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Everything posted by ricgecomet

  1. How to open docking ports? Its says hatch status: closed and no button to open it.
  2. Eg. Nyle runway: http://imgur.com/YEzHoZE And Round range: http://imgur.com/uNz3dYg Can someone tell me how to fix this? Thanks! Ps: sry for the url img, this is my 1st time to post with photos.
  3. Thanks for ur reply! Its true smart A.S.S minor function of mechjeb, but knows some minor function its bad. And yeah I am new in the game played about 48 hours in game, and more i play more i like this game, bring me understanding cosmic stuff. Ps: With many trial error I got some clue about what button do what. But I still not understand with kill root (thanks to @Capt. Hunt) surf tab and adv tab...
  4. Hi i am new in ksp and try to use mechjeb 2, but i got confused without manual. And its seem wiki mechjeb manual cant be accessed. Can someone give tutorial? Especially smart A.S.S svel,hvel,kill rot, etc thing. Thanks.
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