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  1. Well, there was a big archive of data floating around the interwebz shrtly after kerbalmaps.com was down. i have that. also, i made a small script which scraped kerbalmaps.com and tried to download all json and jpg files, which gaines another few 100MB of data. thats all i have. as far a s i know, i have all image files, for all planets, for sat picture, slope, height and biome. i have only the json files for one or two zoom layers though, which is why the info box in the lower left works only for kerbin in very few zoom levels. the information in this box is provided by the json files. as long as i dont have them, i cannot add them to the temporary maps, obviously. i did not find a second source for them (but to be honest i did not do a deep search for a source, either). if the json files in your data are more complete, i would be happy to put them together.
  2. on my site, most of the json data is missing. if you have a source for the json files, please give them to me and i will put them up. when i scraped the leftovers from the original kerbalmaps.com, i got most images but only very few json files. they contain biome, height and slope data.
  3. Well, that was a nice shock in the morning. :p Good luck and no crashes to you.
  4. Yes, it still works fine. I dont know where the plugin gets its map data from, but it is probably not my temporary maps.
  5. http://ksp.deringenieur.net/ still works for me. Where did you make that screenshot?
  6. No. There are dedicated map tiles (image files) for every available zoom level. As i don't have files for 200m zoom, i cannot add a 200m zoom level. Sorry Some of the people in this thread want to fix / revive kerbal maps, but it seems like no one of us has a lot of time for that project.
  7. No sh*t sherlock... Use this until we have a better idea: http://ksp.deringenieur.net
  8. The site is down for some time now, as you can see in this thread... Until it comes back you can use this: http://ksp.deringenieur.net
  9. Great!! This looks pretty good, and will probably redurce work for the kerbal maps heavily. Nice to have you back here!
  10. i have a copy of the archive and will provide a new link then. poke me if i forget. @Poodmund great, that pretty much looks like what i figured out. should have googled for it earlier... Thanks for the link.
  11. If you want me to integrate them into the temporary kerbal maps, just give me a hint. If you need some webspace for testing, same thing.
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