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Everything posted by zackattack0517

  1. I am having a problem with KIS. I can only carry one liter with my kerbal. I am on the newest version. Please help if you know what is wrong. Thanks, Zack
  2. If it ever freezez try putting it in rest mode and turn it back on and it should unfreeze. I have it on my PS4 and i have not had corrupted data since. Tell me is this does or does not help.
  3. Put the PS4 in rest mode and turn it back on and it will unfreeze.
  4. I have KSP on the PS4 and my data has corrupted twice. I think i have found a way around it. When the game freezes i turn off into rest mode and when i turn it back on i am right back where i left off with it unfrozen. Tell me if this does or does not work for you. If it works for you please tell other people.
  5. I have been playing kip and my data has corrupted twice but i have figured out that if you put the ps4 in rest mode it will unfreeze. Please reply and tell me if this helps or not.
  6. I have been having the problem about the data corrupting. It has happened twice and I am scared to start another game in case that is corrupted. I am just wondering when I can expect the bug fix to release.
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