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  1. the previous update i had. let me check quick, the file name is just "To Boldly Go-0.3" New version that still has the issue is the one you just put out today. I think it has to do with one specific world possibly since that's the one that seems to break it. gotta check that now. Edit: "Sane Ib" is the current cause of the issue in this galaxy. Going to generate i new galaxy now to check if its the same planet. But the issue I'm sure of is in almost every Galaxy. *Edit: "Rasputin Ia" is the new glitch in the new galaxy. Its not just something to do with the singular procedural planet. Double checked both. I can try and put it on video if you would like.
  2. Well there is another bug. It completely breaks the map view in flight and on the tracking station. the planets also jitter extremely. and disappear after a few seconds. Basically if you click on an interstellar planet you see it for a split second then your camera will get stuck inside it. From there even heading back to kerbin you ll be stuck inside the planet and it will just be stars and the surrounding moons / planets / etc. and its the same with every single body in the system. It was in the previous update but is also in the new update that just came out that. More Pictures. This is really game breaking, and that probe around the moon was annoying as hell to get without a map view. and without cheats For reference i only have TweakScale and HyperEdit installed along side with ModuleManager.2.8.1. It doesn't crash or anything so I don't know if i can get you guys a log. Tho id be happy to try and explain how it happens in more detail if you need. .-. Edit: Btw dimmer stars are fine by me as long as i can see the planet I'm landing on lol. And without the dots on the map view it makes it a lot less cluttered in my opinion.
  3. I'm Sure you guys are aware by now but yea. There are rave parties. Huge rave parties. Here's some pictures. Hope You guys crack down on this bug quick. I love interstellar exploration. This bug is really annoying to play with.
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