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Posts posted by HaArLiNsH

  1. First I need to say a big thank you for this essential mod for me since many years :)

    I don't know if this has been notified before or not but it seems that the cylindrical shrouds in size 1,5m and 1,875m are missing.

    And if I can make a suggestion, it would be nice if we could also choose Electric and Liquid fuel as central payload for the core parts. 

  2. Here comes a sad and a good news guys.

    The sad news is that TRR is going to an end as it is for multiple reasons. First, the new suit changed a lot of things and secondly, as @shaw is back on developing TR, I don't want to step on his foot with TRR being a fork of his mod. 

    The good news is that I should come back with a brand new mod dedicated to our kerbals in the future !

    I learned a lot of things with TRR and my bodies experimentation and now I want to make a proper body changer mod. I can make and play with the textures, lets now do that with new bodies with something I made myself and that don't concurrence directly any other mods.

    In the meantime, a big thank you to everybody that used and help me develop TRR. This is not the end ! :kiss:

  3. On 10/17/2018 at 5:06 PM, Araym said:

    Thanks, but:
    1- the new parts from 1.4 and 1.5 are already backported to my 1.3.1 install (MH included), with fully functional colors/meshes swap if available
    2- i do not care of making history as "scenario maker"
    3- I'm waiting @HaArLiNsH civilian bodies
    4- as heavy modded player, 1.4 was a mess-of-bugs, 1.5 lacks a lot of things that in 1.3.1 were stable for me :P

    5- ... i'm not a very fan of the new way KSP is going: being here since 0.15, I feel that the "original" KSP ended at 1.3.1... TakeTwo's KSP feels for me a side project for them, just to ride the brand that they purchased

    Don't hold your breath for the civilian bodies... I tried everything I could think of (and for a long time) and this is impossible to do without redistribute these bodies with a proper skeleton (and I can't do that legally..)
    I could successfully transfer the meshes, even transfer and rename the "bad bones" BUT then the weight of the meshes if off ... And, as far as I know,  you can only correct this when you import a model in the Unity Editor and re-export them (and I can't do that legally..)

    I will give the possibility to use them but the arms aren't going to work as intended ... the new retro suit work flawlessly (good bones), so at least you will be able to change it in real time in the flight scene.

    Why on earth did they made so similar bodies with a different skeleton ??  I just can't understand this  :mad:

    So my main focus is to change the texture system we have now to something more light because having to make and load thousand of textures files is not really a good thing to do.

  4. On 8/30/2018 at 4:44 AM, Delbrutis said:

    So I am finally ready to move away from my 1.3.1 Save and try and start a 1.4.5 career game. I know that there is no official 1.4 support. and I don’t expect any. "No demands here" But I would like to know if I should just use regular TextureReplacer or Hold out on TRR? I have all my suits and sky-boxes set up to run on TRR. I have a working Linux shader and the only thing  keeping my OCD from letting me use TRR is this. Cs4W0UN.pngI haven’t seen anyone mention this on the forum and I wondered if there was some sort of ConfigFile solution I could fix on my own?  Thanks in advance If no one knows no worries just thought it couldn’t hurt to ask?  

    I have this fixed.


    I know I already told that before but I'm still working on TRR. I'm seriously looking to find another and better way to change the look of our kerbal but without the need of so many textures files. I have the new suit working with custom textures but it just add more and more textures needed and this will become too much with the others bodies aswell. I'm also looking on using Texture Unlimited for the shader to get the reflections back but with a proper one this time.

  5. On 5/10/2018 at 8:49 PM, Jesusthebird said:

    I see. What if we use textures unlimited?? I know that mod provides reflecions too. So im wondering if there is a compatibility issue. Or if i happen to install both TU and TRR. which mod will provide the reflections??

    Some times ago we talked about making a crossover between TRR and TU. Unfortunately, I was really occupied the past months and I couldn't push the idea further.

    Also, I'm still here :)  I will try to update TRR as soon as possible (I know already said that but you know ... life :) ) I'll check about that loss of quality in the textures and the others problems (like the eyes in first person view). I will put my research on the body switching on hold a bit (I can't get the bones like it should on the other bodies) , I still have hope for that but we will have to wait.

  6. 2 hours ago, Beetlecat said:

    Shoot -- well thank you for looking, just the same. The Nanogauges mod may benefit short-term from what was done for Final Frontier -- i.e. make the images bigger so that they down-scaled to the correct size.

    Bigger is always better, you can downsize but not the inverse. 

  7. On 4/26/2018 at 6:43 AM, Beetlecat said:

    Quick followup -- tried this and no good -- the nanogauges are still "blurry". I tried the "never" setting, and even also tried adding ^Nereid/ to the list below (^ is "not" right?).

    If this don't work, it may be related to the bilinear/trilinear stuff. I need to check if we can disable this (or I'll gonna make the option) because TRR (and TR) do change bilinear texture to trilinear.   And (if I understood well) the  " ^Nereid/" add the mod to list of mipmap to be generated. 
    This is stuff I still haven't really looked since I got on TRR.


    13 hours ago, jack gamer said:

    I have one question, whats the evaground Suit for?

    The EVA ground suit is for the case where you are on the Mun or another planet/moon than Kerbin without atmosphere. Think as it as the suit they use in the movie "the martian", they use a different space suit when they are on the ground of Mars than when they are in space
    I made it because I was doing a big texture pack and I needed a new type of suit. The texture pack is still coming but my experimentations on changing the bodies put this on hold because now I so want to be able to use the civilian body with the hands 


    this is the IVA version of the pack I'm talking about :



    Btw, this (experimental) method is still under work, I found the way to "stitch" the new bodies on our kerbal but the bones are still a problem. I'm actually trying to extract the bones from the basic KerbalEVA body and put it on the new piece but its easier to say it than doing it :)
    And the last update (1.4.3) did something horrible because I have a new problems that I didn't had until now ..  You can check the advancement of this on my dev branch for the 1.4.X :

    Keep patience, one day (no too far I hope) , we will have 2-3 new bodies for our kerbals :cool:


  8. 10 minutes ago, ksp_colin said:

    Just a heads up that my log file is full of messages:

    RR 07:47:15.812] [TRR.Loader] TRR : Texture unloading freed approximately 228.7 MB of system RAM

    [LOG 07:47:15.814] [TRR.Replacer] ++++ 'load()' ++++
    [LOG 07:47:15.851] [TRR.Reflections] ++++ 'load()' ++++
    [LOG 07:47:15.854] [TRR.Reflections] Some environment map faces are missing. Static reflections disabled.
    [LOG 07:47:15.855] [TRR.Personaliser] ++++ 'load()' ++++
    [LOG 07:47:16.131] [TRR.Personaliser] Settings found for DEFAULT_MALE, using them
    [LOG 07:47:16.131] [TRR.Personaliser] Settings found for DEFAULT_FEMALE, using them
    [LOG 07:47:16.133] [TRR.Personaliser] Settings found for DEFAULT_SUIT, using them
    [LOG 07:47:16.151] [TRR.TextureReplacerReplaced] ++++ 'TRR is loaded'++++
    [ERR 07:47:16.162] Material doesn't have a texture property '_MainTex'

    [ERR 07:47:16.162] Material doesn't have a texture property '_MainTex'

    <and then thousands of the _MainTex one liners, -ksp_colin>


    The [LOG] are normal stuff made to track the activity of TRR (so we can "debug" the log easily). 

    The [ERR] about the _Maintex can come from other mods that tries to change or affect the maintexture of a gameobject. It could come from TRR too or a conflict somewhere. If you have thousands of them,it means something is going badly at each update()   (each frame if you prefer).

    ksp 1.4.2 is still officially not supported :)


    Glad you could configure the visor has you like btw :cool:

  9. 7 hours ago, ksp_colin said:

    Sorry if this has been asked earlier.. Can anyone confirm if the transparency can be adjusted? The pink visor fix works great and now have the default semi transparent golden space visor with 1.4.2. I was wondering if I could reduce the transparency, so it was just golden visor (kerbal faces hidden behind golden mirror)? Thanks


    also tuning the RGB components of the visor in the TRR advanced windows helps, but the visors are still very transparent. I seem to only be able to tune the gold aspect  GameData\TextureReplacerReplaced\Default, but have not achieved a full mirror yet.

    As Cetera pointed out, you have to make a texture yourself if you want full opaque/mirror. The 3 bundled textures are just a full grey color (125,125,125) with opacity set to

    - Iva : 35%

    - Eva Ground : 75%

    - Eva Space : 92%

    You can also go for a white color but you will have better ingame recoloring result with a grey



    Here is a 100% opaque grey texture that you have to put in your custom "Default" folder, name it like one of these choices to replace one of the default visor texture : 

    kerbalVisor.png     for the Iva

    EVAgroundVisor.png  for the Eva Ground

    EVAvisor.png for the Eva Space



  10. 16 hours ago, SpaceFox25 said:

    Did the original Texture Replacer just get updated or is that just me? If so, is there any difference to using TR or TRR? Now I'm getting confused :D

    TR has not been really updated, just recompiled for this version. I don't have forgotten you guys but I've got few time to code and lot of headaches (witch make coding difficult :wink:  ) 

    11 hours ago, Beetlecat said:

    Apologies if this is an already-answered question, but is there a method of whitelisting a mod's images to *not* get compressed? Nanogauges all appear "fuzzy" on-screen when using TRR. Maybe those graphics need to be converted/implemented differently?

    I disabled by default the old compression system (this come from one of the first features of TR)

    isCompressionEnabled = never

    But, TRR still generate MipMap when there are none. I think the problem can come from this (this come also from an ancient time) and there are some images that don't need mipmap (the navball was one of these) I think the nanogauge have the same problem that the navball had, you should have a solution here : 


    in the setting file @TRR_Default.cfg in the folder "000_TRR_Config" , try to set

    isMipmapGenEnabled = auto

    to :

    isMipmapGenEnabled = never

    and tell me if that solve the problem

  11. Just now, Sigma88 said:

    I'm going to address this when I get around to update my mods, I'll need to get in touch with everybody that currently uses SR for skyboxes and get organized with them to change the naming convention to something that can be compatible with TRR

    Naming convention can be a thing hard to impose but usually it really help to standardize the use of the mod.

  12. 1 minute ago, Galileo said:

    Where are you getting that information? TRR works fine even along side sigma replacements...there is no conflict only bad TRR setups, which is not your fault, it’s the user who can’t figure out how to set up TRR correctly. A bad setup is not a conflict. Instead of sending them my way, please look into the issue the user is having with your mod because I will not provide support for a mod we clearly have chosen to not use. 

    Oh, I really ? they work together nicely ?  Accept my apologies if I mislead people here.

  13. 21 minutes ago, Elmetian said:

     The eyes and teeth of my kerbals are visible (see video below) regardless of whether I have a suit texture pack installed or not.


    Yeah sry, its a "know" bug , its related to the feature where we can change the texture and color of the eyes, I totally forgot this one  :o

  14. 5 minutes ago, 1990eam said:

    Hello. I'm trying to get AstronomersVisualPack to work but when I drop the TextureReplacerReplaced folder in Gamedata my Kerbals have a purple texture in the helmets like it's missing something. Can you help me out?


    Same story again and again, I edited the OP to make people more aware : TRR is not fully 1.4.2 compatible yet, you can either set the reflections to NONE to fix that or (if you are on windows) Place this shaders.windows file in KSP/GameData/TextureReplacerReplaced/Shaders

  15. 11 hours ago, DeltaDizzy said:

    well, that ruins my plan to make skyboxes work with TRR and Sigma using a single download.

    Sigma replacement don't work with TRR (not my choice, ask Sigma )

    2 hours ago, ArkaelDren said:

    As for my Post ^^^ 4-6 up, does anyone know of direct conflicts between GPP (With out adding Sigma) that interferes with TRR?

    and the maker of GPP switched to Sigma replacement. You should ask on his thread why it conflict.

  16. Oh and I think you can already change the default texture of the new vintage suit with the last version of TRR :)  I can give the names if you want.

    I extracted all the new textures and changed them to test the features, I'll update also the TRR_Guide when all is working.

    This time we wont do like TR did, I wont give the original textures to the community (legal stuff ) so I need also to make some templates like I did for the guide.

  17. Quick update : still working on the new features, it will take a bit of time to code all that stuff but I've got plans and they seems to works.

    Here is a real time body swap with custom textures (suit,helmet,jetpack, backpack, parachute). I say real time because the suit wasn't chosen before the flight, they are new meshes added (cloned from the new suit body) to the base kerbal suit and the default meshes are hidden while in the flight scene.

    This works only with the DLC installed, I made a conditional check, just to be sure legally :wink:


    I've not tested the new shader provided by @Tentei Venser yet but it should work too for the visor.


    I think the last version of TRR and the shader still work for the last update (at least on windows)


  18. On 25/03/2018 at 12:58 AM, Delbrutis said:

    I haven’t even converted most of them to DDS yet and the PNG's seem to work fine? These were really old suits I had not even converted to DDS yet I might have done one of the helmets but mostly just renamed as is

    You don't even have to rename them normaly to use them as TR did (but its better if you want to expand to suit set). Also DON'T convert them to DDS... it will only degrade the graphics.


    1 hour ago, Tentei Venser said:

    FIrst off, want to thank @HaArLiNsH for his modding work.

    @astrospud I too ran into the pink visor issue after Steam updated my game to 1.4.0, but like a boss @HaArLiNsH has the source code for TRR available. Downloaded, broke, redownloaded, somewhere along the way learned about shaders, installed 3 versions of Unity and I finally managed to "fix" the compiled shader. All it needed was to recompile the asset bundle in KSP's new Unity (2017.1.3p1) version XD Place this shaders.windows file in KSP/GameData/TextureReplacerReplaced/Shaders. This is only the Windows shader file, since I don't have a Mac or Linux PC to test it on (also Unity kept complaining that I didn't have the standalone modules installed). Hopefully this helps out :)


    Oh man .. really ? :cool: I can't test it tonight but this seems promising , great works ! 

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