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Everything posted by LightBender

  1. Awesome thanks, its gonna be greeeeeaaaattttt!!! (Im going to do a entire career mode for it.)
  2. is anyone else experiencing problems with the Saturn V parts for some reason offsetting into each other when you launch it?
  3. Ja...Guess I'm making my *Counts in head* 789th Saturn v replica today for this challenge. *sigh*
  4. Wait it is? Every time I've downloaded it it was still limited to 8. Also I know the keyboard shortcuts. I'm just gonna wait till a confirmed updated version of this mod is out.
  5. I don't have any recording software. The problem is that the mods messes up the visual bit about the symmetry tool and that it disables a minimum symmetry count ex. Stock it is at 8.
  6. Im saying that i was able to place all those solar panels in one click. It just about removed the limiter.
  7. Here is a sorta example... https://imgur.com/dXYpt53 It was with 1 part placement showing its on symmetry 1.
  8. Kill some grenner's?...BDarmory here I come! And just telling them what happens if you get the 1.3.1 version of the mod plus this is the Forum so shouldn't people be posting any problems they have with it on its own forum site?
  9. Please update to 1.4.1 the mod causes all docking ports to become nonexistent.
  10. Uh could you send me that KOS code?(and craft file) And what is the payload cap and did it land back at the Launchpad?
  11. Yeah but armor in general should be banned since it should be the plane itself not the armor thats protecting it.
  12. Yeah I just feel its a good bit overpowered. maybe if he remade it with wing surfaces it would work.
  13. I feel like it should be because the only target are the wings no cockpit no fuselage just the wings guns are USELESS against that armor.
  14. Oh the shark is still in the lead dang. Wait why its it banned due to the armor?
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