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  1. By accident, I know that I can switch focus view on map screen using tab and shift+tab. But pressing shift means that my vessel will increase the throttle and mess with orbit. When I look at the input setting menu, I can't find an option of those two actions. How can I change input for those actions? Thank you.
  2. Few weeks ago (I'm newbie) usually I draw rough sketch. But when I put it on KSP, usually the size doesn't fit or it will cause a lot of trouble on launch. Since that time, I never use drawing board again and just attach anything that have docking port I learn so much about patience and organization from your videos, thank you! Btw, how do you make 3D satellite model like on your 1st tutorial? IMHO, MS Paint will do better for slower computer, it's light and fast. Gimp has better feature but the startup and processing takes a lot more time. But... I could highly recommend colored pens and plain paper for this kind of job
  3. Thanks for your suggestions guys! I'll check them tonight and see which one suit my playing style
  4. Noob question. How to do it exactly? Especially when I don't have anu RCS. Do i need to burn retrograde until specific height then turn prograde? Or is there another better method? Thank you
  5. I have universe sandbox (1) but it crash more times than I can tolerate. I don't know if the second version is more stable. It was a good simulator, especially once you know things about orbital mechanics and when you can understand the meaning of cunfusing numbers displayed. Take on mars sounds promising, but it lacks of positive responses so I just put it on my "follow" list at this moment. I have no idea about the third title. Anyway, I played FSX a lot until few months ago. Then gradually I lost interest because lack of co-op feature on my favourite planes.
  6. When you insert 600km as radius of earth and then scratch your head because the result number doesn't make sense.
  7. Once I was a kid, I was told that earth is orbiting sun because sun is heavier. And moon is orbiting earth because earth is heavier. Then I asked people, why don't moon orbit sun if sun is heavier than earth? Why dont we fall into sun and why dont moon fall into earth? I had plenty of questions which seem that no one have the answer. As I dont have bright mind, i had trouble looking for answers from books. Then I grow older and forget my questions because thats what adult do. One day I saw this game on steam and suddenly I remember my unanswered questions and decided to buy it. Many thing (including the calculations) become make sense once I tried it. Now I can understand some basic physics and astrodynamic equation because I have experienced it virtually on KSP.
  8. Permisi, nubi numpang lewat. Baru main sejak 1.1.3 Awalnya ga tau ini game mainnya gimana. Eh, akhirnya ketagihan juga wkwkwk
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