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  1. @sebi.zzr Ahh...thank you so much! Will take a look at that later.
  2. 1. Realism Overhaul. 2. RP-0 (For career) 3. Every mod recommended or suggested by RO or RP-0. 4. I use the following: Extreme Textures Overhaul, Kerbal Alarm Clock, Transfer Window Planner, and FASA.
  3. Hey guys! Either the RP-0 or RO Github wiki (Not sure which one) has a small tutorial on doing MechJeb ascents in the mod, however it's not particularly detailed and I couldn't make MJ do it properly. It liked to fire the engines for a fraction of a second to keep the apoapsis up, which blew through all my ignitions and rendered the stage unusable. Is there any solid tutorial on making MechJeb do proper ascents in RO? If not, is there another mod that does the same? Thanks!
  4. In my experience, the best rendezvous/docking tutorial is the ingame one in the training section. I watched countless videos on the subject and none of them helped, but when I did the ingame one something finally clicked.
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