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Posts posted by MiffedStarfish

  1. KSP was I think my second game. I discovered it from YouTube videos, like Macey Dean’s Spiritwolf series. Prior to getting it, I’d spent all my spare time playing Combat Flight Simulator 3, (think war thunder, but exclusively ww2 and with early 2002s graphics) and though it was a great game, I’d pretty much exhausted it. So then I spent the best £25 of my life, on ksp and promptly ignored space and built VTOLs for 2 years. Nyoom.

  2. The physics engine will be the same, just with less scope. The game dosent differentiate from “orbital physics” and “ground physics” it’s more “you are at this place, going at this direction, at this speed, under the influence of this. You’re still doing tick rate physics, and still using a ridiculous amount of RAM for mobile.

  3. 5 hours ago, ShadowGoat said:

    You should arm it with sepratrons facing the inside of the craft. just line the frame with seperatrons facing twords all the crucial components. It will work wonders for you craft. Make sure that they all fire as the first stage and for all action groups for best results.

    Hey, let’s not be too mean to the new members... besides, I find vectors give better results. :wink:

    Make some basic guided 0.65m torps, and stick a load on it. And some I-Beams on the front.

  4. 5 hours ago, Cheif Operations Director said:

    NO TRAINING WHATS SO EVER! She is lifting Thing hundreds of time the mass of a X-Wing which the CHOSEN ONES SON COULDNT DO FOR TWO WHOLE MOVIES!

    Have you considered that Acht-To is a wellspring of the force? It is literally where the Jedi order began, and the chosen one’s son living there for a decade or so will have increased that even more.

    The other times she mind-tricked a stormtrooper, lifted a lightsaber, which weighs effectively nothing, snapped the lightsaber, and lifted the rocks. The rocks were probably the hardest, but she had lots of light side emotions for who was behind the rocks, so that would have empowered her.

  5. 4 hours ago, Sidestrafe2462 said:

    @MiffedStarfish how do you post your pics on? 

    and sorry for all of the mentions

    My computer could probably run about 1500 parts, Arx is 600. It’s got 3 Goliath engines,about 460km of range not accounting for lighter fuel loads at the end, 44 missiles, 3 LASORZ, 2 millenniums, 3 abrams, a goalkeeper, a load of hydra turrets, some 30mm chain guns, and of course the choppa.

    The mentions are fine. :)

  6. 3 minutes ago, Cheif Operations Director said:

    I'm talking about after their attack on Star Killer base.

    You mean the first order base on starkiller? There were quite a lot, but that’s about ten thousand in a galaxy of trillions. In the empires prime, they had over twice that in Star destroyers. The new republic disarmed so there was no one to actively keep the first order in check, and no one who cared. That’s why leia formed the resistance.

  7. 7 minutes ago, Cheif Operations Director said:

    And nobody finds it suspicious that they lose contsct

    The last Jedi leads on directly from the force awakens. The new republic capital would have been destroyed maybe 1 or 2 days ago, before that the first order just sat in the unknown regions doing nothing and being ignored. I doubt that’s enough time for any sort of organised help to arrive, and most people probably wouldn’t have access to a ship that easily anyway, and they were literally in deep space. And as for losing contact, why would they stay in contact? They are being actively hunted, broadcasting their location and status dosent seem like the best idea even when the Supremacy isn’t chasing you.

  8. 4 hours ago, Earthlinger said:

    I tried mounting two 50 cals on a frigate's underside, but it refused to fire them. I think the AI can't detect things below a certain level, so underwater craft are virtually invisible.

    Hmm, that’s odd, I was sure that worked. Are you sure the guns were set to target everything?

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