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Everything posted by Dave-Daring

  1. I will get on that that also there are no inventory boxes iwhen you right click any of the parts in the VAB.
  2. In flight I cannot crew the modules as when I try I get "there are no inventory spaces", I have inventory for all installed which is supposed to add inventory to all 3rd party mods but it does not work on Tokamak.
  3. I too had to revert to the previous version after the game loading froze at 95% dealing with real plume patches.
  4. Sadly this mod breaks Smart Parts Drainex part no longer registers part contents.
  5. Yep https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_cruiser_Prinz_Eugen USS Prinz Eugen (IX-300), a former German heavy cruiser, ready for target duty in the operation Crossroads a-bomb tests, 14 June 1946. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:PE_Atomtest_1.jpg#/media/File:PE_Atomtest_1.jpg
  6. Prinz Eugen Survived the the war & was expended at the Bikini Nuclear weapons test.
  7. What size is it? What is it's output, does the U238 decay as in real RTGs?
  8. When I compared what I got via CKAN and what I DLd via Space dock there was at least one missing config file from Configurable Containers in the AT-Utils folder. Sorry for getting Stroppy earlier I was running short on sleep.
  9. I have reverted back to 25.01 as the new UI is obviously not fit for purpose at least not when it comes to working with other mods installed. To be honest I don't like the new interface (From the pictures) it is messy and needlessly complicated I much prefer the old one, I made pretty much the same points with TCA when you changed that.
  10. Your new UI is not visible, I click Edit tanks & nothing happens
  11. Very useful for the bottom of Stations, landers & for Bases, during the nights, I can think of a number of uses for these. Thanks for this!
  12. It does not need to be transparent, black, white or grey perhaps tiled, as for mass it would help with stability during reentry,
  13. I wonder would it be possible to use this as a basis for applying ablative heat shielding to tanks and airframes?
  14. Today? Well last night really I built a small drone using mainly 0.625 parts to grapple with recovery targets then fire some solids to de-orbit & parachute the module safely to splash down. The drone consisted of a probe core, a small mono tank, battery grapple, solar panels, drogue/Main chutes and 4 SRBs (Procedural Parts). Weight was about 2000 KG Launch Vehicle was 1.25m parts, after a couple of small tweaks I found it easier to use for rescues/recoveries than using a crewed vehicle.
  15. I have noticed recently that only my first stage is getting recovered despite all my stages being designed to be recoverable, this seems to have happened since the last SR update, any ideas?
  16. Brilliant, this shall now be a part of all my Kerbin orbit space stations, though some of them I put at 500KM so a small service module will be needed for those making history has something that will do for that.
  17. TexturesUnlimited currently requires the use of the OpenGL-Core graphics API. This may be activated by using the '-force-glcore' command line option to launch KSP Fine but how & where do I do that?
  18. Keep up the good work, SSTU is one of my favourite mods/parts packs & I miss having it to use on 1.43.
  19. Might I suggest you also create a range of heat shields with these features, then it could be added to almost any pod.
  20. I have been looking for a When worlds collide Style Tracked Launch system. Gravity gets you started then a rocket powered carriage takes you up the track releasing you at the end essentially doing away with your first stage.
  21. Radially attached cockpits. slipper tanks hull tank sections incorporating air-brakes.
  22. I noticed a week or so ago that the Stock Mono tanks & 2 boosters had vanished from my KSP. After 3 clean re-installs & a process of elimination I have found that SSTU is resposible.
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