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  1. What about the WOW! Signal .... Probably they have left a radio signal a long time ago and got so scattered that we only caught it for a few minutes .... And by now (if their tech is more advance) (and if the realised our existance) they might have shot an eventually more advance beam of mode of communication which we donot understand (as of now!).
  2. Well you can refer to minutephysics's antimatter video to understand or even this video
  3. As per the current accepted theory of antimatter (about the one that says that matter and antimatter originate and collide) says that there was one matter particle extra than the anti matter forming our universe ..... I say that what if we had two eruptions simultaneously and the matter from first eruption collapse with the antimatter if second eruption as they got too close and the antimatter from the first one gets too far away from the matter of the second (prooving that there was no extra matter, with respect to original theory is that they originate in pairs) showing that the matter (of the second) turned on to our universe and probably there is another universe of antimatter somewhere where the anti-you is reading this right now. Now due to the expansion of both the universes these two might get close enough for their forces of attraction to pull each other ,collide and destroy each other. This all might have happened several times at different times hence proving the existence of multiverse. And this is the SIDDHARTH's theory on origin of univers and multiverse
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