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  • Location
    Omaha, NE, USA
  • Interests
    Drawing, General Gaming, YouTube.

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  1. "Your content will need to be approved by a moderator"

    Really? It's on my own account.

    1. Vanamonde


      But visible to others and thus requiring our approval until we're sure you're not a spambot. 

    2. TheMiningTeamYT


      Interesting. I'm just slightly used to Reddit where subreddits have moderators to get rid of posts, but not to be seen in the first place. 

    3. Dman979


      Since this is a smaller community than Reddit, we moderators can handle approving posts in a relatively timely manner. Once you've got some posts approved outside The Lounge or Forum Games, you won't need moderator approval.

      Oh, and BTW, status updates (like this) don't count in the forum software.

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