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Everything posted by Cabbink

  1. Wait... Talking heads.. Do I.. A. Need to be on their song contest tv show? B. Have the possibility to be DISQUALLIFED because "BOO. NOT COOL." C. Have the possibility to SHOW THEM WHAT I GOT? I hope someone got that.
  2. At least it won't hit land, right? RIGHT?
  3. Rebound from catagory 4 on landfall from cuba.
  4. Irma is actually predicted to possibly rebound from cuba.
  5. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/hurricane-jose-category-2-status/ This will be a problem. Jose just strengthened into a cat 2 within a few days. If it keeps up a exponential growth like most hurricanes, It could be a cat 4. And it's headed for Florida, the Carolinas, and Virginia. @ProtoJeb21 EDIT: oh. It's going to spin around like an idiot in the Atlantic.
  6. Oooh idea @Gameslinx make eve have rings from gilly falling in the roche limit.
  7. Wow! Looks great! Can't wait! Now... what do we have after after kerbin? (Jk) I'm assuming soon after more planets get thrown in. Bugs are sweeped up, and such. Edit: I'm assuming radiators will be required.
  8. Well keep searching! I think, with how the resonances are, there could be another planet at either 53, 64 or 90 days. Remember to check for that. Good luck finding More!
  9. Saw the is on EE. It orbits far, Like h, right? Do you know how big it is, or what it's composition might be?
  10. Official gameslinx timeline. Also, gameslinx said that GPO is not in the same timeline as BK and AN. I think DDEB was a joke what was after after kerbin
  11. I guess the official timeline is BK>Stock[split into]: 1. AK>DDEN >?? 2. GPO>IPP/CPO (Cuttlefish planet overhaul) Now we need one after OPP. XD
  12. Sure. Will add soon. I update the pack every three planets or moons right now.
  13. Wow! I will definetly be checking this out!
  14. Hmm yeah. Probably. I don't know if I'll be able to get to it today, however.
  15. Here's a Testing link! Tell me if you see anything broken! https://spacedock.info/mod/1515/Community Planet Pack/Blender Planet Pack
  16. @cratercracker a speed run sounds interesting but i wont do it right now. BECAUSE I FINISHED THE SOLAR SYSTEM BANNER! Behold. Warning. Large Image. Some Objects are not the same scale.
  17. What about bacteria ? Islands made of massive swaths of microorganisms? How about that as land? Or whale islands?
  18. anyways, here's a banner from the solar system art thing. Not going to link or any thing. I'm going to re-use it for this thread as a banner. I'll have an edit for this when I get to it . They are even properly scaled to eachother (somewhat) Warning. Massive photo
  19. Oh yeah. Forgot about that We need exotic or negative matter stat. We need some warp drives.
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