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  1. I just plopped a research module on the mun, I collected some data from experiments, however, none of the items I got actually completed researching. I got a "Not enough data storage to research ___" message, which is strange because I didn't reseach anything before this point. So I check and it says 264/500 storage. The experiments I ran didn't complete because of storage limit but this 264 of storage used seems to have come out of nowhere. I tried transmitting science, which does nothing, the data still shows 264/500. I tried discarding my experiments and collecting them again, but I no longer have the "reseach" option. Only "keep" and "transmit" on each summary. I'd really appreciate anything on clearing this up
  2. I've used ENB for other games and they always end up looking fantastic, just tweak it a bit more and people will come around
  3. I think he means the other clues are going to show up as more planets and features are added. Also, someone did a more detailed decode, and it looks like it shows a beveled square below, and no arrow on the red line, so if there are more clues added in future versions, it's probably pointing beyond Jool
  4. I'm having similar balance issues... the capsule seems really top-heavy and even on a smaller rocket, keeping it on track is really tough. This has cropped up since the 0.17 release
  5. I loaded the craft and added the rocket parts to it. So I definately added the main rcs tanks last. I tried deleting and replacing the lower ones and tried saving it as a seperate craft and reloading it in the VAB but no-go
  6. I've encountered this once or twice and now it's got me nuts. I have my landing craft with it's own RCS tanks on a higher stage, and my main tanks for orientation in space at the lowest stage, but when I activate RCS thrusters, it uses the smaller tanks on my higher stage lander first THEN go to my main tanks, leaving me without thrusters when I arrive. I checked the placement of tanks and such on the stages and they seem to be in the right spot... am I missing something?
  7. They did say there's an anomoly coming from several km below the surface... there has to be a door that opens at the right trigger, and that "L" shape in the pic looks like beveled square that could represent a doorway Of course that's assuming the orange circle with the polar caps on the level of the pyramid means that the figures are standing ON Duna and next to the one that is giving the signal.
  8. So far, everybody seems to assume the red beam is being emitted towards the top of the picture by the pyramid... but doesn't it rather look like an arrow pointing down at the pyramid? I noticed the lower right circle has polar caps, so it could be Duna. If there is a pyramid on Ike, is Duna ever in that position just below the horizon looking towards the sun when those planets are aligned? I'm too lazy to check at the moment OR: stand next to the pyramid when the inner planets align with duma at sunset/rise?
  9. You get there manually just like you do with any in the planetary system. Wait until the planet's position is just under Kerbin's horizon and hit the throttle until it finds an intercept trajectory. Got my probe there without any transfer utility and I really suck at math and eyeball most everything.
  10. Sounds like a nice place to set up a research base and look into teleportation technology... I'm sure nothing horrific would come of it, but might need to station some kerbal space marines... just in case.
  11. Ha, I getcha, But that'd take away some of the fun in my opinion... I'm in the process of trying to land a big kethane mobile refinery and drill platform with detachable dropship frame into an atmosphere, and heat penalties would sort of put a kaibash on that. Other people are landing large vessels on othe planets too, llike that eagle starship modle, so I dunno. Heat does play a big factor on one planet though but that's an ambient thing.
  12. I swear I saw that thing zip by! Then a while later my craft crapped out on me... could that be... the eye of the kracken?
  13. That seems to have done the trick so far, thanks!
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