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Everything posted by Turf

  1. I see that no one have actually used this to gain advantage in career AFAIK (As Far As I Know). I actually used them to gain money. It is possible to place your miner in Launchpad, activate it, wait for it, and recover to gain money from mined/converted resources from your miner. Alternatively, one may let engineer crew to make miners way more efficient and/or add ISRU converter to convert the ore into something worthy (MonoPropellant is the most worthy, which is 1.2 Funds/Unit) Is it really cheaty to make a miner? It does not look cheaty cheaty IMO (In My Opinion). I also even have a challenge for it.
  2. Maybe we can do a vote time warp so people can actually take vote to agree with time warp to specific time (plus all orbits show the location after time warp). I can suggest that everyone should has their own KSC and all KSC is placed along Kerbin equatorial.
  3. Huehehehehe I'll have a vessel slamming into... umm... Jool? HUEHEHEHEHEHEH! Wait. CAN WE USE CHEATS?! MODS?!?!? Let's HyperEdit our way to Jool, increase velocity with HyperEdit, and aerobrake in the Jool's thick atmosphere! And then..... using HyperEdit's boost button, keep boosting while low on Jool! To prevent overheating, enable "Ignore Max Temperature"! Don't forget! Lots o' surface for air to hit to make moar geeeeeeees! Make craft as heavy as possible so it has a lot of momentum! Means sustaining gee forces longer! If all else fails, use EVA.
  4. Do I have to use 1.1 or 1.05? Or make a separate scoreboard for 1.05 and 1.1?:
  5. By using VTOL someone could literally beat everyone. Manned or Unmanned?
  6. Jool? Lander? Impossible. Reason: Jool is a gas giant. Landing there will be impossible because there is no solid surface. Wait, what? Probe? Sacrificial. Reason: Your probe will never get back to the space station once you get to the sea level surface.
  7. Why subtract if you can really subtract by adding! So basically all addition are subtraction. 53 + 99 = 152 (Ignore the first digit) Result: 52 (-)
  8. I did not intent to say negative about this mod, just want to tell you that I am thinking about the idea of this mod could make KSP one step closer to pay-to-skip scheme. Time warp will never, ever be completely removed because you just can not do an interplanetary mission without time warp. But it is possible to restrict time warp and made them pay for time warp. Let's just hope Squad would never do that on us. Except for the next April fools. EDIT: I'll try this mod then. EDIT 2: It gives you science? I'll use this mod! For science!
  9. Sorry for being late (I bought the game in 2016). Is it just me or the logo looks like the KSP logo with boosters removed? EDIT: Know what? KSP + this mod + pay-to-win system = KSP becomes the ultimate bribing your way to prevent monotony games. Let's just hope that not what Squad wants for. EDIT 2: Let's just hope Squad still keeps the time warp features. MORE: Let's just hope time warp is free. MORE 2: KSP + this mod + pay-to-win system - price tag + time warp price = KSP becomes allegedly free games. (Think going to Mun or Minmus without time warp). I hate those pay-to-win games.
  10. If the altitude is too low, the TT18-A Launch Stability Enhancer will clip to the ground, or possibly, the ocean bottom. Or else, the TT18-A Launch Stability Enhancer will just float in the air, while the vessel is still 'landed'
  11. Well, I was thinking a way to move TT18-A Launch Stability Enhancer. Later, I remembered when I offset a vessel and ended up in the ocean. Aaaaaaaaaand now, prepare for the ultimate offset the vessel: First, acquire a rocket in VAB. Second, ensure if there is a TT18-A Launch Stability Enhancer. Third, offset your vessel so that the rocket is outside the VAB. Finally, offset as far as you can get! But there is one fact that makes offsetting looks cool: See? Offset works in straight line while Kerbin is round. In that case, offsetting very far will cause the vessel altitude start high. But beware! Offset very far will make your ship cease launching. Offsetting more farther (mine got 600 km altitude) will make the vessel start shaking. And more higher? I don't know. Maybe the Kraken awaits.
  12. My first challenge I've ever made. The principle of mining to gain money is simple. You mine using the drill to gather resources, and recover the vessel with the resource. The resource will be converted into money. Objective: Build a miner (fixed in the ground) to get the most funds in 1 launch in the shortest time. Rules: 1. Start in new career. Difficulty options set to Normal. Only use stock parts. Use of ISRU converter is allowed. 2, Use of alt+f12 or cheat mods are only allowed to give funds, or science to unlock parts (feel free to unlock entire tech tree), but not for anything other than unlocking parts. 3. Time warp is allowed (because I see some electric consumer generates energy instead of consuming energy in high time warp). 4. Use of an engineer is allowed, maximum 1 engineer. 5. Build it in VAB, not SPH. Launch it in Launchpad, not Runway. 6. Breaking the Launchpad means repairing it again, and the repair cost will be deducted from your funds you get from mining. 7. Mine in Kerbin since you will not go to space today. 8. (NEW) Tell me the versions you used. 9. (NEW) Miner must not launch, it have to stay in launchpad. 10. I can't think of anything goes wrong from this set of rules, so have fun! Scoring: Score = (Product ^ 2) / Time Product (F) = Funds required to build the miner - Funds from recovering the miner. Time (in seconds). Be aware of what time you are using (Kerbin or Earth) Background: The KSC got bankrupt. They have no money to build rockets anymore. Moreover, Walt Kerman is away for vacation (so there is no Bail-Out Grant). Fortunately, there are a banks (Kerbin Banks?) that are willing to give us a loan up to 100000000 Funds. However, the money have to be returned after 1 launch or 1 Kerbin years whichever come first, and no more loaning. If the money isn't fully returned (even missing 1 Fund counts), the bank will shut down KSC (forever?). Completing an interplanetary contract would take more than a year. Completing a local contract yields too little money to fend off the bankruptcy. An important meeting is held for discussing on how to save the KSC. One kerbal suggested to start a mining program. How they will make the most of their miners? Will the KSC be saved? There are two KSP versions. That means I need to separate two versions. Scoreboard coming soon. That's it! If there's any flaw (I am not perfect), please let me know.
  13. I think we need a way to reverse our improved stats. Is the maximum temperature and parachute strength available for KSP 1.0.5? EDIT: Github suggested that the source code hasn't changed, so probably it's not added. P.S. Via cheating I made myself super struts that can crash-landing safely even without parachutes (although the parts could overheat during re-entry).
  14. My rocket rover class is here! 2190 meters high (judging from KER altitude against terrain) and 4.8 km far (judging by seeing the flag aftermath). Click here for the video. Better quality. This far, 2190 * 1.5 + 4800 * 1 = 8085 points! I beat it!
  15. IF crewed rocket is mandatory in this challenge, then this video would have won the challenge. I can also beat you all, by simply placing a cubic octagonal strut and won the challenge.
  16. If you can get a rover with engines with enough fuel to reach orbit, you can theoretically orbit forever and get infinity points. I don't think down-scaling points for different gravity on other planet would be a good idea for scoring. Cuz they need to bring rocket to go to the other planet (definitely not a rover), and people might exploit this by going to Gilly and go for the non-returning jump.
  17. By using decouplers, I managed to jump about 3 meters high and 'half the runway width' far. Check the Wiki. That means about 35 meters far. So 4.5 plus 35 equals to 39.5 points and goes to non-rocket rover class. Click here for the video. Sorry for the low quality video.
  18. Good challenge. I would try this one, but: Should we land safely or not? Assuming safety first. Stock or not Stock? Assuming non-Stock I may make a video for the proof (I don't use YouTube, so I'll have to host it in other areas). I'll do the no-engine. I'll need the fastest wheel. And then.... RCS? No RCS though.
  19. Turf


    Hello. I am 15 years old and live in Indonesia. Only one person in my school have tried this game (although he never said directly which version, but I think it's before there is funds and reputation system) I bought KSP in the lunar new year in Steam. That means discount. I hadn't tried the demo version though. Despite my age hasn't reached minimum age to hold and use credit card, I managed to buy one (not going to the details). This isn't the first game I've ever bought however, the first game I've ever bought is Minecraft. Okay if you know Minecraft. I got to this game when I saw a video of a real-life rocket exploded during launching, and found some failed rocket attempts funny. As one person commented: "KSP Fail. Since 1969" This very rich statement clearly tells us that KSP didn't exist in 1969, and it could be recreated in KSP! I also watched some KSP videos, and I found this game was quite promising. Sold! That's it.
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