the Coatl Aerospace folder and then doesn't crash as he did before.
  15. I use the latest Firespitter Core version. Will I have to use Firespitter or I can stay using the Firespitter Core version? I have the latest version of Dmagic Science Animate Plugin.
  16. In the 1.2.2 version I used this mod to make all the probes I used and now when the game was updated for the 1.3.0 version I cannot use this mod without an updated version of this mod. What you suggest for me? Or can I use the current version of this mod in the 1.3.0 version of KSP?
  17. @linuxgurugamer I like this mod, are you thinking to update this mod for the 1.3.0 version?
  18. @TheRagingIrishman Maybe, in my game in this version I use the Spacetux contracts for 1.2.2 version. Maybe this is the cause of the game crash. I will try to run the game without this mod and see what happens.
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