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Everything posted by NIN3

  1. Woops, guess I broke a rule.... :-[ In other news, cool! I hope it brings us some more users!
  2. Rule 74: Just becuse it worked once, dosent mean it will work again.
  3. Not that I didnt read the rules, but its called scroll to the bottom and hit accept. Im sure everyones done it on thouse long copyright and end user agreements.
  4. I walk in, and throw radion off of the hill with violence. My hill.
  5. Error: You\'ve met a terrible fate, havent you? Error: You shouldent have done that. Error: Good night, Ben.
  6. Wow, youve made even jeb cry! Did you make it back off the luner surface? (it might be possible)
  7. I storm the crater, and attack you with a solar panel, then frying you on it for lunch. My crater with cooking radion! (gnight folks, see yall tommorow. GIMMI BACK MA CRATER!)
  8. While you try to open the fake bank bag that you think is the hill, I run off like a ninja and replant my hill in a hidden location. My replanted hill in a hidden location.
  9. Whilst your asleep, (yeah your asleep, deal with it) I take a big bag and put the hill in it, and run off with it. My hill-in-a-bag composed of dungens, numbers, and robot parts
  10. I slap you silly, for making me look silly. My hill, with Radion stuck in a dungion named Glados under it.
  11. I slowly make my way up the hill in a cardboard box, then jump out and shoot you with a tranquilizer gun, and throw you into the dungin I make out of the robot parts. For some reason it calls itself Glados. Idunno why.
  12. So you play world of tanks eh? http://media.comicvine.com/uploads/1/16508/711162-627412_picard_no_facepalm_1__super_super.jpg (mah control V)
  13. (jeez, we should probably let some one else play lol) I walk up to megatron, and hand him a caculation to make, which just so happens to be a devide by zero problem. He explods in a ball of fire, killing you. My hill composed of dead robots.
  14. I summon optimus prime, who promtly tells you to leave (with not so kind wording) so you leave with your head hung in shame. My pile of irradiated rubble and optimus prime.
  15. I become hulk, and hulk smash my way out, and throw you back to whatever forum you came from. My unblocked empty ruble cave!
  16. 418: Im a tea pot. Error, system shuting down, please reinstall Teapot.exe and notatrojen.jpg.exe
  17. I dump lava then water on it, trapping you inside! My obsidian with Radion in it!
  18. I bunt you off your slab, and build the KSP lanch station there. My KSP!
  19. I read the titel, and thought it was a First Person Shooter, or cotpit view plugin. boy was I off =P
  20. easyest way to get these things to the mun is the gravistapa. its helpfull, since you done need as much thrust. and it can be used as a break too. (kinda a cheat part though)
  21. Soz work in 32 bit, intill there comes a time where the a verstion can be converted to 64, so we can have both. I personally dont mind if it dosent use all my computer, till I start to see a performince decrease.
  22. Welcome to the forums. By your time I was still trying to get out of the atmospheare..... -NIN3 Twas here-
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