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  1. Согласен, тема с монолитами исчерпана. Будет что-то другое. Что именно пока не знаю. Пока есть пара безумных идей, вроде еще одной миссии к венере ил и пилотируемой миссии со спуском космоплана в недра газового гиганта (Урана или Нептуна например) С возвратом естественно. Agreed. The monolith theme is exhausted. Next video would be something different. Now i have couple of crazy ideas like another mission to Venus or maybe manned mission to gas giant (Uranus or Neptune) with the descent of a space plane into its atmosphere. And with subsequent return of course
  2. Definitely not in the near future. It took me five months to make this series, so now i need to take some rest. Maybe in a next year, if i will have any ideas for the plot, i'll do the sequel. Or maybe it would be completeley different story
  3. Ok, thanks to KSK the job is done. And the first episode is finally here!
  4. Hey, guys! For the last several months i've been working on my new KSP video. It would be action miniseries of 6 episodes, 20-25 minutes each. Here we go!
  5. Finally, I did what I had planned a few years ago: I dropped the plane into gas giant. And it didn't broke apart!
  6. Hi! Perhaps you've heard that according to some scientists, in the solar system there must be another planet, behind the orbit of Neptune? So i'm trying to add it into the Real Solar System mod. I've created giant Super-Earth iceball and placed it at the distance of around 600 a.u. from the Sun. It is about 3.5 times bigger and 10 times heavier than Earth, acording to astrophysicists calculations. And it works fine, but i've run into problem. My planet is almost absoluteley flat. So can someone help me to fix this?
  7. Пол ночи монтировал сегодня новое видео о полете к спутникам Сатурна.
  8. Hey guys, check out my new video i made this night!
  9. Hey gents! I've made it! Just like Macollo few years ago! Thanks for him for inspiring me! It was very hard, i think it's one of the hardest achivements in Kerbal Space Program! This mission took me a month of real time but it was totally worth it!
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