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Everything posted by Saltshaker

  1. The craft files aren't actually Cobalt's, they were created and maintained by @minepagan, so you'd have to take that up with him. Although yes, the craft files do seem to need an upgrade.
  2. Maybe name the not!Saturn rockets the Jove family in keeping with the theme of larger power? And the Saturn 1C from Eyes Turned Skyward would be nice too.
  3. He said on the post it was "perfect for a single-engine 1.875m stack," so I'd assume the mount ring is 1.875m.
  4. Amazing update! Can you/someone in the thread also add fuel tanks to first stage thrust plate and 5m-3.75m adapter? Thanks in advance.
  5. Amazing! This could also be useful as a general 1.25m engine with a .9375m adapter from, say, BDB.
  6. The GHARP (Gaelan High Altitude Research Platform) space station. https://imgur.com/a/hDmsd Mods: Tantares, Mechjeb2, HabTech, SSPXr, BDB, NF Electrical/Construction, and (not shown) TAC-LS. It orbits Gael from GPP
  7. If you're using the USI one don't press Z. Gradually throttle up
  8. Would there be a conflict between this mod and Ven's SR as they both replace the Hitchhiker/mobile lab? Could I just delete the configs for those parts from this/that mod?
  9. AFAIK most part mods (and stock parts) are better balanced with a 2.5x rescale of the planetary system.
  10. As a user of the original DIRECT, I'm having high hopes for this one! Will there be a similar revamp of HabTech also?
  11. Two questions: will the update be for 1.3.1 or 1.4.0/1 and will it be released by the end of the month?
  12. Yea, that's also the case for BDB; 2.5x systems are better balanced part-wise.
  13. 3.125m nose cone - Good idea, could make Delta Heavy-like rockets (3 cores). Also, while you're at it make a 3.75m nosecone for Saturn Sarnus Multibody 3.125m stack decoupler - Check Improved 3.125m fairing base - Check 2.5m long upper stage fuel tank - Check First stage engine mount - Good idea to have a one-part-multiple-types mount like the NFLV ones Interstage for connecting Centaur that could also be used for Saturn C1 - Maybe a single part that's switchable from 3.125->1.875 or 2.5->1.875?
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