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Everything posted by Tyko

  1. I also added a line to the config to kick ejection force up as well. I think I'm using 500 as my default force.
  2. I think the reason that culture has grown is because many people just pop onto a forum and ask "does it work?" or some equivalent question without bothering to read previous posts. So you end up with all this needy "gimme gimme gimme" spam. Here's what I do - Install it and see if it seems to work. Read recent posts Go to the Github and see if there's work being done on the mod If it doesn't work I make sure I'm not dealing with a mod conflict and the problem really is with the mod I'm testing Give at least a week or so after the update releases After I've done all of that if I have a problem and nobody else has asked about it I might make a post that says "hey, I tried the mod on 1.7 and XXXX happened. Are others seeing this?" Why this approach? I'm putting effort into it and trying to figure it out first The modder may not be aware of the issue and since I've done the testing I'm able to make a viable bug report - that helps the modder
  3. Welcome to the forums...why not just ask your questions on the ReStock (or other mod) thread next time. That's easier than creating another forum thread and then asking people to repost information already found on the ReStock thread
  4. Yep @Hotel26 , you're really close! - in addition to adding nose cones you can also use smaller radial decouplers to save weight. You can probably also get away with removing the little solid rocket separation motors for your SRBs. You don't need that much separation force and it'll save more weight
  5. the Kraken lurks in the dark corners of all bodies waiting to gobble up landers
  6. ReScale works just great. I've been using it in every version of the game since 1.2.x. Again..if it's "breaking stuff" why not raise specific issues in those mod threads? Then maybe you'll find a solution because it's not breaking "stuff" for most people
  7. Making History DLC has plates that match that description
  8. ReScale your system to 2.5 or 3.2x That'll increase your overall challenge level. ReScale does work with 1.6 and seems to work fine with 1.7 too... As to your list of questions - you'll probably get more help asking each of those questions on the forum for their respective mods rather than posting a long list and expecting everyone to sort through it for you.
  9. Works with 1.7. No changes necessary
  10. Works with 1.7. No changes necessary
  11. No thank you...not interested in cheating my way to the Mun. If you do add it please let me turn it off in settings. I never want it to appear in my game in the launcher menu or in the map mode.
  12. The atmo model was replaced in version 1.0. Is that what you mean? Only minor tweaks since then. The Aero model hasn't changed, but I believe the aerodynamic qualities of many parts has changed. I recall there were issues with engine variants, cargo bays and other parts not working properly. Is it possible that's what's causing the problem?
  13. My near-replica of a Saturn V has enough DV be able to send the Apollo capsule and LEM to just about anywhere in the stock system. The LEM would work on almost any body without an atmosphere too. I think Moho is the one body that would be a challenge just because your flyby is very fast, but that might even be possible If you want to build a scale Saturn V and have it perform roughly like the real thing did try rescaling your system to 2.5-3.2x. To make the game more approachable for new players the devs adjusted stock rocket performance to be much more forgiving than RL.
  14. I'd suggest asking in the MechJeb forum
  15. LOL...yea, I was wondering if they could leverage some of the MH mission builder code for this. I've never used Mission Builder, but I'd definitely use a maneuver programmer if it worked well. In some ways this is like KOS, which is very powerful, but to make it more player friendly i was envisioning a GUI based programming system instead of a text environment.
  16. That's great for you. I'm glad you enjoy playing that way.. I don't want the game to do it for me. with maneuver programming I'm still doing it, I'm just doing it a different way.
  17. I'd be all in favor of an in-game graphical scripting system that let me write automation programs though. Something that involved dragging and dropping decision points into a sequence then typing parameters into each of the decision points. finally stringing them all together into a series of programs that would control an entire flight.
  18. BUT...Steam Workshop isn't smart enough to check it. I play Paradox games and have grown to hate Workshop - I was looking for HOI4 mods that would run on current HOI4 and Steam happily suggested I try all of these old broken mods. Sure, it's fine that the HOI4 loader catches them after the fact, but it makes discovering compatible mods very difficult Steam Workshop is a broken experience when it comes to version tracking. Adding KSP mods to it wouldn't make KSP players' lives any easier. At least CKAN is smart enough to only show mods approved to work with your installed game version.
  19. You must have figured out something about Workshop that I missed. You're saying you subscribe in Workshop and don't worry about it, but mods don't update automatically, so whenever the game updates many mods break. Workshop, at least as I've figured it out, doesn't help me to sort that out. Workshop doesn't seem to even let me search for mods that are compatible with the game version I'm playing. I search in Workshop and it happily displays mods that haven't been updated for 2 years as "most relevant". How have you configured workshop to make it so simple? I must be missing something.
  20. Agreed...plus keyboard shortcuts! Those alone make the mod so useful! Using the keyboard to tweak my maneuver is so simple and elegant...
  21. Yea well most mods work just fine with 1.6.x without any update. The problem is that many people don't take the time to read a thread or try themselves. It's easier to just say "UPDATE YOUR MOD" than to do a little research or type "This looks cool, has anyone tried it with 1.6?" Playing modded games has a certain DIY element but people forget that and expect everything will be spoon-fed to them as if they actually paid the modder.
  22. @Morse Thanks for getting back to this mod! very excited that it's still alive I'm glad Squad is giving the stock node some TLC, but from the looks of it it still falls well short of the capabilities of your mod.
  23. Whew!! That's good news. It it scalable as a separate element just like the NavBall is then?
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