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Everything posted by Frostiken

  1. Great mod, simple, easy, perfect. Only issue: the stock toolbar is for plebs. Glorious patrician master race needs Blizzy integration!
  2. Huh. So I installed the mod and my first experience was Jeb getting a lethal blast of radiation on the launchpad. Also, I appear to have no parts. In fact I don't even see them in the raw Kerbalism gamedata files. Never mind, CKAN downloaded an obsolete config file.
  3. So basically the real problem is that you wrote a super badass debugging system for Tweakscale that catches how broken everything else is instead of us just ignoring it and hoping it all works
  4. Thanks again. USI is a huge pain in the ass right now, honestly. I'm shuffling around different versions from their Git and everything just randomly goes wrong. It's like... "How come nothing can just work?" Like, one version, Tweakscale began complaining about sanity checks on Firespitter parts... but I never overwrote anything on Firespitter. It just does this out of the blue. TBH I don't even really "need" TweakScale, but for some reason it's a dependency for KSPIE.
  5. So I'm working on fixing my installations with more up to date versions, and for USI I kept coming across that MKS.LightGlobe. I was advised that it was fixed in a github release, but when I run that one, I get a "missing DLLs" error. [LOG 18:28:18.003] [TweakScale] ERROR: System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'KSPe.IO.Hierarchy`1' threw an exception. ---> System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Exception of type 'System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException' was thrown. https://www.dropbox.com/s/11o6itaczxnzpp4/KSP.log?dl=0 Should I get further into the weeds about the order of events that causes this? I installed everything from CKAN for USI and didn't get these errors, but it's pretty out of date, so you need the Github versions. When I replaced ONLY the MKS via overwrite, suddenly then it pops that error as a show-stopper. This is PROBABLY some error in the Git but it's such an oddball error that it's asking for 'missing DLLs', it's weird to me.
  6. I thought Constellation was supposed to be the most up-to-date. What the hell is happening, could this be any more confusing? Installing your 'extra goodies' version immediately destroys the game via TweakScale 'missing .dlls' for something called 'KSPe.IO.Hierarchy`1'
  7. Thanks for the response and the lesson on how KSP works, though I'm not sure I totally understood it all! You are correct that I'm going through making a managed upgrade to 1.12.x right now and isolating stuff that is and isn't working anymore. One issue is that CKAN certainly lets you lock out mods that are not explicitly marked compatible, but the vast majority of mods marked for old versions really will work just fine so it's safe to use them. I did come back to this thread to remark that I had found that the Breaking Ground and Making History configs did seem to isolate it, before you popped back in here to comment that as well. The nice thing about support for KSP ending is that hopefully final versions of mods can be pushed and polished and then be left alone for the future.
  8. Tweakscale is throwing a SUBSTANTIAL excrementsfit about Insterstellar. https://www.dropbox.com/s/3a6hhzb2al1t0bc/KSP.log?dl=0 Which is weird because Tweakscale is literally a requirement for KSPIE.
  9. Can't wait. I know a lot of people are bummed about KSP support ending but the nice thing will be the ability to "solidify" all mods into an "end state". The saddest thing about KSP has been how many great mods have fallen into disrepair because of abandonment over the many long years. Your four planet mods (I think, four?) are easily the best of all but have lots of little problems due to changes in Kopernicus as well as updates and age. Thanks for all you do!
  10. Unfortunately Kerbalism is fully incompatible with several mods I consider to be superior and not worth the tradeoff.
  11. So, ignore the area radshield... I do feel kind of "cheating" when I dump structural tubes to load up on radshielding. It'd feel nicer to have a dedicated part for that. Really this is minor though. But on the topic of this, the K&K Planetary Base System has a few items that could use radshielding... I don't have them fully unlocked, but so far I've seen the MKSWorkshop and OSE_workshop can hold 2 and 3 crew respectively and have no radshielding. They're located under GameData\PlanetaryBaseInc\ModSupport\Parts.
  12. I really like this mod, but I wish it had a very expensive, heavy, high-level, power-obliterating part to generate a local magnetosphere, maybe even for everything in a radius, so you can plop one on an outpost and operate vehicles that are otherwise unshielded with vastly reduced radiation.
  13. That's hardly helps when this mod has no function for ratio balancing. I was playing with it yesterday trying to get the Methane/Oxidizer right. The engines say it's a 1:3 ratio, but when it comes time to plug those numbers in, it's complicated as all hell trying to get the tanks the correct size so that there isn't any waste because of differences in fuel densities. I have to calculate the density, then calculate the volume, to build the tanks, to then fill them. This is math. I'm doing this on a computer. Computers literally operate wholly and entirely on math. In what world is this fundamental, basic feature just missing? This is a very powerful mod that is both lacking any semblance of up-to-date and useful documentation and user-friendly obvious design. I can't even figure out how to get the "presents" dropdowns to do anything at all. I have no idea if this is a bug or this is just more related to the Byzantine design. This mod feels half-baked. The primary use of this mod appears to be if you wanted to fill a tank with a bunch of 'cargo' resources and dump them on a station for free use. But 99% of the time, you are using a fuel tank to fuel an engine, and it's baffling that literally the single most important thing you need a fuel tank is so hard to use.
  14. Can I ask why the 'old' lights are still part of the mod? The 'aviation light' is fully configurable, and I don't understand what use there is for the older, deprecated lights anymore. Honestly the only feature that seems to be missing from the mod at this point would be manual configuration of the blinking - how many blinks it makes, how fast, how long the delay between blinks is, etc.
  15. Am I missing something about this mod? How do I get the ratios right aside from pointless trial and error with the values? What good is this when it can't calculate automatically? Anyone know of something better?
  16. New version has been causing problems for me. Doesn't integrate with Mechjeb for the circularizing burn, and when it's supposed to be doing that, it causes a lot of game lag, freezes my warp, etc. Need to save and reload to unbreak it every time.
  17. 95% of my modlist is low-impact plugins like KAC. In terms of actual part mods, I don't even have B9 or Warpdrive. It's Near Future, USI, Cryo, Restock, and Atomics. Perhaps the biggest impact would be BeyondHome, but the mod author there even says you should be able to run it fine with only 6GB of *system* RAM. I'm running here with 32GB. There should be no such thing as 'not enough RAM' with that much RAM. Why in the hell is the game storing every single texture completely uncompressed in RAM?
  18. This was straight from the main menu, not even loaded into a game yet. Loaded into game and it's up to 34GB. Literally no game on the planet uses this much RAM. I have other Unity engine games that are enormously modded with tens of gigs of mods, and they don't do this.
  19. Bruh, I have a decent number of mods, but it's not psychotic. What in the hell is this? This is like twice the size of my entire KSP folder itself.
  20. How the hell did you get all those mods working? Even with 32GB of RAM this pack blows up my RAM usage and it would crash.
  21. This is 100% caused by the 'Procedural Fairings for Everything' mod.
  22. Hey Nertea I'm having a minor issue with the Oscar-B. https://drive.google.com/file/d/191WPpJ1-Y6KlhPu7fnDDCyNhXq_zoWlI/view?usp=sharing Namely, the patch doesn't seem to affect anything in-game. I still have the default level of fuel. Can you check my log real quick to see if anything odd is happening? I can clearly see the patch being applied on line 47887 [LOG 19:51:53.030] Applying update ReStockPlus/Patches/FuelTanks/restock-oscar-b-volume-fix/@PART[miniFuelTank]:AFTER[ReStock] to Squad/Parts/FuelTank/fuelTankOscarB/fuelTankOscarB.cfg/PART[miniFuelTank] I have some weird fuel switch plugin I can't locate that I think might be causing the problem? I think it's AT_Utils that puts in some weird fuel switch system...
  23. I'll admit I'm highly confused by the absence of the 1.875m fairing, but the presence of the 1.5m ones, which were apparently made specifically to support exactly only one third-party mod? Ah well, the rest is ultra-great, but I swear I remember the 1.875m fairing being teased like, two years ago. That may literally be the *only* part that's "missing" from this pack.
  24. So I have a stupid problem. Whenever I launch a craft, my Mechjeb windows are mostly closed. Vessel info stays open, but Orbital and Surface windows close themselves. I have to manually open them every single time. I even opened the config file outside the game and made sure to save it with "showInFlight = True" set, and it still doesn't make a damn difference.
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