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    A cat who love rockets and space

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  1. Wow thanks dude!, I think that will help many players! (I'd like so much to have this ability to create RO patches, think i'll start learning)
  2. Hello world, I've recently heard that this mod (which is a masterpiece, but like Zarya and Zvezda pls ) works with RO. So is that TRUE and then i'm just dumb to figure out how it works. Or it's FALSE and then i'll kick the sh*t outta my friend, and then hug him. (#NOHOMO) Thanks for the future replies! (Is this English?)
  3. Oh, it's strange because i don't have this problem with the same F-1. A bad installation of RO maybe ?
  4. Hello there !, I'm playing with RO/RP-0 and a bunch of mods. I've Real Scale Boosters installed and it's not compatible with RP-0. So, there's my question : Do you have tips to make a patch, or someone have already made it ? A good day for everyone ! (Sorry if my english is bad, i'm french) Hi !, Personally i don't have this problem. But what kind of F-1 are you using ?, It's from FASA, stock, SSTU,... ?
  5. Oh !, great to know ! Do you have tips to do it ?
  6. Hello there !, I'm playing with RO ans all is good with this mod. But when play with RP-0/RO the parts are not into the tech tree (and i have community tech tree installed) So there's my question : Is there any solution to do work RSB with RP-0 (like remove the "Not RP-0") ? Good day for everyone ! (Sorry if my english is bad, I'm french)
  7. Dude, you're a god !, finally someone made a be-3 engine for RO, thanks !
  8. It's the the time of the question who appeared of nowhere ! It's possible to include the SSTU mod at RO ? their commands pods are se useful ! (Sorry if my english is bad, i'm french)
  9. Uhhhh... For a unknow reason... now it work... But thanks for the messages ! ^^
  10. Okay, it's my Game Data Folder, Maybe you will find something intresting ?
  11. The dependencies ?, What is it ?, Kopernicus for example ?
  12. First of all, i'm sorry if this question was already ask. When i dowload this mod (who is very great ^^) with Ckan, and I load the game, it no work !, it's the kerbol system =' ( Someone have a solution ? (Sorry if my english is bad, or very bad; i'm french)
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