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Cunjo Carl

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Everything posted by Cunjo Carl

  1. I was totally blindsided by the 1.1.1 and 1.1.2 patches as well! I made some big improvements on an already-cool race-to-space ship one afternoon, then the game crashed and got patched so I had to re-tune it (deadly wiggle krakens), and then the game suddenly crashed and got patched again delivering more krakens so I said forget it! I'm curious, how does skipping over a patch affect you as a modder? Though unexpected patches can be obnoxious, I'm really happy squad is still taking the time to improve the game. Hyperbolic entry to Kerbol, as in from the Jool SOI? That's just from passing through the SOI unpowered, so I'm not quite sure what you mean. The launch, however, had outlandish amounts of deltaV. It was a cluster ship called the Everywhere Goer, two of which can get you to and from everywhere but Eve. Just for kicks and giggles, here's the ship launching: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kz19G9B2zRU&t=76m3s, and here's the 'technique' used to make it encounter a chosen Joolean satellite (including Laythe head-on) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kz19G9B2zRU&t=282m3s . Used for pure deltaV on the center ship, I think the everywhere goer has about 20km/s, which is silly, and perfect for this endeavor! I hope you do give it another go, I'm interested just how far the acceleration can be pushed!
  2. It's my standard career heavy lifter, believe it or not! Career mode hasn't broken me yet :"> It also helps when you know your deltaV budget in advance: 3km/s Vertical launch from Kerbin 1km/s Minmus transfer 2km/s totally faffing about I like your triangular design with the opposed engines for accel/deccel, btw!
  3. Hi! My favorite part about ion rovers has always been their unlimited top speed. As long as you're light on your wheels, they just keep on accelerating. A long time ago, I put an ion dragster on Minmus, but the modern wheels make the mission a real treat. I edited down the mission, wrote in some dialogue and timed it to music from incompetech. I think it's worth the watch! Don't mind the random planet. It was photobombing from another project, and I just decided to roll with it. Thanks for the challenge, Mr. Kerbal. I've got a few other creative entries that I've designed but not documented, and I'll try to work them in as time goes. Cheers!
  4. *Gasp* The perfect opportunity to redesign my v0.2 ion dragster. Excellent choice of locale. I'll see you in a week!
  5. Yep! Got the EVA multiplier, but I think you listed it as 1.5x, Thanks for the challenge, it was a fun way to be silly. I'm still hoping to see someone drop a base into Jool.... Points aside, it would look awesome. .I just noticed you mentioned no interplanetary trajectories? If so, mine's out! I was going like 20km/s.... but isn't that the point? Hm. What's the call? Oh, and here's the craft files. I just packaged the whole save file incase someone wanted to play with the quicksaves. Should be the 5-6 highest numbered ones. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6WH1Dzyx70TeXA5NEhETmRKQ1U Cheers! Edit: Come to think of it, pretty much everyone is going waaaay faster than escape velocity. Interplanetary trajectories should probably be considered par for course, eh? In any case, thanks again for the challenge!
  6. Crashing things into Laythe, hm? I'm an expert! I actually do have a trick up my sleave, though. In this video, you'll see ridiculous accelerations caused by a hidden feature which allows you to go straight from space to the lower atmosphere of a planet. I love it, and scincerely hope Squad isn't listening right now.... If you are, Squad, there's like 20 less awesome bugs I'd love squashed first! I couldn't get F3 to work, so I just did acceleration the old fashion way. The video explains the setup best, but here's the point layout: gForce = (1g/9.8ms^-2) x (SpeedChangePerFrame/PhysicsStepTime) .. We then lower to the nearest multiple of 3 for scoring. (No cheats x Laythe x EVA ) x ((50pts/3g) x ( gForce - 3g) + (20pts/25mps) x starting speed ) + 100pts Vid! + 50pts cause it's low - 2000pts for using a ship christened the "Untitled Ship 6". Atmosphere skip SpeedChangePerFrame: 97275-20487 = 76788m/s gForce: (1/9.8)*76788/.03 = 261184g ~~> 261183g points = (2*2.5*1.5)*((50/3)*(261183 - 3) + (20/25)*20475) + 100 + 50 - 250 = 32770250 points 261,184g acceleration -> 32,770,250 points Safe Return SpeedChangePerFrame: 20487-1027 = 19460m/s gForce: (1/9.8)*19460/.03 = 66190g ~~> 66189g points = (2*2.5*1.5)*((50/3)*(66189 - 3) + (20/25)*20475) + 100 + 50 - 250 = 8396000 points 66,190g acceleration -> 8,396,000 points Now at this point, points are about as meaningful as they are on who's line is it anyways. They're awesome and I want them, but the actual value is silliness. The point is, we crashed things into other things in a creative and spectacular way! And also, Kerbals can survive 66,000g acceleration and laugh it off. I'll admit, I'm feeling a bit jealous. Did I hear badges? Carl
  7. Reached space in 43 seconds, and returned in *ahem* 36:18. The design can certainly be pushed from here. It utilizes immolative decoupling and conflagratory dry mass reduction. It's also on fire, like, the whole time. Fun to run, thanks for the challenge! Sorry the window's so big, I can't seem to make it any smaller... Edit: I followed my heart and added some more boosters. Now it goes up and back with one Kerbal in 2:11. I keep aiming for the swimming pool so I can do Kerbal high diving, but I haven't hit it yet! .... Here's a video of two runs: https://youtu.be/80scXqLfVzk. I was going to post pictures, but the insert attachment button doesn't seem to work.
  8. Yay! I got it. All flags and returns in just over 8 hours. It had plenty of mistakes, so I like to think of it as a proof-of-concept or a benchmark to build from. I'll edit this post with the actual time once I re-watch it and remove the Kraken attack times, probably late today. That was fun! Nerve wracking, but fun. Video: https://youtu.be/kz19G9B2zRU Final time, excluding Krakens, was 8:00:54. Much later edit: I also made an SDA post which included details on when/what happens in the run.
  9. Hah! My ship designs do not survive well into 1.1 . I think people's experience in either 1.05 or 1.1 is still of interest, if anyone else is game to try. I may give the 1.05 run another go this weekend.
  10. I'm impressed with your progress! Especially given you did it without fore-planning. Trying to EVA kerbals on the clock is a different experience, huh? I'm familiar with the mun canyon you chose, it's quite nice for quick science, isn't it? Also, I like your technique for getting more thrust out of the NERVs: just add more! Thanks for putting together the slide show, it was a good way to get a feel for progress. I'd love to see which tech nodes you choose next time you run through.
  11. Start a new file in Career Mode, plant flags on every landable body and return safely as fast as possible. It's tricky, but boy it's fun! The careful planning of KSP mixed with the frenetic action of speed running is a match made in heaven. I've enjoyed quite a number of KSP challenges, and can say there's nothing that tests and rewards your KSP mettle quite like a real-time speedrun. This takes a huge amount of planning so please have fun posting works in progress. For example, see how far you can make it in an hour! These rules were chosen to make the run as entertaining and accessible as possible. If something gets in the way of your enjoyment, just ignore it and make a note in your post. 0. Put a flag on every body (except Kerbin, Jool and the Sun), and return all Kerbals home safe in a single segment of normal difficulty career mode. You're welcome to quicksave and quickload as much as you'd like, but it's all on the clock. If you do this in multiple sittings, just add 3% (added linear) to your time for each sitting to make up for getting to show up fresh. 1. 255 part limit on ships. This allows people with all varieties of computers to run in stride with minimally laggy time losses. The specific number '255' is convenient due to it being the maximum part count of the level 2 VAB. Though this rule may seem limiting, it encourages interesting and careful ship design. 2. No gross clipping. This is unfortunately not a hard-and-fast rule, so I'll detail the broad strokes. Rotating fuel tanks into eachother or using symmetry to clone tanks within eachother is not allowed. However, many parts are intended to work with a bit of clipping, such as the aerodynamic parts, structural parts and several utilities. These are ok! Just use your judgement (famous last words). 3. No phantom force drives. It changes the feel of the game too much. If they're your jam, you should totally do it anyway! I look forward to seeing it. 4. Consistent glitches only. Some glitches can be great for speeding up your run, but glitches can add a huge random element to your run. Please avoid using glitches that add more than a few minutes of random variability, If it's super sweet, exceptions can be made. This rule can either mean that a glitch should be highly consistent, or quick to retry. 5. If the game crashes, reload. This challenge goes to every available SOI often in a single sitting. It's yummy tasty Kraken bait! If the game happens to crash, just pause your clock and reload KSP. Start the clock again when you start loading your save file. We'll just do this by the honor system. Computer disparities could be an issue, though it's mitigated by the 255 part rule. If you want to play but think your computer will hold you back, just tell us your load times, and we can take it into account. Proof is not a big deal. It's all on honor system, really, but this is a forum so find some way to share your valiant triumphs and crushing defeats! A nice finishing shot is to show all the flags in the tracking station and the happy Kerbals in the astronaut complex. Versions of all sort are accepted after (naturally) v0.24. Mods just need to be noted in your posts. Please avoid physics rebalances, unbalanced parts or autopilot mods. The ultimate goal is to run this in vanilla KSP, though- it's much more exciting when you need to time your suicide burns by eye. Works in progress are hugely encouraged. The joy's in the journey, share it! Best Regards, - Cunjo Carl Leader Board @JonnyOThan Fastest time yet at 6h 37m @Ultimate Steve in 7h 50m 49s (Stock v1.4.3) @Cunjo Carl in 8h 6m 50s (Stock v1.0.5) (stock trophy pics incoming in the near future)
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