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Everything posted by Kilo60

  1. V 1.9 All Cameras (Wide FOV/ Science/ Night Vision) on Duna on my rover when in Camera View display flickering ground.... On Kerbin cameras all work fine without this issue... Otherwise love this Mod!
  2. Getting same problem with camera views on Duna surface with my rovers. Only happens on Duna and the ground constantly flashes in camera view...
  3. Awesome! Really looking forward to the MAV! Question though: Getting some bad Z-fighting on the wheel hubs (almost looks like the tires are spinning when they aren't) and panels on solar generator with Nvidia 1080 and latest drivers...
  4. 1.9 EVE, I'm getting Land Textures on the water... It's still blue but has a wavy land texture to it, when viewed from altitude and not a watery surface anymore? Also, the water is creeping up the sides of the shore and mountains...
  5. Would love to see a small robotic arm part added to lift objects to place on flatbed! Otherwise one of my “Must Have” mods!
  6. Hmmm don't seem to have that file in my GameData folder... just the main MM 4.1.3. dll, MM Physics, and MM Tech Tree files... I have both Real Plume and Real Plume stock installed BTW... Thanks!
  7. Just noticed 1.9 that my Nerva engines show constant Plume even when off? Any ideas? Thanks!
  8. Does anyone have links to updated craft files for OPT AC that will work with 1.9 and the newest version of the same mod? Looking for some prebuilt stuff. Thanks!
  9. Does anyone have any Links for Craft.Files for this current Mod? All of my original Craft Files will not longer load due to missing or re-Named parts and the Craft files that come with this download all have missing cockpit messages when I try to load them in the SPH... Thanks!
  10. Well it finally worked after about an hour on rotating it and trying... Problem is when it attached it pushed the attached object below the shuttle and got stuck, even after having Same Vessel Integration Enabled...
  11. Are you referring to the Camera on the end effector as the "gold Box"? If so yes, I'm lining that up with the crosshair on the grapple fixture and still could not grab it... Thanks!
  12. I did. Enabled same vessel Integration to add collision... Still get grab the Grapple/Fixture to dock and hold. an someone post a video of this in action? Thanks!
  13. Getting 2 Errors on 1.9 when loading KSP with this mod... Related to: Gamedata/CST-100 Starliner/PatchesPP_RCS.cfg Installed via CKAN. Anyone know what the issues are? Thanks!
  14. Hmmmm... Can't seem to get the Canadarm to grab anything in 1.9? Even when using the Grapple/Fixture the arm just passes right through it and into the object to be grabbed with no collision? Am I doing something wrong?
  15. Post 1.9 seeing Kerbin land textures solid white in menu displays? Appear fine so far when in game however... Is this a known issue?
  16. Post 1.9 seeing Kerbin displayed with white land textures in main menus. In game appears fine... Is the an EVE or Scatter issue with 1.9? Thanks!
  17. Same problem here as well? Worked with the old IR Mod but not w/ Next...
  18. OK its working with the IR parts but not with the Canadarm Arm Mod? Any Particular reason why the Canadarm won't activate the IR Button? It used to work on the old IR version pre-Next Thanks!
  19. Is it possible to combine the Old and New Tantares or do the files overwrite?
  20. I can't get the IR Next Robotic arm to show up on my tab icons post 1.9? Anyone else not getting the I.R. tab to show to open the controls window?
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