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Everything posted by strudo76

  1. So out of interest I started a 1.3 game with only MKS installed (only MKS, no additional components), then overwritten with the updated USI Tools. All Kerbals still cost the same amount regardless of the settings. MKS and updated USI tools both downloaded from Github using the Catalog link. Have attached some screenshots and a log. Hope that helps someone track it down. New Log Settings Screenshot Astronaut Complex Screenshot As an aside, I'm only wanting to use MKS, LS, FTT and Konstruction. Does it matter which order they get installed in? Currently I've been installing MKS, then the additional parts without overwriting files, then overwriting with the updated USI Tools. Is that correct or should I be overwriting on every component?
  2. You have? Can you tell me as it might be the same thing? Here's my log for anyone who'd like to look at it. Don't spend too much time though, as this is KSP 1.3 and I have a few mods that still only have 1.2.x. I also don't have a slider on the bulk buy option. I haven't upgraded the astronaut complex so I don't know if that's a factor? I installed all the USI mods from the USI catalog link. Log File No slider screen shot
  3. I have the same thing. Could it be to do with SETI Rebalance. I think that is supposed to lock down hire prices, and might be over-riding the cheap kolonist price function?
  4. Is there any documentation on how to configure chutes? I've played with a few of the settings, but would like to check out the nuts and bolts, or at least make sure I'm not doing everything wrong. I can't be doing everything wrong I guess, as I successfully landed a craft using these chutes. Also, not sure if it's added by this mod, or just a random chance from the stock system, but I took a part test contract for RealChutes which required me to be between 9000m-13000m and a specified speed range. Didn't realise that the setting in the RealChute control panel about deployment altitude would completely disable the activation system, such that when I tried to stage the part within that range, it just told me that my altitude was too high. If those contracts are controlled via this mod, might you be able to put a message into the contract to remind the player that the activation altitude should be configured to be within the altitude range of the contract?
  5. Think I might just get this simply for the description of Kaustralia. Very funny, and mostly true!
  6. I've used this with EVE/SVE before, but my gfx card just struggles too much. Is there any benefit to using this without those other mods, or do they go hand in hand? Does this cause the bigger performance impact, or the other mods? Since I'll be starting a new game once the mods I like are finished updating, just want to get some info about visual mods while I wait to see what would make a good compromise of visuals vs performance.
  7. KER isn't showing up in CKAN. Will it be added, or should it be downloaded manually now?
  8. So I've read elsewhere that this mod can cause instability in game. Is this valid or old news? If it's valid, are there certain circumstances where problems are more prevalent, or is it a more general increases over time type thing? I've used it for a while without any problems, but I haven't played very much as yet.
  9. If I go with the constellation install will that play nice with SETI Rebalance and SETI Unmanned before manned? That's what I've been playing mostly.
  10. Ummm yeah, that does appear to be the case... Maybe I'm not ready for this mod, Lol.
  11. Opps. My PC is out of action, so using the tablet which is running like a dog for some reason. It does seem odd though that the L key is the only one repeating given it's an on screen keyboard. The double Ls is that post were just the ones I missed. Corrected a bunch before posting.
  12. Thanks for the feedback. I'll probably give it a crack. I've played enough that I can get around the kerbin system pretty well. I tend to play pretty slow, taking my time to do things properly rather than just launching some leviathan. Generally play career or science mode, so I'll come across the parts gradually I assume. My pc probably won't be rebuilt untill Friday, so I have some thinking and reading time too. (thanks power supply) I've been mucking about with TAC llife support. Would the USI one be a better match for this? Not sure yet if the ssd survived the PSU issue, so I might be reinstallling anyway.
  13. I'm pretty new to Kerbal. Is this something I should install in a new game, or should I be more familiar with the game before I play with something like this?
  14. I just hope my new i7 7700 will offer an improvement over the old i7 3770. Unplanned upgrade, thanks failed power supply!
  15. Thanks for that. The only thing I couldn't find in there is how upgrade points are earned. I started with the default profile with 15 upgrade points. I've gained a few total points since since starting, but I don't know how that value increased?
  16. Just an FYI as well. The link to the Getting Started Guide in the OP doesn't seem to display anything, unless it's a problem at my end?
  17. Thanks for the replies. I'll give the dev build a crack and see what's what.
  18. So is it fair to say that this isn't usable under KSP Currently watching a old play through by Quill18 where he uses it and it looks kinda cool, but I don't want to have a broken game as I haven't been playing that long, and might not recognize problems until it's too late. Thanks
  19. Looks like fun. I've been playing something similar anyway, though without as many restrictions, and not the challenge mod, and I'm finding it getting very samey at the moment. Just launched a probe to fly-by Duna. My only comment/question would regard the stipulation of "No (...) completing new contracts with existing vessels". I would ask what you do with all those vessels? Or do you just not take those missions unless you can collect (and return?) new science? I guess that would make sense. If you launched a new orbital every time you you took one of those missions, the space around Kerbin would get pretty messy pretty quickly.
  20. Is there a list of mods that make use of this function?
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