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Everything posted by GRS

  1. Boo... @The Doodling Astronaut
  2. Chapter 3 : All Lights in the sky...are Stars “Vendetta refuelled, Godspeed docked, Mothersheep refuelled, now...LETS GO COMRADES !!!”, said Simone, which everyone agreed with burning spirit. Escape burn took so long...as the Godspeed is heavier than Hex and Bullet combined. Final burn to depart for an Eve assist. Bye Kerbin ! Eve assist. Kerbin assist that accidentally leads to a Raze assist. “Wow...it looks cool...and creepy...”, said Bob. Badurra assist was done to gain a Terriblis Orbit. “Well...that thing looks like Tylo, but with Flats...”, said Bill. This burn and some others were done to get a Badurra encounter. Plotted encounter, capture can’t be more than 120 m/s Badurra capture burn. High orbit separation. Lowered orbit after painfully many burns. “Good Luck commander !!!”, shouted Jeb before his commander drifts away with the Godspeed. With his piloting skills, he was able to land on Badurra without breaking any parts despite not bringing any kinds of Shock absorber other than the Terrier engine. “This thing is so shaky...”, said Simone when he felt the Godspeed’s upper stages accelerating extremely quickly. He made it to orbit without having to leave the remaining stage of the Godspeed. “Hi commander ! Good thing your brain didn’t melt !”, said Jeb. Eventually, they docked. Going to the another half of the Mothersheep. With Godspeed greatly decimated, 150 m/s Delta V can be burnt at one burn without running out of electric charge. “Jeb ! Go to the other half of the Mothersheep ! We won’t have enough time to match speeds !”, said Simon after the podded half of the Mothersheep ran out of electric charge and had to charge again. Badurra escape burn. Leaving SOI. A Maneuver to reach Mez more easily. Mez counter after several burns. Shortly afterwards, Jeb planted the flag on Mez. Mez-cape burn. Bye Mez ! Trying to go to Baddurra and reunite. Plotting Rendezvous. Reunion... Escape burn. Badurra assist to leave Terriblis... Bye ! Putto capture. Lander dispatch. Simone lands on Putto. Docking like this for reasons. Next, Dhar... Hi, Dhar... Val lands on Dhar... Reunion... Onwards to Rheis. Hi there... Jeb for Rheis. Good small flats... Redocking... Escaping Rheis and Putto in one go... Bye Putto ! Next is Oorma... Oormar landing by Bill. Onwards to Phoe Dameron ! Hi ! Bob plants the flag... Huge escape burn. Bye Phoe ! Oorma escape. Arane... Jeb’d... To Nuu... Smol Boi... Capture. Val in Nuu. Docking. Escape burn. Bye Arane and Nuu ! Next...Plod. Capture burn... Simone on Plod. Docking... To Oob... Oob... Capture. Jeb landed on Oob. Docking. Escape. Bye Oob. Ninklar insertion. Bob goes for it. Landing. Escape... Bye Ninkle. Tebos... You forgot to pay your Bill... “The view here is good” said Bill. Val boards the lander and left Tebos. And goes to... Lia...in a Direct Shot... Liar Landing... Ascent. Bye Liar ! Edgy Docking... Success... Big Escape. “Wow...all 5 Moons of Plod showed up...!” said Jeb. Gonia... Capture... Simone goes to land... Aaand...Landed... Docking... To Ollin. Feels like something... Bill dispatches... Billin in Ollin. Onwards to Olloa... Capture burn. Bob Landing on Olloa. Olloa escape, this should get us to a low Goniar orbit... Large Oberth burn. Bye Gonia ! “And comes this...Maneuver heavy Gas world...”, said Bill. Zeruel assist to Lower Orbit. Aleph assist to Lower Apoapsis. Zeruel capture. Jeb goes to Ovis. Ovis capture. Jeb’d... Ascent... Reunion. Re-assembling Small Mothership. Simone, Jeb, Val and Bill are on it. Escape. Zeruel assist to Lower Orbit. Aleph assist to Lower it even more. Simone left the others and went to Shrek alone. Capture burn. Flagging the Minmus twin. Escape burn. Reunited. Aleph-Zeruel assists to raise orbit. After another Zeruel assist...burning... BURNING... Farquad...Kronos’ furthest moon... Capturing. Bill flagging. Escape. Odd lookin Shard... To Bask the Retrograde moon after some unrecorded Maneuvers... Capture... Jeb’d... Escape... Bye... High Orbit Reunion. Ogol next... You’ll see why... That... Reunion... Double burn escape. Bye Ogol... Zeruel Assist... Aleph... Zeruel again... After an unrecorded Aleph assist...coming for the capture... We met Bob... Re-assembly... Escape... A group of unwanted assists occur...at least i get to see this... Parking orbit. Eventually...we left Zeruel and Kronos... Well...not for long... Flo capture... “Yeah Bob...get all of the Flo system landings...” Flo with Bob... Reunion... To Es... Bob again... Es-cape burn... More escape... Salus assist... Terriblis... Terriblis again... Kerbin... Return...after that other one... Going to Kerbyll... Yeah...very close... Coming closer... Capture... Landed... Went away... Eventually...we returned... And redocked...that was a long one
  3. Yeah, still, Arkanus is too grumpy that i "barely" managed to do it, if i went to Minmus, a lot may be spent, killing my chance to finish Arkanus in 2 Biomes, best Delta V count i can make was 14500 m/s, but 2nd Place isn't too bad... Also, try saying "Stupid dense" instead of "Tylo sized"
  4. @The Doodling Astronaut Album here. Also, if it count as a Flagship, tell me if you need a better Arkanus pic, i guess...
  5. Done...Arkanus hopping is so hair raising, especialy that Spare Delta V can't go too far from 1000 m/s, so i have to aim 2 close biomes in order to accomplish, which makes it harder...
  6. Thanks @The Doodling Astronaut That thing really eats a massive amount of Delta V...so, i'll spend time on it...what i probably can't get is the multi-world landing
  7. Pretty sure it will...the target i set is way too hard that i don't think i can get Flagship class...
  8. Orbit. Re-entry Re-attempt. Much closer now. New recovery value Will this get my 5th Adornment ? @Chequers Still the same thing...
  9. So i still have to go closer then...no redesigns needed, thanks...
  10. Thanks...still...i wonder what counts as "KSC Biome", but i'll try working on it again...
  11. Yeah...PUN POWAHH !!! There will be MORE !!!
  12. @IncongruousGoat Thread here, follow its development, the actual mission has been done before this thread was made.
  13. Chapter 2 : Mothersheep Mothersheep assembled...its much easier to assemble than the last one...refuelling after a long assembly. As soon as the Hex is equipped, The entire crew left the Main Hub and prepares a Series of burns and Gravity assists. “Commencing Final burn, this should get us to a very strong Eve assist” Eve assist. “Thrown us beyond Duna...now lets plan a Kerbin assist !”, stated Simone. Burn in Kerbin assist to save time. Second Burn. Tylo assist Capture. “Lets go to Ty-...crab...it had no means to generate electricity when we undock in Eccentric orbit...Laythe first then...”, said Simone. Vall assist to get to Laythe. Ran out of Battery while capturing...well then...we’ll get it next time... Capturing... Nailed it... Jeb came out and took the Hex with him from the descending half of the Mothersheep. Succesfully descended, Jeb detached the Parachute module. “Gotcha Laythe” Laythe Ascent. Second Stage. Jeb-pack Joyride. Reunion with Simone, who took the Descending half to Circular Low Orbit. The halves try to reunite. And try to dock. Soon, a periapsis burn is done to escape Laythe and go to Tylo. ‘Vall assist to go to Tylo” Tylo encounter. “We’ll use the Laythe strategy for this one” Simone and Jeb departed from the others to go to low orbit. “Good luck commander !”, said Jeb as Simone dispatched to land on Tylo. “Row row fight the powahh !”, said Simone to entertain himself. “Nice Laythe rise over there...” Reunion with Jeb. And eventually everyone else... A Tylo escape burn sent us to a Vall encounter. No halvings needed this time. Val landing on Vall. “Lets re-orbit” As they redock, they left Vall. Tylo assist Soon, we made it to Bop, the Gravity well is so small that i can just burn once to get a low Circular Orbit. Bob on Bop. Faceplant pain... “Ouch...my head hurts...lets reunite and go to Pol...” Onwards to Pol. Like Bop, only one burn is needed to get a Circular orbit. Bill got crazy and bailed out to land on EVA Pack. Like last time... His leap of faith got him back to the Mothersheep. Pol escape burn that also escapes Jool. “Cya Jool !” Next is Eeloo... We came to Eeloo after some burns... After capture, Simone moved to take the landing. “Next time...we’ll get more...” “Lets go and pierce the heavens everyone !!!” “YES !!!” “BRACE YOURSELF !!! SALUS !!!” Capture burn... “Dauble goes first !” Bob went to land on Dauble. Checked... After a reunion, Val goes to Durus. Direct Shoting a Diamond. Landed... Direct upward burn. “Bye Durus !” Tried to reunite to Mothersheep. Jeb later took it after refuelling and heads to Duran. “Duran is the best place to look a that Ring...” Straight upward burn. “Bye Duran !” Eventually reuniting with everyone else. Dauble escape burn. That and some more burns allowed us to escape Salus. Several Maneuvers to encounter Anziephus, a Moonful Dwarf Planet. Capturing... Bill goes to land on it. “This time with the Ion lander” They reunite and aims on Epam...directly... Mothersheep Landing. Escape burn is done from near surface. Yes...Epam looks like something destroyed its Crust. Heading to Ebenus. Capture burn. Simone does the landing. Landed... They reunited and left. Eiwei flagging and Mothersheep Landing. Escape burn. Jeb’d Pherph. Escaping Pherph and Anziephus in one small-ish burn. Salus assist thrown us to Fecuria. These kind of things are hard to encounter. But we still made it either way... Jeb goes to land on Fecuria. Flags. And as he reunites, the Mothersheep escapes as the crew watch as the lonely Fecuria drifts away. They eventually burnt to encounter Badires. Simone goes to land on Badires, which has a higher Gravity and Radius than Fecuria. “Ok...lets fall to Kerbin...” “Yeah commander...we totally should fall to Kerbin”, replied Bill. Escaping in a big burn. “Goodbye Badires ! Salus assist to lower orbit. After an Inclination burn, Terriblis assist to lower it even more. Kerbin assist to lower it even-even more. “No worries Kerbin, we’ll be back soon !” Tekcate arrival. Jeb goes to land on Tekcate. Flagging... Post an uneventful reunion, they went to Tekili. “Yeah, better view of that pink thingy i saw when Landing”, said Jeb. “Here Bill, the flag is yours to plant...” “Thanks Bob...” A Ground Level Escape was done. Cya Tekili. After an uneventful transfer and Val exchanging the quarantine Pod with Bob, she had the right to plant her flag. Ground Level escape burn...again... Farewell little guy ! Escape burn. “Look, we can see the entire Tekcate system from here !”, said Bob. Correction burns to reach Kerbin... Hi Kerbin... Capturing... “Main Hub reunion is on the go ! Val, you get to dock the Vendetta !”, ordered Simone. “Mothersheep refuelling while we take a little rest, next time, we’ll go to Badurra and some others...maybe Gonia in the same departure...”, said Simone.
  14. @Space Nerd There's the Eve Ascent Vehicle
  15. Chapter 1 : The Big Sheep “3...2...1...And LIFTOFF !!! SEE YOU GUYS ‘THE NEXT DAY’ !!!”, stated Gene during the final countdown. “See you too...”, said Simone. “The Big Sheep surely flies smoother than its predecessor !”, said Simone. “SMOOTHER !!! YOU MEAN ROUGHER !!!, stated Bob who’s literally biting his nails. “Circularizing...” “Detaching Bellerophon Lifter...” “Re-entry...” “...Recovery Attempt failed...”, said Bill. “Whatever..you guys continue the mission”, replied Gene. Simone and Bill fearlessly goes to Eve. First Kerbin departure. Some correction burns... “Long time no see...Old friend...”stated Simone. “We’ll depart ways when we reached the Orbit that Maneuver aimed”, said Simone, which Bill replied with a nod. “Time to part ways Bill...Wait for me to send a signal” One Big Aerobrake. “Upper shield no longer needed” “Chutes deployed” “I’ll get rid of the Lower shield once the chutes cope” “Let us begin this so called ‘Project Big Sheep’ !” “Grizzly Reaper is as reliable as it was” “THIS ROCKET IS THE ROCKET THAT WILL PIERCE THROUGH EVE’S ATMO !!!” “Circularizing...” “Had to bail out because The Upper stage can’t do it on its own...Landing site was closer to sea level than the previous one, Ready to pick me up, Bill” “No probs commander...Lets go to the Space Potato...” “Wow...looks like Gilly was ready to greet us !!!” “Here...Bill...i give you authority to Plant this flag...” “Thanks commander” “Bye Gilly !” Lowering Periapsis Onwards to Moho ! Long after a series of Burns and Gravity Assists...we’re at Moho... “Good luck Bill”, said Simone. “I can’t refuse the fact that this flag is cool” They eventually reunited and went home... “Seriously...all these Delta V and you still chose to save them -_-“ “Yes...dunno why...” Capturing... “Val, Bob, your turn is now...get ready !”, ordered Simone. “Now worries Commander, we’re ready”, answered Val. “First, we’ll go to Mun...”, said Val. “Meh, that was uneventful...I’ll go and land already...”, said Bob. “Mun...check...” Without bothering, the two left Mun. And went for a Duna oberth burn. “We’re at Duna after some burns” “That Aerobrake was meh...”, sad Val. After another Aerobrake, Val left with the Vendetta and Bob rushes to regain Orbit. “Duna is done...and lets grab some flags before continuing...” Reunion. Leaving Duna in two oberth burns. “Cya !” Reunited with the Main Hub, a little reconfiguration in the Main Hub is also done. Then, those two left again after getting flags... Mun assist for reasons to reach Minmus... “Capture burn...no...lets just deorbit...this thing can actually land on Minmus overally...”, said Val. Bob plants the flag. Ascent burn... As they left Minmus, they burnt for Duna system again. Hi again Duna...(look at that Black disc) Planned Ik-ounter. After a Capture to Circular Orbit, Val descended with the Megawatt. “Ike...check...” ‘Hi Bob ! Ready to go to Dres ?” “Yes ! Lets !” Duna escape burn. Returning to Kerbin. The Electra is used to get an extra Seat, don’t ask why we need 4 Seats...Simone decided to stay in the Main Hub. Onwards to Dres ! Dres capture... Jeb and Val started by landing on Dres. “Uhh...Jeb...you think this is good ?” “Not so much...this will only take a while though...” Post ascent reunion. ‘First, lets go to Spade...” Direct shooting because it’s too small and its Gravity is too weak. Flagged. Big fat escape burn from surface. Bye Spade ! Onwards to Pacito Pretty much a Direct shot... Burning to Orbit and eventually escape... Drespacito ! Went to Ceric in a Direct shot. Fat Escape burn... “That was the last one...lets leave and do the Jool 5...”, said Jeb. Eventually...they made it to Kerbin... “Welcome back everyone...we’re finally getting to the fun part...”, said Simone in the Main Hub, who just finished reading Manga comics.
  16. No...way denser ? yes... 360 Km with 1.945 Gees... Either way, Badurra is a moon...
  17. Still the same, will come like hours, maybe...same as Sheep v3's Eve Lander, mission's done, just getting the mission report here...
  18. Prologue Seems that everything after the Sheep v3 mission went very well, Wernher gained a profit of 100 Million Roots as a reward from President Kyle Kerman, thus, the Space Program are free to continue what they want, they renewed their facility items. However...something happened, it was in the midnight when Wernher and Mortimer are discussing about a Badurra Lander. BAM !!! “Who’s tha- ?! Oh...President Kyle !!! What brought you here ?!”, said Mortimer. “*Breathes heavily* Sorry everyone, i have a bad news...”, answered Kyle. Mortimer and Wernher are shocked...“Bad news ? What do you mean ?” “I lost it...The Grand Tour files...i accidentally deleted it before publifying it, the only physical file i printed was lost in a stack of document that i burnt on the chimney”, Kyle said it with a feeling of guilty. “WHAAA...!!! That was the only file !”, Wernher seems to nearly lose his patience. “Sorry, but can you...start another one ? This might be hea-“, Kyle asked before someone interrupted. “I’ll take it...” “What ?”, All are confused, and gave a confused stare at the Kerbonaut than suddenly interrupted. “I, Simone Kerman, shall take this offer”, said the Kerbonaut who turned out to be Simone. “Good thing you’re here, Simone, as what i can always expect from the likes of you”, said Kyle, he actually knows who Simone was, which surprised the two other Kerbals. “Ok, i guess i’ll just...grab this book, i left it at this room...”, said Simone as he took a Manga book from Mortimer’s table and left without much hassle. “Excuse me President, but do you REALLY know who Simone is ? I mean...he barely explained himself when he applied”, asked Wernher curiously. “Yes...he was...The Space Driller...”, answered Kyle proudly before turning back and said “Sorry to bother you, Wernher, Mortimer, Good Night...” “Did he just said...that Simone...was...The...Space...Driller ? The Warhero that defeated The Kraken and saved The Universe ?”, asked Wernher, and Mortimer answered with “Maybe...” The Next Day...after The 6 Head staff discussed about the details on how they should call the mission and how it goes, all but Wernher and Gene stayed and called the 5 Kerbals who used The Sheep v3, they all responded The Sheep v4 project in different ways, some agreed and some refused, but in the end, they agreed to do it. “Some Landers in Sheep v3 will be reused here, although some of them might be modified, alright, i’ll show you what we got...”, said Wernher while giving instructions. “This is the renewed Mercury Mothership, also known as the Pegasus Mothership, its Rod has been removed to increase Efficiency greatly” “Joologium Mothersheep without Landers mounted at it, it has more Delta V supply than the Joologist and more stable” “Bullet Multi Stage Tylo Lander, we won’t need it after landing on Tylo” “Enchanced Megawatt as a Counterweight to the Vendetta” “And finally, Godspeed Badurra Lander, sorry that we brought a picture of its Prototype, we forgot to bring the latest version because we were too busy to finish the simulation” “Pretty much everything assembled, all this is what all of you will be using for a really long, long time, any questions ?”, said Wernher. “No”, answered everyone almost simultaneously. “Good, tommorrow, we’ll make history...”, replied Wernher. “All those will be carried to Orbit using the Bellerophon Lifter”, stated Gus who just came across them. Landings : (14+51 Landings) Simone Kerman (13) : Eve, Tylo, Eeloo (+Ebenus, Badires, Badurra, Putto, Plod, Gonia, Shrek, Uba, Tiras, Arella) Jebediah Kerman (13) : Dres, Laythe (+Pherph, Fecuria, Tekcate, Mez, Rheis, Arane, Oob, Ovis, Bask, Akel, Nuuma) Valentina Kerman (13) : Duna, Ike, Vall (+Durus, Epam, Tekova, Dhar, Nuu, Lia, Ogol, Kerbyll, Vra, Vulkan) Bill Kerman (13) : Gilly, Moho, Pol (+Ceric, Anziephus, Tekili, Oorma, Tebos, Ollin, Farquad, Namira, Lotus, Vulkie) Bob Kerman (13) : Mun, Minmus, Bop (+Spade, Dauble, Eiwei, Phoe, Ninkle, Olloa, Flo, Es, Naira, Ikaro)
  19. @Chequers Overall cost : 9496 Roots Half Cost : 4748 Roots Recovered Cost : 4910 Roots Restorable part Cost : 6456 Roots Yes...you read the name properly...i did call it that way...Science Tools other than Materials Bay as well as Parachute is inside the Service Bay. If my estimations were correct, i should get 1st Class Insignia...but did i ? The Part count, Mass count and Size count limit made it more fun...Delta V in Orbit = 201 m/s I might get a Screenshot if you wish...
  20. Thanks...aiming for 1st Class Insignia now...i can probably get Silver Claw, Pearl, Vermillion Heart, Onyx Tech and Crossed Swords, hopefully...Science Equipments kept going Boom...
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