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Everything posted by Kepler68

  1. what @max_creative? oh uhh... @qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm
  2. i fly next to your spacecraft, lure you in with struts, and trade you struts and boosters for the cookie. now the cookie is mine muhahaha
  3. Hi max what do you... oh. Uhhh also @0111narwhalz
  4. Heightcolormap has a blend of 1. I THINK it's a float value meaning try something between 0 and 1. Don't take my word for it though
  5. There's a link in the OP. Just download and install like any other mod and open the window in game with control + P. It should be a simple case of looking for the "Export textures" (or something similar) button. They are then placed in a folder in kittopia's mod folder. Kittopia is a runtime editor to allow you to test changing properties or PQS mods without relaunching the game a million times. also it might not be the maps if you have them set up correctly. there are other ways to make Kopernicus say no but I don't know what they are
  6. @CrazyTomLink you probably forgot either your color map, normals map, or both. You can print them out with kittopia though I don't know how off the top of my head
  7. there's likely a version lock on it. you could manually disable it but if you do the resulting crazy bugginess isn't his fault
  8. max stop pinging me in discord to rack up easy points uhhh crap I don't know anyone. @The White Guardian?
  9. IM HEEERRREEEE!!!! crap I'm late sorry. uhhhh.... @max_creative
  10. for those that didn't see it on the discord, I'm going to be on moderator duty for now. please PM me the issues and ill try to help
  11. I'm not sure I understand but this sounds like a no and that puts us at 5 yes to 4 no... under the 2/3 majority. Okay no mega modded server
  12. I think we're setting it up as a 1 click install thing like ftb, not sure though. Does a 1 click get around your a million files problem because you won't be installing them manually?
  13. It was one of the ones that won the creativity marathon forever ago, it deserves this shoutout
  14. like a mega-modded server. with a custom mudpack. so like we have sparkys mod, wireless redstone, Archimedes ships, thermal foundation/expansion/dynamics, remotetech, ect... EDIT: page 70 YAAAY
  15. Forum repost: what are everyones thoughts on a modded server in a few months? @MK3424 gets veto power because hes paying for all of this but whats everyone elses vote? max- yes storm - yes kepler68 - MODZ YAY
  16. that is an issue with kopernicus in general. ask on the main thread for help but don't be sad if no one responds. also the list isnt complete look at the one in the GitHub link for a real representation. also @Red Iron Crown can we get a lock on this I'm not maintaining it anymore and people keep bringing it back up XD
  17. I think there are even more now, this list is very very old. Check the GitHub link for a true representation
  18. I grabbed the link from a meme on google about slacking off I didn't even check sorry EDIT: link removed can you take it off the quote too I'm embarrassed sorry again
  19. its actually a dyson ring because it goes around the central star. there isn't a day-night thingy on it though and its partially damaged. also there are pre-ftl dudes on it so no flooding unless they find the water control. (ringworld-napoleons way to take over the world)
  20. i found sanctuary in stellaris!!! @SparkyFox you've been very busy http://imgur.com/a/ffdbc
  21. i don't know, I'm pretty bad at maintaining stuff. you can take over if you want
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