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  • About me
    Lev Aerospace
  • Location
    Arnold, MD
  • Interests
    All sciences, blacksmithing, bowyery, model making, gaming, exploring

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  1. I'll submit my masterpiece of Kerbal-ish engineering, the KLF-101 D VTOL. I've got a whole bunch of lore explaining why it happened on KerbalX. https://kerbalx.com/LevAerospace/KLF-101-D-VTOL
  2. Yup - it's been done more than once in real life. And one of those times they landed successfully. The other crash-landed, with half of the people surviving. So it is something that pilots know about, maybe even train for now.
  3. Why would anyone go to war over Dres? Wait, I have a better one: What's Dres?
  4. In case nobody else let you know, your signature is not showing. Just the 2G planet at the end and four 'minus' images before that.
  5. Do we get bonus points for a levitating truck in the SPH?
  6. Cool; I always put together some screenshots to tell a story, so that's fun. I'm still not clear on how the heating/blackout settings work with this. Thanks!
  7. When you say 'not allowed', do you mean that these options have to be set to normal, or are not allowed to be the 'cause' of a death? Also, what kind of documentation is required? Video, photo, or are we going by the honor system?
  8. Yipes! I've crashed into that mountain before. I can't imagine scaling it.
  9. This sounds fun. Would the cruise missile category be allowed a rocket assist takeoff? Wouldn't this go against rule #6?
  10. I was going to say, someone will take this literally and build a plane that can technically fly, then start at 1500 meters at 0 m/s and float down on four vertical engines. Then they'll act smug and make faces.
  11. One more question regarding criteria 4 - when you say 'turning on things' do you mean control surfaces, or any action at all? For instance, can I deploy airbrakes at some point during the descent? How about robotic parts?
  12. This sounds pretty cool. I'm going to give it a shot. I'm confused about one thing - scoring criteria 5: 5. Add points: Theoretical Orbital Speed at pe, before hitting the atmosphere: in km/s, add points as this times 100. Wouldn't this number be incredibly high? As in, so high that the other scoring criteria are irrelevant? I'm probably misunderstand something here. EDIT: I just looked again and I get it now. I was thinking meters per second - not km per second. Higher velocity at reentry would make your craft burn up a lot more easily, so it's worth way more points. Got it. Thanks!
  13. I'm not clear on what is happening with the KAL exploit. How does that work?
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