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  1. Thank you HabaruSan, your remark that it was mono generating those errors actually helped me resolve it. I was not aware but I did have an automatic proxy configuration active. I disabled it and it works now. Many thanks.
  2. Hello, KSP newbie here. Successfully installed CKAN on my macOS Sierra today (KSP 1.3.1 via Steam), but cannot update or download mods (I do see all the mods though in the catalog). I get an error about "ProxyNameResolutonFailure", see below link. Searched the github issues, generally googled, and searched this thread, without result. Are there any recommendations you could offer? Thanks in advance for this wonderful plugin and for any answers. https://www.dropbox.com/s/mm1ylikhnzubflb/ksp.png?dl=0
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