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Everything posted by JoeSheridan

  1. My KSP-Plans for 2021 are: 1. land a kerbal on duna with kerbalism (please without a third save game break before the ship enteres duna orbit) 2. Visit all the Bodys of the Minor Planets Expansion Pack 3. Build up a fully reusable space program 4. Begin a career with Beyond Home, this Pack fascinates me since it came out and i want to use it now. 5. Finish my attempt to bring something into Orbit in RP-1.... so many of my brave kerbals died in X-Planes... i don´t want that they died for nothing
  2. thank you for this quick fix, and you absolutely don´t have to say "sorry" Merry Christmas
  3. That´s correct, no problems at all on 1.10.1. Haven´t had the time to upgrade my RSS instance to 1.11 yet.
  4. Yeah they stopped the dev-project after the airforce disclosed the existance of the Agena to NASA. Agena had the same interim-function for which the Vega was meant to be
  5. I don´t have the log on hand now but i can look later. And to your questions: There is only Kerbal itself in the system and i was in a high kerbin orbit.
  6. I think it will be Kopernicus or another mod problem. the BDB release itself works fine for me. Have you updated any other mods recently? it you have: revert to old versions of them or delete them. And if you can findout which mod did cause that then you can ( if you want) contact the authors of that mods too so they can look into it and fix the heating problem A workaround for the moment could be to use Mechjebs´s "prevent engine overheating" utility function. you won´t have the full throttle and have to burn longer but nothing will detonate that´s how i fly my ion powered craft for the moment until Kopernicus is updated to fix this problem.
  7. Hello, if you are using Kopernicus too: the bleeding edge dev version (and i think some of the newest releases too) has at the moment a bugged heating system. I didn´t had problems with the sarnus engines 1 week ago but i too hadn´t any problems with the BDB Ion engine a week ago.... yesterday it detonatet in orbit because it overheatet.... just after a few Kopernicus updates.
  8. just take all the time you need as you say: It´s a freetime project and i think it is a brilliant one.... because you can write very well and because you took all the time it needs to find the right words. Writing is one of the things that aren´t done good if they are just done fast. Please keep up your good way I will happily read your next chapter when you have it ready. It doesn´t matter to me if it takes 2 days or 2 months.
  9. Nice i didn´t knew the original mod but now this comes extremely fine for me.... i have begun to use the older russian LV´s and now you bring us the new russian launcher family.... thanks
  10. @R-T-B thank you for the information and a BIG thank you for keeping Kopernicus alive. Just take your time I haven´t seen so much work on Kopernicus in a looong time. And the Dev-build is perfectly working for my modcombination. And having the comet system working would be nice but it´s a lot more important to get the "known" celestial bodys and their mechanics working before implementing them in a compatible way. And for everyone who doesn´t want to wait for comets: Try out the Minor Planets Expansion:
  11. Nice mod Now it is likely that i will use robotics more often Good job
  12. Nice mod... how was it possible that it took 6 months until i found it?! Goood Job, looks like i have to fasttrack my next crewed duna program
  13. I think you are making a good job with this wiki, your images are perfect. You make good exploded views of the vehicles. This wiki is a good building source, even for people that know the basic designs of that vehicles. In fact i just made a comment into the dev-branch of the wiki I think there is a little mistake regarding the ETS Delta´s
  14. For me it war nearly the same.... at first i was primarily interested in the beautifull Saturn / Sarnus V, the Apollo CSM´s and the early Atlas-Variants..... but that switched towars a high use of Sarturn MB´s, the Saturn V was used in my actual safe only two times..... The Deltas and Titans have around 20 launches each... I love this mod and i really hope that it will get to KSP 2 in the same brilliance as you are bringing it into KSP 1
  15. nice mod, thy didn´t i knew this existed for such a long time? This is exactly what i need for my BDB Landers. Thank you for reviving this and so many other mods. Keep up the good work
  16. Oh yeah: PLEASE That would be a nice alternative to stick some 1207 Boosters on it.... or an additional upgrade to them I know that, have done that but with real parts it would look a little better i think I will do that Thank you
  17. I would like to try that but that would have to wait for a while. At the moment i don´t have much time ( Exam time at my university ). When i find the time i will work threw the ETS-Story again to get some specifics for the contracts.
  18. Yeah i am in fact using the History of Spaceflight Contract Pack, but as you say: It is based only on flown missions. If i would have the knowledge to make contracts and the time i would try it myself. Thank you for thinking about it And you are right: There are so many actual flown missions... and there are coming more and more with the new parts.
  19. @DirtyFace83 i think the same. The should take all time needed. I was in fact surprised that there came a Alpha/ Beta-Version so fast. You guys are doing verry good. And i think that there isn´t so much work todo when the 1.10 update drops... let´s hope the new comets doesn´t make a to large mess for Kopernicus. ( I am Exited in them, but i think about: How much work has to be done by you before we could have the OPM or Outer Kerbin in the same map...) Keep up the good work, thank you
  20. Hello, i would like to ask if there are some contract pacts planned that relate to the Eyes Turned Skywards story. Like Construction Contracts for Skylab and Spacelab or launching Probes as the "Lunar Reconnaissance Pioneer" (Yeah i know that Scansat itself brings Contracts that make you to build a vehicle with kind of that function). The story is so rich of Crewed und Uncrewed missions that could be made with the existing BDB Hardware that i think it would be a nice addon.
  21. Okay -- That is an Centaur, nice Job And i thought the old one was good but then i saw this... the old one is old and rusty against this
  22. Nice idea, and: So i am not the only one who likes the Mission Concept written down into that book. I am trying to do this in Stock, but with Kerbalism... so i have a lot of weight. I ran into that problem too and ended um in changing the BDB-Tanks in the MS-II Booster and the ET´s with upscaled stock tanks until it nearly fit the same Volume.... but the Powerneed for the active cooling killed the overall design concept. So it ended in a much different design.
  23. @derega16 Nice design, looks good but i have a question: What are the Zeus I to VI designs but the design of am Mol und the 3-M just looks nice. And: I have lost 3 of the last 5 launches on the same way.... (testing a design inspired by the ETS Delta 4000 Series)
  24. Would you believe... I think in the first 30-40 years of the space age there was a proposal for nearly every crazy configuration we could think of..... so it doesn´t surprises me that they did this too THIS is one of the things i love in this time of space age. -> They had an idea and it wasn´t really important how well it looked like in the first place: They analyzed it to at least some degree. and @CobaltWolf if you would instead just do newer vehicles there wouldn´t be nearly as much to do.... and we wouldn´t have this extremely large possibility to do it KERBAL as we have it with the mod. Just because the Real Guys did it in a kerbal way for a lot of proposals. oh yeah it IS dump..... but it think they would have changed that part it if would have gone to a contractor to be included in the spacecraft. they are simple but i think it´s a nice looking tower. And i think the tech was just that simple in that time and for KSP it looks very good yeah i think so too. And that idea reminds me of the Ares I... nice idea but: WHO thought it would be a good idea to use that LV for CREWED Vehicles?? For unmanned launches it looks like a nice and cheap way into space but with a crew..... i think there should be solids only as boosters and this only if it doesn´t works without.
  25. @NESD This Wings are looking nice. Good work. And the Texture for this is secondary, more important is how they function and i think you can make this as good as for the rest of you mod.
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