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Everything posted by GRS

  1. So...Single stage Lander...got it...i have a lot to do...if i wish for that Flagship class...
  2. One of the option says "Moon A -> Moon B is good", so...probably...for a better confirmation, lets wait... And by "No landing stage" in Flagship, what does it mean ?
  3. Recieves 1 G Gravity Inserts Duna
  4. Sounds like a go...I'll try aiming for That T-Looking Medal...
  5. @IncongruousGoat Just to make sure...will a separation in Interplanetary space violate some rules ? The Mothersheep left Kerbin SOI as one, it is planned to release the Small Mothership in Sub Moho space.
  6. Question...what does "Destination scores 90 Points" ? Is it simply things like Ernus ? I'll rethink after finishing a something...(I made a Tylo-like dense world that orbits below Moho, i can use it if its fine, if not, then Tylo is to go to)
  7. Necropost Yes, Shells with Visual ratings of A or B. When you made a deal with your GF in the internet about meeting them somewhere...you say "AlSiO later"
  8. The cry of the souls used to create this soup. Waiter of the soup, what is your wisdom ?
  9. GRS

    KSP Puns

    Eeloo-n Musk is a Muskito.
  10. Because Reasons... Wry am i doing this...DIO thing ?
  11. "mmm kema" can't spell "Strategy" properly, and was killed by Grammar Guardians. Kerbal Kerman - Starting a Space Program.
  12. Your PC won't stop crashing ? Hit it with a Baseball Bat like Mad Gamers did.
  13. 17 Days Laythe-r Lets Play Dres up !
  14. Receives 7 Skeletons. Inserts 3 Tetrated to 3 Tetrated to 3 (3^^3^^3)
  15. A Black Goated entertainment media where you play interactive videos, oftenly accused for causing Violence despite no concrete evidence. Flat Earther.
  16. -61 You fell a very long fall and became the Shooting star meme.
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