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Status Updates posted by TheKorbinjer

  1. just checking in here for the first time since last april, I think. The relationship I posted about has ended, back in March. (one year one month) took a huge toll on my mental health. A few days after she left me, I had to have a major surgery and that sucked. I got a new phone, and I moved into an actual house where i'll have a bed with a frame for the first time in 7 years. adult life sucks lol

  2. Got my student pilot's license. Time to solo!

  3. So... I went skydiving, from 11,700 MSL, am i crazy?




    no? ok. IT WAS WORTH IT, TRUST ME.


  4. For the first time ever, im on my way to New Orleans right now. Just passed Lake Pontchartrain, and i can see the city in the distance. Louisiana is a beautiful state!

  5. Made a 1:1 scale Douglas DC3 last night, if anyone's interested, I could release it to the public when I get home. (Mods required)


  7. Passed my lifeguard prerequisite test! Doing the online portion now,  will be doing the classes tomorrow!




  8. Delays on the recoverable main tank for my shuttle, taking a bit of time to test it so I just cheat it into orbit and deorbit. Survives reentry nicely.

  9. Taking my lifeguard swim test next week



  10. Working on a SpaceX Falcon 9 booster-like reusable landing main tank for the shuttle I released yesterday.


    It's going pretty well.

    1. TheKorbinjer


      First successful landing from orbit!

  11. Releasing a more stable and reliable shuttle in an hour.

  12. Last Monday of school! Final week of my Sophomore year in High school!


    W0ot Wo0t

  13. No school today, major storm roll'd over us last night. Many power outages.

  14. YOU'RE AT 1000 REP. THANK ME 



  15. Built a test interplanetary SSTO, had all the necessary elements to have one work;

    Stable elc charge, SAS for control, ISRU, Ore tank, Drill, a kerbal


    But one problem

    I landed on Minmus, to grab some fuel (of course).. I extended the drill, and nothing happened. I looked at it, it said 'no ground contact' so I retracted my landing gead, again same problem. The drill is literally 85% inside the moon's surface, and no contact. Why.

    Angers me because it took me 8 flights to get the dang thing into space, only to find out that it's useless now.

  16. My second drone flight! :D

  17. I am recruiting people to join a Discord channel with me and others (friends)

    It's more for fun than anything else, you are not required to be on every day.

    If you would like to join, please make sure you complete the following criteria;

    1. You must be at least 14 years old

    2. Mic spamming/chat spamming will NOT be tolerated, will result in a ban

    3. You must play any of the following games

    -Kerbal Space Program


    -World of Tanks


    -World of Warcraft

    -Space Engineers

    -(unofficial) you must have Pizza ready to go out the door anytime it's needed


    If you are interested in joining, shoot me a message over the next week or so, and i'll link you to it.

    We are a fun, loving group of people who love to game, and would love to have you join us!


    Drone talk.

    If you do decide to join the Discord channel, I will be live streaming a drone to Facebook, 

    (It's my personal facebook, but contains nothing personal (lol))

    If you are interested in viewing the livestream and are in our Discord channel, please ask. I will send you a link to it.




    What kind of drone is it? -  DJI Phantom 3 standard. google it. :D

    I am under 14, is there by any chance I could get into it? - You must be reviewed first. Maturity plays a big roll in us saying yes.

    I don't play any of those games, can i get in to watch the drone? - unlikely. We play with eachother alot, but i'll think about letting you see the livestream. (It'll be uploaded you YouTube in the next 2 or so weeks)

  18. There's a hole in the bottom of the sea,
    There's a hole in the bottom of the sea,
    There's a hole, there's a hole,
    There's a hole in the bottom of the sea.

    There's a log in the hole
    In the bottom of the sea,
    There's a log in the hole
    In the bottom of the sea,
    There's a log, there's a log,
    There's a log in the hole
    In the bottom of the sea.
    There's a branch on the log in the hole
    In the bottom of the sea,
    There's a branch on the log in the hole
    In the bottom of the sea,
    There's a branch, there's a branch,
    There's a branch on the log in the hole
    In the bottom of the sea.

    There's a bump on the branch on the log
    In the hole in the bottom of the sea,
    There's a bump on the branch on the log
    In the hole in the bottom of the sea,
    There's a bump, there's a bump,
    There's a bump on the branch on the log
    In the hole in the bottom of the sea.

    There's a frog on the bump on the branch
    on the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea,
    There's a frog on the bump on the branch
    on the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea,
    There's a frog, there's a frog,
    There's a frog on the bump on the branch
    on the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea.

    There's a tail on the frog on the bump on the branch
    on the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea,
    There's a tail on the frog on the bump on the branch
    on the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea,
    There's a tail, there's a tail,
    There's a tail on the frog on the bump on the branch
    on the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea.

    There's a speck on the tail on the frog
    On the bump on the branch
    On the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea,
    There's a speck on the tail on the frog
    On the bump on the branch
    on the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea,
    There's a speck, there's a speck,
    There's a speck on the tail on the frog
    On the bump on the branch on the log
    In the hole in the bottom of the sea.

    There's a fleck on the speck on the tail
    On the frog on the bump on the branch
    On the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea,
    There's a fleck on the speck on the tail
    On the frog on the bump On the branch
    On the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea,
    There's a fleck, there's a fleck,
    There's a fleck on the speck on the tail
    On the frog on the bump on the branch
    On the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea.

  19. omg. gotta love that profile pic. XD


  20. I got your rep to 4444 just for fun. Cheers! <3


  21. Going to build the Lockheed U-2 next.

  22. I have something for you to judge, a competition between me and Mordecai_Ender. You decide the winner :


  23. YF-12A and SR-71 Blackbird to be released in a few days. doing final checks.

  24. F22 Raptor and F35 Lightning almost ready for upload, needs more testing. Expect by this weekend.

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