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Posts posted by Ozymandias_the_Goat

  1. You can attain infinite speed in Ksp, so there is no speed limit at 2.998e+8 m/s (speed of light) . Theoretically, you can also attain an infinite distance from the sun, although there tend to be a good deal of glitches when you load a ship that is very far away from the sun.

  2. 3 hours ago, DAL59 said:

    What if you're eating the taco on an airplane on a treadmill?

    Wait a minute...are you eating a taco while using a treadmill that is on a plane, or are you eating a taco inside the airplane which is itself on the treadmill?

  3. On 3/4/2019 at 7:50 AM, Oscentlian Crumagen said:

    Could there be any chances that we will be seeing stock interstellar bodies sometime?

    Don’t think so. The odds of more bodies being added even to the stock solar system are slim (not everyone wants them, and there are myriad excellent mods which fill the need for more planets). Extrasolar bodies are not on most people must have lists, and even then, mods exist to fill this need. Not to mention that it would be very difficult to reach other solar systems with the stock propulsion technologies.

    Welcome to the forums!

  4. 17 hours ago, radonek said:

    Why should I want to recreate failures of the past? Hell, why should I want to recreate past successes? Making my own mistakes is what I love about KSP.

    At the same time, everybody has different demands as to what would make ksp fun for them.

    On 3/4/2019 at 8:27 AM, CornDoggo said:

    just a thought maybe people might use it more often if it had a reskin :/

    I feel like it sees a decent amount of use anyway, even in the late game, for stuff like vacuum landers. Even for a single command pod mission, the lander can is still a decent option earlier in the game as opposed to the heavier mk-1 command pod.

  5. On 3/3/2019 at 10:23 PM, Vanamonde said:

    [X] : there is nowhere near enough information on which to base an opinion yet, so I'm reserving judgement. 

    Press X to use logic

    My first impression was “meh” as it makes little sense to have a facility on the mun. However, in the original ksp loading  thread, the sensible consensus seems to have been reached that if you want to use it, fine, otherwise, you can ignore it. Though I would not really care about it, it does have some appeal (mun base without killer part count), and, if ksp on consoles is to succeed at selling more copies, it has to offer something novel, and I have no problem with the devs trying to do that. At the same time, I will withhold    judgement until the update actually is released.

  6. 7 minutes ago, Rakaydos said:

    We KSP players are spoiled by an equatorial launch site, making inclination not an issue. IRL, Inclination is THE issue.

    That statement is personally offensive to all dedicated players of RSS ;)


    Though I don’t play RSS. I tried it once, and I got set off after an hour or so by...you guessed it, the difficulty of constantly matching up inclinations! Though I do know of a mod which will set the launch site to a location in Brazil, on the equator, thus offsetting the problem of inclination by a part.


  7. 20 hours ago, T1mo98 said:

    We need Orange varients of all large tanks. 

    Well, I don’t feel like every tank needs an orange version. Of course, it is nice and I would even say neccecary for some tanks, except that this are literally the only tanks in the game which don’t have orange.

    Also, every tank needs a pure white variant. I cannot say how much it annoys me when the “white” variants of tanks have grey stripes on them.

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