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Cheif Operations Director

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Everything posted by Cheif Operations Director

  1. Something like this (excuse the bad sketch) the purple is your run of the mill plasma thruster, the it pushes the ionized fuel (purple) into the combustion chamber where a small amount of LOX is added for combustion.
  2. The original ET was white, but I think you are right, still I think orange paint is lighter than white paint.
  3. Right, because you can always just use an airport, that being said it would still be work and be somewhat safe.
  4. True, I also like those stripes, plus orange paint is lighter that white paint I think so they get rocket performance out of it as well, I think.
  5. Right, could be planes as well with orbital satellite launchers attached but I think those are going out of favor if I remember correctly.
  6. Right I was referring to orbital stuff @Ultimate Steve should have been more clear sorry
  7. The space port is only good for wing based vehicles given its location
  8. Kernels have small micro-organism’s in them that recycle materials for consumption, sort of parasites. They also indeed use chloroplast. To take energy from the sun. When the get out of the sun they begin to loose their will to move around and go into a very efficient hibernation that can last for hundreds of thousands of years, They still have a a small sub brain though that can activate when it desires to, however it takes a few minutes to load, I mean re-activate. *kerbals
  9. Out of curiosity, why not make a chemical rocket that takes a neutrally charged atom and ionizes it (normal plasma thrust based off of this (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ionization_energy) take that negatively charged ion and confine it to a few atoms thick of a stream via magnets (pretty much the inverse of the magnetic nozzle mentioned in the below thread) and then inject a positively charged fuel for a super heated chemical reaction in addition to the plasma thrust? You could even use the fuel to (ever so slightly) cool down the systems while the rocket is operating to prevent suddenly unplanned disassemblies. basically inverse that nozzle right here https://images.search.yahoo.com/images/view;_ylt=AwrJ7JYjS1Ndo94ASgDBGOd_;_ylu=X3oDMTByMjB0aG5zBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzYw--?p=vasmir&back=https%3A%2F%2Fsearch.yahoo.com%2Fsearch%3Fp%3Dvasmir%26ei%3DUTF-8&no=1&fr=ipad&h=538&w=800&imgurl=www.adastrarocket.com%2Fimages%2Fvasimr.jpg&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.adastrarocket.com%2Faarc%2FVASIMR&size=167KB&name=Our+Engine+|+Ad+Astra+Rocket&oid=OIP.GsYVg3OCb0XTl3otHHh1gQHaE-&tt=Our+Engine+|+Ad+Astra+Rocket&sigr=118flh152&sigi=1176d8m4i&sigb=11hraf1qq&sign=10skd8o6n&sigt=10skd8o6n Use the magnet to get the plasma into a small beam accelerating it due to the pressure even more. Then inject the positive ions, let’s call it LOX for now. (let’s suppose you ionize hydrogen or helium) Then expand the nozzle into a combo between a chemical and magnetic nozzle. Perhaps double layered, one to take the brunt of the heat (perhaps ablative due to the high heat) and then the magnetic one to keep non-reacted ions from reacting with the ablative rocket nozzle. I should clarify that I know temperature’s will get very high and that is a problem, I also do not know a ton about plasma engines, I was just looking into them a bit. I was reading this page ( https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plasma_propulsion_engine ) and thought that perhaps if you reduced the amount of required ions you may be able to reduce the electricity needed and thus with the chemical addition be able to get a better TWR Inspired by this thread
  10. What mod? —— Moving to a new thread since it is kind of off topic
  11. I only thought about it because I found nothing online about getting python to work for robotics/my rocket. I know it will not work, but I think I may be able to get some success with my current code I just need to replace my print’s to interface with a pin in a computer to turn a servo etc etc, My thought was hook up the code for servos and hardware and run the c++ file with that code hike the actual guidance system is in python I mean it is called ++. Not just + but ++ waiting for C+++
  12. Could’nt we just scramble the radio signals by sending out junk on as many frequencies as possible? Then just let it up when we need too
  13. two things @SQUAD Hire this man. Two everything here looks great but the staging look needs a bit more. Perhaps if it slightly clearer. and seems less stretched out. Perhaps a number with the delta-v adjusted for the current altitude as well, but that is just an idea
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