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  1. The maker of Heisenberg airships said that it still works and I've used it not too long ago on another install that I deleted not too long ago. I have not used CKAN for this. All these mods were manually installed
  2. Hi, After a long burnout,I wanted to get back into ksp and as I normally do, I installed a couple of mods. My issue now is: my KSP gets stuck on "Loading Expansions" when trying to boot and I have no clue why. could anyone please help me with this? Version: 1.8.1 here is a screenshot of the log Mods list:
  3. It's a shame that I suck at creating airships. this thing looks definitely like something that can be KSP'ed
  4. They did mention Modding Support to be a very high priority in the development of KSP 2. I have seen several interviews/recaps from interviews and it all looks very very promising BUT we must always keep in mind that we can only really judge the quality of a game when it has been released.
  5. I'm just happy that somebody took the time and effort to make this mod. Even with the current parts you can get VERY creative. If worst comes to worse, I'd be very intrigued by what you have as a backup.
  6. Slight issue I've found: When I try to attach infernal robotics parts to the elevator, it hovers mid air instead of moving with it Is there a fix for this?
  7. The first aircraft I designed based on Crimson Skies was the Devastator(that tri-plane thing with the engine on it's ass)
  8. Just checked my installs. I created it in version 1.3.1. Don't have the time to fix it up because loading is taking too long but I'll give you the .craft file. If I remember correctly, it requires the legacy parts of infernal robotics, heisenberg airships, Tweakscale and Firespitter. Possibly other things but I'm not sure(worst case scenario, the plane inside it won't function.) Pandora.craft
  9. the game is ancient but I can also HIGHLY recommend crimson skies. Normal paid versions don't work due to the age so I recommend finding another way.(a decent amount of websites modify old games to work with modern hardware and software. Last time I looked for it, I found it within 15 minutes) I had a zeppelin inspired by the Pandora a while ago. I think it was pre KSP 1.6. I made the system that lowers the aircraft by adding structural beams in between Infernal Robotics Hinges. (the large square beams, not the I shaped ones). it was wonky as can be due to aerodynamics still affecting the aircraft while in the hangar so I just bounced up and down like a dolphin when flying to the point where it started sticking out of the bottom. I"ll have a dig through my installs and see if I can find it somewhere and update the design then post pictures.
  10. I only just found out that I could do this: I was busting my mind for quite a while figuring out some ideas about dropping aircraft from an internal storage out of the bottom via a grabbing system but the internal storage was a bit annoying seeing as the hangar deck didn't allow me to drag the vehicle over to the other hangar deck. this will allow me to do so many things that I've been wanting to do for ages. I am posting this here to let everyone know that: 1. I'm an idiot for not thinking about this earlier(been trying to get this to work ever since I first heard about this mod) and 2. this will allow a lot of creativity and different designs.
  11. Question: do you know if KAS/KIS are still compatible even though they've not been updated for a while?
  12. I had an idea for an addition: Rails you can attach/toggle inside of your airship which allows you to build on it. I've tried to set something similar like this with infernal robotics but it just didn't work properly. Here's an example I made(I suck at drawing, I know): Do you think this would be possible or would this be too hard to do?
  13. It is quite annoying though: having to confirm this stuff constantly but thanks for the help.
  14. Hi, I installed this mod after getting back into ksp again but no matter what I try, I keep getting this issue: How do I fix this?
  15. Grabbed the hangar deck but just flipped it upside down and didn't add the flight deck. Just had to open the doors, lower the plane and launch though when tucked away and covered it still bounced. Any tips on stopping that?
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