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Everything posted by lila_kuh98

  1. Great, I had KSP 1.0.99 and have MFI too, maby i was a little bit uncertain...
  2. Hello! I think you can change things for this mod at ckan, because it updated for ksp 1.1, i have ksp 1.0.99 and then nothing had drag anymore, so I destroyed some of my spaceships (luckily it was all not manned :D) downgraded manually but it would be fine if you could fix things... (maby by adding more boosters XD ) Thanks LilaKuh
  3. Jeah, at my game too... mostly when I only have a small ship then it dances around at the launchpad or the runway. I have very much mods in my list and I searched for the cause of this error very long, mabe you should set the compatibly at ckan down to 1.0.4 until it is fixed.
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