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Everything posted by M.M.I

  1. Verify your files if updated through Steam. After the update - Steam was not able to verify six files (for me), which were re-downloaded.
  2. Just noticed that on Eve picture there is wiring between the solar panel aparratus and the one behind it! And it does not seem to be a single item. If that is the level of visuals in connecting items on surface, I am really really impressed.
  3. Maybe adding extra solar panels, and such will also be a stock thing. Maybe fixing all parts when they got broken will be a thing. Perhaps not in this DLC, but in some subsequent one.
  4. If the mission builder could be used to create contracts for the career play... One can only wish for...
  5. Just wondering that, as weather science experiments are becoming a thing (in DLC), are we then getting some weather that will affect launches and flying planes? And if we are getting weather, are we getting stock clouds on planets (which have atmosphere)?
  6. Thank you DEVs! Now my scientists will have their own distinctive uniform style! I can remove KIS, KAS and SEP mods from current early career (1.7) by knowing that, features I am interested in, are coming into stock, when I am further in career. New places to see, new places to go! I am happy to spend 15€ for this DLC. Hoping for Simple stock radiation science experiment like thermometer is. Some stock parts for planetary stations. Some sort of stock (simplified TAC/S.N.A.C.K/Kerbalism/USI) life support, as the surface experiments will take time, so will the kerbals need pass that time. Otherwise, there will be no point for just sending robotic rovers and landers (dV-wise those are otherwise the same). Hit points for kerbals (pun is intentional) to measure all those near misses. Some experiments (retrieved rocks, soil and such) need to be transported back to Science station or Kerbin for science. Max. re-entry heat setting raised from current 120% -> 150% (I want things to be hotter, as it is not hot enough, the default should remain at 100%) Stock visualization of exact location for planetary experiments (in the Tracking Sation) where the experiments were taken, without the need for planting a flag. Less science points per biome, but more biomes on planetary objects (including asteroids). Less science per experiment, but more experiments. Stock settings option for some experiments to need to be done more than once, and need to return those into Kerbin/science station (I just hate the current ratio in career mode in for e.g. Mystery Goo and Science Junior). Replace all the special KSC and (other launch site) biomes (those are annoying workload in career mode) with common biome ones, but new surface experiments will work also only for Kerbin without the DLC. Early career game helicopter parts. All above is behind on/off switches like commNet is - so people can select their own taste of feature soup. Thank you again DEVs (and all the other staff)! If any of the above is hitting the next DLC after this one, I am definately buying it too!
  7. Is this a known feature (no error messages on logs), that on 1.6.1, when installed with Kerbalism (2.1.2) the antenna power use is something different than expected, when no Telemachus parts are required (by config) for telemetry, that it might use the normal antennas bitRates to calculate the required energy, as it is proportional to thousands on bits. Just saying that Kerbalism requires constant use of energy for it's radio control, and topped with telemachus power requirements, cause quite a lot of power consumption. Making the relay arrays to flicker with power depleting on and off, making the connection with DSN go on off constantly. If this is the case I would hope I had started the career play with both Mods installed -> with enough solar panels on unmanned relays and other vessels.
  8. I want to thank you for this mod. Now there is an actual reason to use more than one pilot. Also, as a topping of a cake, there is no need to fast forward for better Duna launch window, as it gets closer naturally. Oh, and also works neatly with TACS and on 1.4.3
  9. It will be a long day at work, before I get to home, and install this awesome mod.
  10. I love this mod. Thank you for it! I have just started using this mod first time ever and in career mode, and part of the fun (for me) is to manually make engineer (Bill) to attach those life support MiniPaks on the side of station with wrench, after retrieving those from storage containers after orbital transition. Bill even accidentally fumbled, one slipped away, and drifted to the horizon... But I couldn't find answers online or the right tools (early in career) to questions: 1) Can a kerbal catch a drifting MiniPak when it is not attached to anything, and return it inventory? 2) Can a kerbal deattach consumed MiniPak from the side of ships hull? 3) Or does it just dissapear when consumed (never seen a consumed one yet). 4) How one replenishes Kerbal's monopropellant?
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