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Everything posted by DrunkenKerbalnaut

  1. Say no more. That sounds pretty damned convenient haha.
  2. Val: "Ooh, nitrous. Jeb, who are you trying to impress with your old Mustang?" Jeb: "No, that's jet fuel." Val: "........" EDIT @HebaruSan is that a PorkJet fuel tank? I gotta get on that.
  3. Well there was this one guy, Leif And Trailer Park Boys is Canadian.
  4. Just saw this .gif. I'm crying here. It's like the cast of Peanuts, 30 years later.
  5. Hadn't thought of that. Thanks. I've never used the mod, but I understand where your coming from. Another reason that just came to me: elliptical and/or polar orbits can yield longer periods of sun exposure, providing a refinery with more solar power. I don't really see this being a deciding factor, though. I don't imagine many people sit and wait while their refinery crunches 50 tons of ore.
  6. If I understand correctly, a few of you are mining on the surface, then transporting the ore to an orbital refinery. My refineries are on the surface, and my lander only hauls fuel to orbit. Is there a reason I should consider refining in orbit? At first glance, it seems cheaper to do it my way. What's the justification?
  7. CONFIRMED: Kerbal Cloning planned for 1.3
  8. I probably should have kept my mouth shut As I'm not Triop, my response was just supposed to be informative. Maybe a little sarcastic. I'm sure the hovercraft parts are the bees knees, but I've never seen a hovercraft in the Dakar rally. Make a rover and come trash the hills with us, and maybe consider hosting a hovercraft race? I can think of a few people here that would join in on the fun.
  9. KungFu master, that panda just at a friendly reminder: you OK'd a previous potential entry that was a hovercraft. It was apparently all stock, and actually made contact with the ground using sideways M1 wheels. So the hovercraft may have actually been a "grind the ground like R. Kelly" craft...
  10. @SpannerMonkey(smce) If it's any consolation, I'd say it's a better looking rover than it's predecessor(s).
  11. I still bully my nephew out of his when I go to visit. Those damn things have become expensive.
  12. Haha yup. Seeing your rover in the other thread, sounds to me you've got a good balance. Personally, I couldn't quite balance things in my entry, so I dropped down to the M1 wheels (never really used em before...) I'll certainly be back to the TR in the next rally . CAN WE RACE YET TRIOP?!?!
  13. Unsolicited advise: the newest iteration of the TR-2L is a fantastic wheel, but touchy on cross-country. It prefers an odd balance of rover weight and EC supply, damn near necessitating fuel cells/RTGs instead of solar power in order to squeeze the most out of them. If you notice it getting a little 'skittery' on landings or rapidly-changing terrain edges - in spite of attention paid to suspension settings - try adding more mass, or removing a set of redundant wheels. These wheels are best under load.
  14. Modding wheel configs. That's a slippery slope, bro. Next you'll be hanging out in gas station bathrooms, trying to score an SRB, selling all your science points for that next trip to the stars...
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