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Everything posted by JadeOfMaar

  1. @Zum of all trades It's normal, except that the stock radiators are out of their element when you want to use them on heat sources more powerful than in stock. Nertea's own radiator pack is over here:
  2. I'm fairly sure you're the only one, yes. Plenty explanation and a GitHub wiki link in the OP here: (Hard dependency of this mod) The short and sweet of System Heat is that radiators are reliable and safe at high temperatures and high timewarp (you mostly don't have to deal with physical heat which becomes the kraken's energy) and the radiators themselves (and any devices that will require them) are sorted into tiers of operating temperatures. Radiators only work if they're put in a loop with something that runs hotter than them and devices that run at very different operating temperatures should not be on the same loop. The hotter devices will overwhelm and disable the colder ones.
  3. Rational Resources Jet (or Nuclear) Family are pioneer modlets for this specific kind of compatibility/conversion work. What you're hoping for can be done and has been done but there's an obvious steep climb or un-climbable wall when coming across engines that already have a B9 switch which affects engine stats (secondarily to switching meshes) such as BDB's NTR which can be a short bell, long bell or very short spike.
  4. Release 2.0 Changes Added stack nodes for the radial intakes to help with drag cube problems. Changed drag cubes for radial intakes to resemble wing boards to help with drag cube problems. Adjusted engine performance: Increased thrust in the Spatha, Gladius and Baselard. Slightly extended peak velocity in the Tory III. Fixed DepthMask issues. Retextured and Resurfaced. ⭐ PBR done right!
  5. That's right. Don't let your warp drive flameout (whether exotic matter or electric charge) or it will kraken. Players tend to flameout on electric charge because they use the drive to generate exotic matter while burning it and it punishes their electric generation.
  6. The report here is really motivating. Thanks for sharing! Interesting. Haven't played for myself yet but I'm looking to make my own large(r) sandcaster. I would not expect this orientation.
  7. Thanks. I'm glad you enjoy. Save this as a new config anywhere in GameData. It will turn off the rain effect inside them and stop the flickering. @PART[strl-rad-lfr-sta*] { MODULE { name = ModuleB9DisableTransform transform = Scroll } }
  8. Let's not forget the edge case of running said engine from inside a fairing or cargo bay. Turned my ship into a relativstic shrapnel stream and even unleashed some Omega Molecule there. Revisiting the scene of the destruction after the fact was actually pain.
  9. Thanks for posting your config. I clean forgot Atomic Age had engines other than the lightbulb and the jet engine which didn't appear for me. Change the :NEEDS to :AFTER. You want to make sure that any adjustment to existing patches literally run after those that exist in VAB Organizer itself. The use of :FOR is bad for these reasons: Part of how :FOR works is it tells MM that the named mod (Atomic Age) is installed (even when it actually isn't). If you happen to not have that mod installed later then compatibility patches in other mods (if they exist) will still run and can break your game. If you publish that config as-is and other people use it and don't have Atomic Age, their games can break too. This is a very terrible beginner mistake to make. The patch will run within the sequence of the named mod (Atomic Age) which is alphanumerically earlier than VAB Organizer. The mod whose patches run alphanumerically later gets priority and will overwrite earlier patches. I went out of my way to take care of Atomic Age (and the FTmN atomics mod) since they're owned by LinuxGuruGamer. I've submitted that patch to SheepDog's VABO config pack. What it looks like: // Atomic Age @PART[nuclearEngineLightbulb]:NEEDS[SpaceTuxIndustries/RecycledParts]:AFTER[VABOrganizer] { %VABORGANIZER { %organizerSubcategory = nuclearEngines } } Yes. No. If a single mod is given for NEEDS and the same mod is given for AFTER then this is a needless redundancy. Just use the AFTER. BEFORE, FOR, AFTER. Pick one. These control the timing of a patch.
  10. @aviin Thanks. I knew I was missing something in WBI. I'll get to adding SunkWorks soon...and I've thought of OG Buffalo. I'll do that as well, for completeness of course. Release 1.1 Borrows categories from: Heat Control Near Future Electric Individual changes: Properly placed WBT parts (Buckboards and S.A.F.E.R. nuclear reactor) Added B9 Aerospace Added PsiWedge Added subcategories for exotic radiators and heatsinks Moved most radiators and solar panels (Sterling Systems) to static radiators and static solar panels subcategories Updated definition of Convertible Storage subcategory
  11. @theogameren Are you surrrrrrre you want to announce that? It's not hard to keep a low profile and start over until you return to your last progress point. A custom space center -is- a tedius job but it's not a particularly complex one like making textures or writing DLLs. Your audience can and will wait. What you showed was promising enough.
  12. If you're looking for an adapter then that does not exist. After your K part, place a KH part then place an H mounted part to fill the upper opening.
  13. Printery These fellows are SandCastle printers and EL drone workshops. They produce whatever the construction or maintenance resource is and spawn parts into your inventory.
  14. Intentional. I don't make IVAs so they don't have their own unique IVAs.
  15. The propeller engines category exists in VABO itself. After all, players love to make those with robotics and they do love Airplane Plus (which I've made a config for and given it to this config pack). For simplicity's sake, a propeller engine is defined as any fan type engine which is usually unducted and ideally won't be taking you to supersonic speeds on its own power. The engine method that drives the fan isn't too important as ultimately, the in-game performance won't be very different per the method.
  16. Maybe you're writing in characters somewhere, like spaces, question marks or math symbols into input fields where they don't belong, or maybe today really isn't a good day for account creation on Spacedock. A screenshot or two of your WIP (and a temporary Dropbox link) would be welcome, otherwise, this topic is only a wishlist and a rant.
  17. <-- There was a joke there. @Polaris0352 You missed it.
  18. I and another person already finished that. You'll be seeing mine soon, along with FUR and CryoEnginesExtensions.
  19. VAB Organizer configs for @Angelo Kerman 's mods and my own. Borrows subcategories from: Far Future Tech Near Future Propulsion Declares unique subcategories for: Blueshift Sterling Systems Provides for: OPT Spaceplane Parts Rational Resources Sterling Systems Wild Blue Industries Blueshift Buffalo 2 DSEV Flying Saucers Heisenberg Mk-33 MOLE Pathfinder SandCastle ... LICENSE: MIT DOWNLOAD :: SPACEDOCK :: GITHUB
  20. @SheepDog2142 If nobody's on it already, I could take on KPBS + FUR for you. I've posted two issues on your repo. In the naming suggestions issue I mention that I'll be releasing configs separate from this, and why. In the other issue I point out a critical mistake that's being made in this mod, which can cause massive support headaches for users of the mods this mod provides for.
  21. Highly doubt. It would get annoying fast to write configs for that if it happened. It would also get annoying fast to have to dig multiple levels if many parts have multiple levels of subcategories.
  22. Isn't that the mod that makes radiators have pay grades?
  23. The engine type you are looking for is gas core nuclear thermal. Kerbal Atomics (linked above) is the best choice of mods for all the NTR variety you can hope for and has been around before KSP2. The CryoTanks mod (also from Nertea) has an XXL hydrogen tank. Actually no. That specific engine was rather short on Isp for what it was advertised as.
  24. Previous full release: Mostly. It doesn't support any of the parts I've added since I adopted it and I don't use TURD so I don't contribute to it. Experimental beta: No. Because I rearranged everything to try to reduce some of the mess among the folders and to make it easier for players to find and delete what sections they don't want.
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