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Everything posted by Annastasya

  1. I'm also seeing an issue with KSP The loading bar will not go past "Loading part upgrades" and the log shows an error regarding a NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object GameDatabase.CleanupLoaders... I have seen it stated that this is often caused by a DLL assembly missing information that KSP now checks for in 1.12+, most notibly something in regard to "file version" info not being found within the DLL which causes KSP to spin its wheels. With this mod and ModManager only loaded, the issue shows up. Without this mod the issue vanishes.
  2. Just updated to and on load I am seeing an error stating the EVA Fuel files are installed incorrectly, though I didn't move them from their default locations. The log does show the DLL's loaded though so maybe its an issue with KSP AVC? (Which I think is still done by you.) Below is a crop of the error window:
  3. I did also post a comment on GitHub - Mk4 System Patch (duplicate) #58. I didn't want to start a new issue since it is already partially addressed. Even after your changes to MarkIVSystem_TweakScale.cfg I am still seeing 3 Fatal errors reported by TS from the Shoulder parts listed at the bottom of the file. (mk4cockpit-shoulder-1, mk4cockpit-shoulder-2, mk4cockpit-shoulder-3) Following your edit on GitHub I changed line 241 to: This change removed the 3 fatal errors that I was seeing. I hope this helps make bug smushing easier!
  4. First off let me say thank you @Lisias for taking things over and all of your dedication to upgrade TS as well as assist with fixing other Mod's patches that aren't following the most up-to-date rule set for MM and TS. * * * EDIT: MK2SE Has updated and fixed the issue by making their patch play by the rules. Please feel free to ignore the following ramble unless you just need a good laugh at a newb! * * * For some reason CKAN didn't actually download the new update when I told it to. And yes, I am one of those people! Yesterday I spent a depressingly long amount of time updating mods. (My mod count is roughly twice "way too many" so please know that I have no intentions on dropping error logs at your doorstep!) Once KSP finally loaded up, (it takes quite a while sadly...) I almost fell out of my chair when TS warned me of 60+ "Fatal" errors! All of which appear to be the #34 issue and all but 1 of which are from MK3 Stockalike Expansion, the 1 other is from MK2 Stockalike Expansion. I've read through the 23 pages of this forum for TS and I think I understand a good chunk of it but I'm not entirely sure how to completely fix the issues I am seeing. (For now I have removed the MK3SE though it saddens me.) From what I've seen here it looks like two issues, 1) Those mods have there own version of TS they call for. This problem is negated however since I trim out outdated included sub-mods. Personally I also think it is bad form to include someone else's mod work with your own unless expressly permitted by the other mod creator and only when absolutely necessary, which in this case doesn't seem to be the case in regard to the necessity. and 2) The issue seems to be from both TS and the other mods attempting to apply TS to the problematic parts. That being said it appears there may be a few solutions I can implement on my part...if I can figure out the best way to do it without summoning the Kraken. I was able to track down the mods and the actual parts causing the issue but I'm not quite sure of the correct implementation to resolve it. For example in MK2SE the offending part is "MX2_Endcap" (or "MX2.Endcap" as reported in the log, which I read earlier here that MM changes "_" to "." for some reason or another.) The config file for TS in MK2SE for that part is as follows: From what I have read here it seems there could be a few ways for me to tackle it such as removing this section from the M2XTweakscale.cfg file and letting TS do what it needs without interference, maybe changing ":NEEDS" to ":FOR" or maybe making a change and putting it with TS's patches itself. I don't really know if any of these will work and if they do, which is the better route to go. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
  5. First off, thank you for your hard work on this great mod! I wanted to let you know that ModManager is finding two errors in the patch file for SinkEMAll. The file is "SinkEMAll_IntakeVersion.cfg". It appears to be simple syntax errors, maybe version change related. I couldn't find a github or similar file place to try and update the file for you so I'll list the corrections below. These changes alleviate the errors in MM so it can do as intended. Line 13 is: "@PART[*]:HAS[@RESOURCE[MonoPropellant]]:[!RESOURCE[CompressedLiquids]]:Final" Line 13 Should be: "@PART[*]:HAS[@RESOURCE[MonoPropellant],!RESOURCE[CompressedLiquids]]:Final" Line 24is: "@PART[*]:HAS[@RESOURCE[XenonGas]]:[!RESOURCE[CompressedLiquids]]:Final" Line 24 Should be: "@PART[*]:HAS[@RESOURCE[XenonGas],!RESOURCE[CompressedLiquids]]:Final"
  6. I have found the exact same issues. The SETI Probe Parts mod's "Alkaline Fuel Cell Mini" doesn't actually generate any energy or consume resources no matter how you toggle the fuel cells. As an alternative though if you use the Universal Storage mod's "Alkaline Fuel Cell" it does work correctly and seems to only consume resources for fueling based on load rather than a constant output. They are larger though so for small craft they can feel rather bulky.
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